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BSF Study Questions People of the Promised Land 1: Lesson 13, Day 3: 1 Samuel 22 and Psalm 52


Image result for 1 samuel 22

Summary 1 Samuel 22:

David escaped Gath and went to a cave of Adullam. All the misfits of the world heard of his plight and how he was there, so they all gathered around him — about 400 in total.

Then David went to Mizpah in Moab and asked the king if his father and mother could come and stay with him until he know what God would do with him, which the king agreed. However, the prophet Gad told David to go to Judah, so David went to the forest of Hereth.

Saul learns of David’s whereabouts and takes officials to the tree of Gibeah. He rants about how everyone has conspired against him — even his own son (Jonathan) made a covenant with David. It’s a pity party to say the least.

Image result for 1 samuel 22Doeg the Edomite (1 Samuel 21:7) tattles that he saw David go to Ahimelech the priest at Nob who gave David provisions and Goliath’s sword. Saul sends for the priest and his family and asks him why he conspired against him. Ahimelech said he merely did what he was asked, knowing nothing of the inner workings of politics between them. David is a loyal servant to the king. Why wouldn’t he inquire of the Lord for him?

Saul orders the priests killed because, in his mind, they conspired against him as well. The officials refused, but Doeg agreed to do it. 85 priests were killed and Nob was destroyed — all who lived inside it.

One priest escaped named Abiathar. He fled to David and told him what happened. David felt responsible for the deaths and promised to protect Abiathar.

Summary Psalm 52:

Written about Doeg, David is angry, but knows God is just and will deal with Doeg. He knows Doeg is a disgrace and evil, God will bring him down, and the righteous will know God is not his stronghold. David trusts in God’s unfailing love, praising Him and hoping in Him.

BSF Study Questions People of the Promised Land 1: Lesson 13, Day 3: 1 Samuel 22 and Psalm 52:

6) Part personal question. My answer: Saul is a madman. Saul is throwing a pity party and, blinded by his own pride, kills innocent people. When Saul finds out the truth about the priest, he still accuses him of wrong doing and acts on this knowledge — killing them. How often do we do this as well? Throw a pity party, twist things in our minds — what others do or say — and then don’t believe the truth and still hold grudges against others? It’s definitely a warning to us to not get so caught up in ourselves and our conceived hurts and injustices, to find out the truth, and to act on the truth — not distort the truth.

7) Part personal question. My answer: David is sympathetic to the priests and blames himself for their deaths. He knew Doeg was evil and would tell Saul about him, but he did nothing (he probably thinks he should have killed Doeg — a sin of itself — to spare the priests). He also knows he lied to the priests, which made them vulnerable when Saul shows up, and they have no idea that Saul hates David and wants him dead.

David takes responsibility for the deaths of the priests. He knows his actions indirectly resulted in their deaths. He offers to protect the one remaining priest. Taking responsibility here for your role in how life plays out is the lesson I see here. So often we dismiss how our actions influenced others or caused this or that friction between others and deny it’s our fault. We need to be more like David — compassionate and willing to admit when we caused something as well as take into account how the lies we tell affects others.

8 ) Part personal Question. My answer: David understands that God will deal with evil and those who are good, God will bless. My views are the same. God is the judge not me, and evil He allows for His own purposes, and I trust God will deal with it. I also know if you obey the Lord, He will bless you, and you will flourish.

Conclusions: BSF Study Questions People of the Promised Land 1 Lesson 13, Day 3: 1 Samuel 22 and Psalm 52:

What a fascinating look into the mind of a madman and how people will twist whatever they hear to suit their needs. Saul is throwing a pity party and, blinded by his own pride, kills innocent people. It’s scary because we all do this on some level, especially when we read into situations or don’t have all the information. But here, when Saul finds out the truth about the priest, he still accuses him of wrong doing. How often do we do this as well? Don’t believe the truth and then still hold grudges against others?

The second lesson we see is how our lies affect others — even white lies. We never know how it plays out. It’s always best to tell the truth no matter the consequences than tell a lie and watch the consequences explode.

Great analysis of David and Saul here and great contrast. You gotta love the writer here who perfectly juxtaposes these stories for us so we can see how to act and how not to act. God is good!

End Notes BSF Study Questions People of the Promised Land 1 Lesson 13, Day 3: 1 Samuel 22 and Psalm 52:

Commentary 1 Samuel 22:

What a whirlwind of a life David has led! David rose to fame killing a Giant, married the king’s daughter, defeated the Philistines, avoided repeated attempts on his life, and said goodbye to his best friend, Jonathan, and his family and began a life as a fugitive for who knows how long. Then David had a brief, but intense period of backsliding, a dramatic turn to the Lord, and deliverance from a life-threatening situation.

What was the cave of Adullam?

  • Adullam means refuge
  • The cave became David’s physical refuge
  • God was David’s spiritual refuge

Most archaeologists believe that the cave of Adullam was not too far from the place where David defeated Goliath, in the hills of Judah.

Psalm 142 is David’s discouragement in the cave of Adullam. Psalm 57 describes David as the Lord strengthened him in the cave and prepared him for what was next.

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Who were the people in the cave of Adullam?

  • First, David’s family came to him. This is a precious gift from God because previously all David had was trouble and persecution from his father and his brothers (1 Samuel 16:11 and 1 Samuel 17:28). Now they join him at the Adullam cave.
  • God called an unlikely and unique group to David in the Adullam cave. These were not the men David would choose for himself, but they were the ones God called to him. They were distressed, in debt, and discontented with life.

These are the people you want around you: those who come to you when you are in distress — not when life is going great. These men all came to David when he was down and out, hunted and despised. Once David came to the throne, there were a lot of people who wanted to be around him. But it’s the 400 men in the cave who are the loyal ones.

These are the people who come to Jesus — the forlorn, the distressed, the ones seeking something more from life.

This was not a mob. This was a team that needed a leader, and David became that leader. God doesn’t work through mobs. He works through called men and women.

This was a solid beginning to a rebel army if David wanted it. An unprincipled leader might make these 400 men into a gang of rebels or cutthroats, but David did not allow this to become a rebel army against King Saul.

David made them into the kind of men described in 1 Chronicles 12:8: Mighty men of valor, men trained for battle, who could handle the shield and spear, whose faces were like the faces of lions, and were as swift as gazelles on the mountains.

What do we learn from the men called at the cave of Adullam?

  • David was the one anointed by God to be the next king over Israel, and he became Israel’s greatest earthly king. But just as much as God called David, God called these four hundred to come beside David.
  • God leads through a called and anointed man (Noah and the ark, Moses and Egypt).
  • God rarely calls that man to work alone. David needed these 400 men, even if he never thought so before. There are those called to lead and those called to support the leader. Each is just as important as the other.

David took his parents to Moab because his great-grandmother Ruth was a Moabite (Ruth 4:18-221:4). He wanted his parents to be safe in whatever battles he may face in the future, and he feared Saul might retaliate against him and kill his parents.

David doesn’t know the whole story. He knew he was called and anointed to be the next king of Israel, but he had no idea how God would get him there. David had to trust and obey when he didn’t know what God would do.

Gad counseled David to leave his own stronghold and to go back to the very stronghold of Saul. This probably wasn’t what David really wanted to hear, but he obeyed anyway. David had to learn to trust God in the midst of danger, not on the other side of danger.

Saul enters the picture

When we see Saul with a spear, we know he’s out to kill. He calls David “the son of Jesse”, refusing to acknowledge his achievements.

In his fleshly, self-focused world, everything revolved around Saul. He became paranoid and whiny, and he led through guilt and accusation. He lied about Jonathan, and thus constructed elaborate lies and conspiracies in his own head against him.

Image result for psalm 52

Doeg the Edomite

Here’s an ambitious man out to take full advantage of Saul’s paranoia to advance himself. We last saw him in 1 Samuel 21:7 in Nob, at the tabernacle at the same time David came there.

Doeg implicated the priest Ahimelech as David’s accomplice. “Look at all the help Ahimelech gave David. Surely, they are working together against you Saul, and Ahimelech probably knows exactly where David is and where he is going.”

He knew how to divert Saul’s anger and suspicion from himself onto the priests.

Saul continues in his paranoia, thinking everyone is out to get him.

Why even white lies are dangerous

Here we see the effect David’s lies had on Ahimelech (that ultimately resulted in his death).

Ahimelech told the exact truth. When David came to Ahimelech, the priest questioned him carefully (Why are you alone, and no one is with you1 Samuel 21:1). Instead of telling Ahimelech the truth, David lied to him. This put Ahimelech in a very vulnerable position.

Ahimelech was unaware of the hatred Saul has for David, partly due to the lie David told him (1 Samuel 21:2).

Saul has turned to murdering in cold blood. Many scholars think Saul is angry at God for abandoning him and stripping him of his crown and, being unable to carry out his anger on the Lord, strikes out at the innocent such as Ahimelech and his family. This was the worst act Saul will commit.

To their credit, Saul’s servants feared God more than Saul and they refused to murder the priests. Doeg, who was not a Jew but an Edomite, didn’t hesitate to murder the priests and their families.

How did David cause the death of Ahimelech and his family?

  1. David’s mere presence with Ahimelech that made Ahimelech guilty in Saul’s eyes, and there really wasn’t anything David or anyone could do about that.
  2. David’s lying to Ahimelech made the priest vulnerable before Saul.i. David’s lies did not directly kill Ahimelech and the other priests. But at the very least, he kept Ahimelech from dying with greater honor. If Ahimelech knew of the conflict between David and Saul, he could have chosen to stand with David and die with greater honor.ii. We know from both 1 Samuel and the Psalms that David turned his heart back to the LORD and asked forgiveness after his lies to Ahimelech. David was restored, but there was still consequences to come of the lies, and now David sees those consequences.

David could not do anything about the priests who were already murdered. He confessed his guilt in the matter and sought forgiveness from the LORD. Now, all he can do is minister to the need in front of him – Abiathar, the surviving priest.

Commentary Psalm 52:

Though the condemnation of Doeg in this Psalm is strong, we sense it would be stronger in light of the mass-murder he committed. Yet this is David’s contemplation upon the incident, a careful examination of the root and end of Doeg’s evil.

Doeg took pride in his lies and murder.

“The thought conveyed in this Hebrew word (boast) is not necessarily that of a person strutting around making extravagant claims to others about his or her abilities. Rather it is that of a smug self-sufficiency that does not parade itself openly simply because it is so convinced of its superiority.” (Boice)

Doeg murdered 85 civilians, mostly priests who were not trained for battle – hardly the work of a true mighty man. Like several other commentators, Poole thought this was used in an ironic sense: “O mighty man! he speak ironically. O valiant captain! O glorious action! to kill a few weak and unarmed persons in the king’s presence, and under the protection of his guards! Surely thy name will be famous to all ages for such heroical courage.” (Poole)

Leaf from Psalter: Psalm 52, Initial D with Seated Apostle
Psalm 52 from manuscript from 1270 in Flanders

Spurgeon puts this more succinctly:  “A mighty man indeed to kill men who never touched a sword! He ought to have been ashamed of his cowardice.”

David earnestly believed that Doeg’s way would fail. God’s goodness would outlast his evil. It’s true that Doeg was a mighty man, but that was nothing compared to God and His never-ending goodness.

When David wrote the goodness of God, he used the word El to refer to deity instead of the more common Elohim. Some commentators believe the use of El emphasizes the strength and might of God.

David mentions the destruction and deaths that came from what Doeg reported (1 Samuel 22:18-19).

Some people love evil, and some people love to lie. Doeg fulfilled both aspects. He loved the destruction his devouring words brought.

Boice believes Doeg was just as calculating as evil as there is reason to believe there was a gap in time between David visiting the tabernacle at Nob and Doeg’s report to King Saul. “He knew he had a piece of valuable information and kept it to himself until it would best serve his interests to divulge it.” How many times do we do this?

Because the goodness of God endures forever (Psalm 52:1), Doeg and his kind would be destroyed forever.

The four images David uses to describe judgment

  1. The wicked will suffer everlasting ruin
  2. The wicked will be snatched up
  3. The wicked will have their tent torn away
  4. The wicked will be uprooted

Out of the land of the living. This phrase is seen elsewhere (Isaiah 53:8; Ezekiel 32:32)

When the coming judgment against Doeg happens, the people of God will notice it, and it will cause them to honor and revere God. It will also make them laugh in satisfaction at the destruction of such an evil man. This is righteous joy — something acceptable. This is not laughing at people because you are better than them.

Note it is the righteous that learn from this; not the evil who don’t care.

What can we learn from Doeg?

  • He fails to trust God and instead trusts riches (often what happens to people when you glean the favors of a king)
  • We often are drawn to evil and lying because we fail to trust God can and will work through goodness and truth. We lie to ourselves, saying that we have to lie, do evil, or deceive because it’s the only way. It’s never the way.

The significance of the olive treeImage result for psalm 52

“The olive is one of the longest-living trees; here the point is doubly reinforced, for he pictures an olive ‘in full sap’ and one that grows in a sacred courtyard.” (Kidner)

Psalm 92:13 may indicate that there were trees at or near the house of God.

“Hope” is also translated “wait”. Our strength is to wait on God and His will. Therein lies our honor.

What does Psalm 52 show us about David’s mindset?

What do we learn from Psalm 52?

  • We can be in the cave, but still have David’s unwavering faith, trust, and peace.
  • Just because men are evil does not mean we lose our faith in God

BSF Study Questions People of the Promised Land 1: Lesson 13, Day 5: 1 Samuel 24 and Psalm 57 and 142


Image result for 1 samuel 24

Summary 1 Samuel 24:

Saul pursued the Philistines then learned David was in the Desert of En Gedi. Saul and 3000 men looked for David near the Crags of Wild Goats. Saul found a cave to use the bathroom in. David and his men were hiding in this cave. At the urging of his men, David cut a piece of cloth off Saul’s robe, but refused to kill him for he was the Lord’s anointed.Image result for 1 samuel 24

Saul left the cave, and David revealed himself, bowing down before Saul. He said he could have killed him but did not. He is guilty of no wrong-doing, and may God be the judge between them. Saul, in tears, admitted David is more righteous than he and asked the Lord to reward him for sparing his life. He knows David will be king, and had DAvid swear not to cut off his descendants. Saul went home; David to his stronghold.

Summary Psalm 57:

David takes refuge in God’s mercy. God fulfills His purpose for him, saves him, and rebukes those who pursue him. God sends His love and faithfulness. David is in the midst of lions, God be exalted. David will praise God. Great is God’s love and faithfulness.

Summary Psalm 142:

David tells God his troubles. God guides him through them. God is David’s refuge from those who pursue him. The righteous (supporters, friends) gather around him because of God’s goodness.

BSF Study Questions People of the Promised Land 1: Lesson 13, Day 5: 1 Samuel 24 and Psalm 57 and 142:

13) David’s men assumed they knew God’s will. They assumed because Saul appeared before them — alone and vulnerable — that God was delivering Saul into David’s hands. We make assumptions all the time — probably more so than in ancient times. We assume what people mean, what people’s actions mean, and what God wants us to do, often not asking first. We do the same thing.

14) David said the Lord forbid him to do anything to his master, the Lord’s anointed, or lift a hand against him. Personal desire in David wanted to kill Saul and finally have his revenge. God’s desire stayed his hand. It is all about God for David and what God wants.

15) Personal Question. My answer: He invites me to do the right thing in every situation. How often do I do it? Unsure. Probably not often. Fighting against your inner desire when you know God’s desire is difficult. Overcoming human emotions is difficult. Every day I pray God wins a little bit more in these situations.

16) Part personal Question. My answer: David’s ultimate prayer is for God to be his refuge and guide him, and for God to rebuke his enemies. Still David praises and exalts the Lord in all his troubles. David is praying in faithfulness that God has it and will handle all his problems. So must we. We need to pray, knowing God has got it, knowing God will take care of all of our worries and heartaches. We still must praise and exalt him for His goodness despite our ignorance of what His will is. He is our refuge, our guiding light, and our hope.

Conclusions: BSF Study Questions People of the Promised Land 1 Lesson 13, Day 5: 1 Samuel 24 and Psalm 57 and 142:

It struck me that Saul does not apologize for his actions. I sense no remorse for chasing David for years or disobeying God. It seems Saul has finally decided David will be king when he dies, so he’s happy to return home and live a kingly life. Very sad.

David’s faith once again shines in all these passages. He knows God will deal with Saul His way. He knows God will rescue him. He knows God is faithful and good. David sings as much. Honoring God despite our hardships has to be forefront. A faithful heart is what God wants first; the rest will follow.

Audio Version of 1 Samuel 24 HERE

End Notes BSF Study Questions People of the Promised Land 1 Lesson 13, Day 5: 1 Samuel 24 and Psalm 57 and 142:

Commentary 1 Samuel 24:

In the previous chapter, God miraculously delivered David by drawing Saul away to fight the Philistines at the moment Saul was ready to capture David. But when Saul was done with the Philistines, he went back to pursuing David.

We often wish that our next victory would be a permanent victory. We wish that the spiritual enemies who pursue us like Saul pursued David would simply give up, and we wouldn’t have to bother with them any more. But even when we have victory and they are sent away, they come back, and will keep coming back until we go to glory with the LORD. That is the only permanent victory we will find.

The Desert of En GediImage result for 1 samuel 24

The En Gedi canyon runs westward from the Dead Sea. One can still see the good-sized creek flowing down the canyon, making En Gedi, with its waterfalls and vegetation seem more like a tropical paradise than the middle of the desert.

One can also see the numerous caves dotting the hills. This was a great place for David and his men to hide out. In the middle of barren desert, scouts could easily detect approaching troops. There was plenty of water and wildlife and many caves and defensive positions.

In the Cave

The sheepfolds: This indicates that this was a large cave, big enough to shelter a flock of sheep. All or most of David’s 600 men could hide in the recesses of the cave.

Saul went in to attend to his needs: Since the Bible is a real book, dealing with real people living real lives, we aren’t surprised to see it describe Saul’s attention to his personal needs. But something as basic and common as this was timed and arranged by God without Saul having any knowledge of God’s timing or arrangement of things.

The fact that Saul went in to attend to his needs also meant that he went into the cave alone. His soldiers and bodyguards were out of the cave waiting for him.

Coincidence Saul chose David’s cave?

  • What are the chances? Saul must attend to his personal needs at the very moment he passes by the very cave where David hides. This was no coincidence but arranged by God to test David, to train David, and display David’s godly heart.

David’s men were excited at the opportunity and believed it was a gift from God. They knew it was no coincidence that Saul came alone into that cave at that moment. They thought this was an opportunity from God to kill Saul.

Apparently, on some previous occasion God promised David, “Behold, I will deliver your enemy into your hand, that you may do to him as it seems good to you.” They believed that this was the fulfillment of the promise and that David needed to seize the promise by faith and by the sword.

We can imagine David listening to this counsel from his men and with his sword creeping quickly towards Saul, covered by the darkness of the cave. David’s men are excited; their lives as fugitives are about to end, and they will soon be installed as friends and associates of the new King of Israel. But as David came close to Saul and put forth his sword he didn’t bring it crashing down on Saul’s neck or thrust it through his back. Instead he secretly cut off a corner of Saul’s robe.

How did David sneak up on Saul unbeknownst?

  • Saul may have laid his robe down in one part of the cave, and attended to his needs in another part, so David did not have to get right next to Saul to cut off a corner of his robe.
  • There was enough noise and commotion from the thousands of men outside of the cave along with their horses that David was simply undetectable.

Why did David spare Saul?

  • David knew God’s promise said, “You will inherit the throne of Israel.”
  • David knew Saul was in the way of that promise.
  • David knew it was disobedient of him to kill Saul because God put Saul in a position of authority
  • David knew it was God’s job to take care of Saul not David’s. David wanted the promise to be fulfilled but he refused to try and fulfill God’s promise through his own disobedience.

Sometimes when we have a promise from God we think we are justified in sinning to pursue that promise. This is always wrong. God will fulfill His promises, but He will do it His way, and do it righteously. Instead, we need to be like Abraham, who obeyed God even when it seemed to be at the expense of God’s promise, willing to sacrifice the son of promise (Genesis 22). Even more, we need to be like Jesus, who didn’t take Satan’s offer to “win back the world” at the expense of obedience (Luke 4:5-8).

What did David know?

  • David knew how to wait on the Lord
  • David knew how to wait for the Lord

“We wait on the Lord by prayer and supplication, looking for the indication of his will; we wait for the Lord by patience and submission, looking for the interposition of his hand.” (Meyer) David was determined that when he sat on the throne of Israel it wouldn’t be because he got Saul out of the way but because God got Saul out of the way. He wanted God’s fingerprints on that work, not his own, and he wanted the clean conscience that comes from knowing it was God’s work.

We also see that David’s heart didn’t store up bitterness and anger towards Saul. Even as Saul made David’s life completely miserable, David kept taking it to the Lord, and he received the cleansing from the hurt, the bitterness, and the anger that the Lord can give. If David stored up bitterness and anger towards Saul, he probably wouldn’t have been able to resist the temptation to kill him at what seemed to be a “risk free” opportunity.

Image result for caveWhy did David feel guilty for cutting Saul’s robe?

  • The robe was a symbol of Saul’s royal authority, and David felt bad – rightly so, according to the heart of God – that he had done anything against Saul’s God appointed authority.
  • In that day, a man looked ridiculous with his clothes cut short. In 2 Samuel 10:4-5, cutting a garment was a deliberate insult that led to war.

David wouldn’t allow his men to kill Saul either, thereby taking the responsibility off his hands directly.

Why did David reveal himself to Saul?

  • David cares for Saul and wants to reconcile with him.

Saul could have killed David when David bowed before him. David believed God would keep him safe as he did right before God.

David covers Saul’s sin and is careful not to blame Saul directly. David shows mercy and kindness to Saul. David will fulfill Proverbs 10:12Love covers all sins, and 1 Peter 4:8Love will cover a multitude of sins.

It is entirely wrong for people to use the idea of touch not the Lord’s anointed to insulate a leader from all evaluation or accountability. We can criticize and confront our pastors when they sin.

What does the tearing of Saul’s robe symbolize?

  • The robe was a picture of Saul’s royal authority, and through this God said, “I am cutting away your royal authority.”

In 1 Samuel 15:27-28 the prophet Samuel rebuked Saul for his hard-hearted disobedience to God. In his distress, Saul tried to keep Samuel from leaving, and grabbed his robe, and a portion of the prophet’s robe tore away. When Saul was left holding the torn piece of Samuel’s robe, Samuel said to him: The LORD has torn the kingdom of Israel from you today, and has given it to a neighbor of yours, who is better than you. Now, when David confronts Saul with the torn robe, Saul must be reminded of this incident, and God’s message to him was loud and clear.

It was God’s business to take Saul’s throne and no one else’s. Jesus established the same principle in Matthew 18:7 when He said, offenses must come, but woe to that man by whom the offense comes! God’s judgment is God’s business. We put ourselves in a bad place when we make ourselves instruments of God’s judgment.

Saul softens

David’s obedience to God and his love to Saul made all the difference in softening Saul’s heart.

Saul wanted the same kind of promise from David that he made to Jonathan in 1 Samuel 20:13-16. In that day, when one royal house replaced another it was common for the new royal house to kill all the potential rulers from the old royal house. Saul knew that one day David and his descendants would rule over Israel, and he wants David to promise that David and his descendants will not kill or mistreat the descendants of Saul. David let Jonathan’s son Mephibosheth live (2 Samuel 9) in part because of his promise to Jonathan and Saul.

David stays away from Saul because he is unconvinced Saul’s heart is changed permanently.

Commentary Psalm 57:

Derek Kidner says of Do not Destroy: “This may well be a tune-indication. Isaiah 65:8, where the phrase is identified as a popular saying (perhaps a snatch of vintage song), and borrowed to become a reassuring word from God. Yet notice also David’s instructions about Saul, ‘Destroy him not’ (1 Samuel 26:9).”

Charles Spurgeon noted, “There are four of these ‘Destroy not’ Psalms, namely, the 57th, 58th, 59th, and 75th. In all them there is a distinct declaration of the destruction of the wicked and the preservation of the righteous.”

This is another Michtam, or Golden Psalm. The cave was probably Adullam cave, mentioned in 1 Samuel 22:1, though the caves of En Gedi (1 Samuel 24:1) are also a possibility. Adullam seems to be the best fit; therefore we can say that Psalm 34 is also associated with this period of David’s life.

David repeats the request of mercy twice. When he fled from Saul into the cave, he had been through several near-death terrors (see Psalm 56). David came to Adullam cave (1 Samuel 22) alone, discouraged, and in continued danger. He needs mercy right now, and God is his only hope.

Using a familiar image of a mother bird shielding her young from danger that we’ve seen before, David expressed his trust and hope in God for defense.

Image result for psalm 57

FUN FACT: This figure of speech is also used in three other Psalms (Psalms 17:836:7, and 63:7). Jesus used this same word picture to show his love and desired care for Jerusalem (Matthew 23:37).

Morgan connected this with Psalm 55:6 (Oh, that I had wings like a dove! I would fly away and be at rest). “There the desire was for the inefficient wings of a dove for flight. Here the sense is of the sufficient wings of God for refuge until calamities are past.” (Morgan)

God as Refuge

“We should notice that David does not call the cave his refuge, though it was a refuge in a certain physical sense. Rather it is God whom he calls his refuge.” (Boice)

David came to the cave alone, and God was his only help. Yet he was confident, knowing as a military man the strategic value of high ground in battle. He looked to help from the Most High who occupied the greatest high ground of all: heaven.

“It is a marvelous thing to consider God is literally willing to perform all things in us, and for us, if only we will let Him. The mischief is that most of us insist on performing all things in the energy of our own resolve, in the strength of our own power.” (Meyer)

Selah: “The Selah at the end of the clause is unusual in the middle of a verse; but it may be intended to underscore, as it were, the impiety of the enemy, and so corresponds with the other Selah in Psalms 57:6, which is also in an unusual place, and points attention to the enemy’s ruin, as this does to his wickedness.” (Maclaren)

Lions in the Bible

There may have been lions prowling around David’s shelter.

Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil walks about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour (1 Peter 5:8)

Spurgeon’s advice for believers who think they are among lions:

  • You have fellowship with Jesus
  • You will be driven closer to God
  • God has them on a leash
  • There is a more powerful Lion — the tribe of Judah

“The fiercest of beasts, the most devouring of elements, and the sharpest of military weapons, are selected to represent the power and fury of David’s enemies and the wretchedness of his present condition.” Horne

What did David know that we often forget?

  • David knew all his problems came from earth; he would glorify God above the earth.

The pit prepared by enemies has instead trapped themselves who dug it.

The Psalm began with David twice appealing for mercy; now David twice expressed his steadfast confidence in God and sang.

The Psaltery [lute] was a stringed instrument, usually with twelve strings, and played with the fingers. The harp or lyre was a stringed instrument, usually consisting of ten strings.

I will praise you, O Lord, among the nations: “These words, or their near-equivalent in Psalm 18:49, are taken with full seriousness in Romans 15:9as a prophecy which had to be fulfilled.” (Kidner)

Lessons from a cave:

  • A cave narrows and darkens the vision of most people, but David’s heart and song exalted the mercy and truth of God even from the darkness.
  • A cave was a long way from the throne of Israel God had promised David. David didn’t wait for his circumstances to change before he praised God. He knew they would change, and he thanks God ahead of time for it.

“The resurrection of Jesus from the grave, foreshadowed in the deliverance of David from the hand of Saul, was a transaction which caused the heavens and all the powers therein, to extol the mercy and truth of God.” (Horne)

Verse 11 repeats verse 5 because of its goodness and for emphasis (“Be exalted, O God”).

Commentary Psalm 142:

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According to James Montgomery Boice, the Hebrew word for Contemplation (maskil) might be better understood as instruction. “He calls this prayer Maschil, ‘a Psalm of instruction,’ because of the good lessons he had himself learned in the cave, learned on his knees, and so learned that he desired to teach others.” (Matthew Henry, cited in Spurgeon)

The cave was probably Adullam cave, mentioned in 1 Samuel 22:1, though the caves of En Gedi (1 Samuel 24:1) are also a possibility. Adullam seems to be the best fit; therefore we can say that Psalms 34 and 57 are also associated with this period of David’s life.

“There are two notes running side by side throughout the song. The first is that of this terrible sense of helplessness and hopelessness so far as man is concerned. The other is that of the determined application of the helpless soul to Jehovah.” (G. Campbell Morgan)

David declares allegiance to God

Verse 1 is David’s declaration of allegiance to Yahweh, the God of Israel.

Spurgeon says of caves:  “Caves make good closets for prayer; their gloom and solitude are helpful to the exercise of devotion. Had David prayed as much in his palace as he did in his cave, he might never have fallen into the act which brought such misery upon his later days.”

Is it wrong to “complain” to God?

David asks God’s help in the face of enemies who hoped to trap him, so this complaint is likely against his enemies. David did the right thing with his complaint; he brought it before the LORD.

My complaint is not as petulant a word as in English, but might be rendered ‘my troubled thoughts’.” (Kidner)

“The outpouring of complaint is not meant to tell Jehovah what He does not know. It is for the complainer’s relief, not for God’s information.” (Maclaren)

I pour out: “Those words teach us that in prayer we should not try to keep anything back from God, but should show him all that is in our hearts, and that in his presence in our closet, with the door shut, but not before men.” (Neale and Littledale, cited in Spurgeon)

David had the heart later expressed by the Apostle Paul in Philippians 4:6Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God.

“David had no provisions, no followers, and no place to turn. David then went to Gath, the Philistine city, but this proved to be both dangerous and unworkable, and David eventually escaped into the wilderness again and hid in the cave of Adullam.” (Boice)

“It is not merely words that you have to utter, you have to lay all your trouble before God. As a child tells its mother its griefs, tell the Lord all your griefs, your complaints, your miseries, your fears. Tell them all out, and great relief will come to your spirit.” (Spurgeon)

God knows our journey

Anytime David felt overwhelmed, he found confidence in knowing that God knew his journey and his walk. God knows our path and our walk in all of its good and all of its bad.

Overwhelmed: “David was a hero, and yet his spirit sank: he could smite a giant down, but he could not keep himself up. He did not know his own path, nor feel able to bear his own burden.” (Spurgeon)

God could preserve him from secret snares.  David knew that even if he were forsaken by men, God had not forsaken him. He had the confidence that God Himself was his portion, his inheritance.

The ‘right’ signifies the place where one’s witness or legal council stood.

Among men, David had no refuge (Psalm 142:4). David could confidently proclaim that God was indeed his refuge. The cities of refuge were for the protection of an Israelite in special circumstances, and David found his place of refuge not in a place or in a particular circumstance, but in the Lord Himself.

We can’t pretend before God

David once again brought his cry to the Lord, this time honestly confessing his low circumstances. David didn’t feel a need to pretend that everything was fine or that he wasn’t weak; he could come to God for help even when brought very low by persecutors who were stronger than David.

“The song ends with an earnest cry for deliverance and an affirmation of confidence that the cry will be heard and answered.” (Morgan)

They are stronger than I: This means that David well understood his present weakness. The one who killed Goliath felt himself to be very weak, which was a good place for David to be. God’s strength would soon flood his life.

“‘My soul’ is frequently a longer way of saying ‘me’.” (Kidner)

“‘Prison’ may denote actual imprisonment but may also be a metaphor for his desperate condition in the light of the allusions to adversity and isolation (cf. Psalm 107:10Isaiah 42:7).” (VanGemeren)

Confidence in the Lord:

  • David began the song with complaint (Psalm 142:2); he closes confident of praise to come.
  • David began the song with a great sense of isolation (Psalm 142:4); he closes with confidence in soon companionship and support from the righteous.
  • David began with the sense of being low and weak (Psalm 142:6); he closes confident in God’s future goodness, knowing that God would deal bountifully with him.

The righteous shall surround me: “The Hebrew translation means ‘shall crown me’; that is, shall encircle me, as wondering at thy goodness in my deliverance; or they shall set the crown on mine head.” (Trapp)

“Perhaps when David wrote the song he already began to realize that the crowd of men in debt, in danger, and discontented who were coming to him would presently bring him into his kingdom.” (Morgan)

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BSF Study Questions People of the Promised Land 1: Lesson 14, Day 2: 1 Samuel 25:1-13


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Summary 1 Samuel 25:1-13:

Samuel died, and David moved to the Desert of Maon. There, a wealthy man named Nabal and his wife, Abigail, lived. His men were shearing sheep when David asked him to give him whatever he could. Nabal refused, so David prepared to fight.

BSF Study Questions People of the Promised Land 1: Lesson 14, Day 2: 1 Samuel 25:1-13:

3) Part Personal Question. My answer: Nabal is “surly and mean in his dealings.” He is also greedy, ungenerous, and skeptical. I’m the same. I don’t believe people most of the time nor do I give out random things to people I don’t know. I bet Nabal got a lot of people begging from him, so he didn’t care who David was, the answer was no.

4) David immediately gets angry after a simple no. It seems David has gotten used to getting what he wants because of who he is since he identifies himself. He and his men put on their swords, seemingly with the intention to kill Nabal’s men and/or his livestock.

5) Personal Question. My answer: Those around me. Anger affects those closest to us. I need to be better when I don’t get my way. It all depends on what it is and how bad I want something. Still, we can’t have everything we want as David shows us here. We need to react calmly, not overreact, and move on with our lives.

Conclusions: BSF Study Questions People of the Promised Land 1 Lesson 14, Day 2: 1 Samuel 25:1-13:

David does act impulsively, believing he is owed something by a man he had no agreement with. Maybe he and his men are starving. Still, that’s no reason to go and fight. It also seems like Samuel died unceremoniously. I’m sure he was remembered, but the writer here doesn’t care to go into it.

End Notes BSF Study Questions People of the Promised Land 1 Lesson 14, Day 2: 1 Samuel 25:1-13:

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Samuel seemed to be unappreciated by Israel during his life (1 Samuel 8:1-7) but at least he was honored in his death. 1 Chronicles 9:22 suggests he organized the Levites in the service of the sanctuary which was completed by David and Solomon. 1 Chronicles 26:27-28 says Samuel began collecting treasures for building the temple in Solomon’s day. 2 Chronicles 35:18 reports that Samuel remembered the Passover and kept Israel in remembrance of God’s great deliverance. Psalm 99:6 and Jeremiah 15:1 commemorate Samuel as a man of great intercession. Hebrews 11:33 puts Samuel among God’s “Heroes of Faith.”

What are the 4 kinds of riches?

  1. What you have
  2. What you do
  3. What you know
  4. What you are

Nabal only was wealthy in what he had.

This was the “harvest time” for a sheep rancher, which was a time of lavish hospitality towards others.

“Sheep-shearing was traditionally celebrated by feasting with enough to spare.” (Baldwin)

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The name Nabal means fool. In ancient Israel, names were often connected with a person’s character. He was of the house of Caleb, which means dog. This was no compliment.

FUN FACT: Only Rachel (Genesis 29:17) and Esther (Esther 2:7) are described with the same Hebrew word as the one here that describes Abigail as beautiful.

Why was Abigail with Nabal?

  • We can understand it in that day of arranged marriages — a noble woman with a surly man. “It is remarkable how many Abigails get married to Nabals. God-fearing women, tender and gentle in the sensibilities, high-minded and noble in their ideals, become tied in an indissoluble union with men for whom they can have no true affinity, even if they have not an unconquerable repugnance.” (Meyer)

David believed because he protected Nabal’s sheep of his own accord that Nabal owed him compensation. How often do we do this?

Nabal had to have known who David was, because David was famous throughout all Israel (1 Samuel 18:5-7). Nabal said this as a direct insult to David – knowing who he was but refusing to recognize him. In our modern way of speaking, Nabal said, “Who does he think he is?”

Nabal looked at all of his material blessings as his instead of as God’s.

What do we learn by David’s overreaction?

This is not a high moment for David. He doesn’t respond the way God would have him respond to an insult.  We are supposed to bear insults with love and kindness, returning their evil with our good.  Whoever slaps you on your right cheek, turn the other to him also. (Matthew 5:38-39)

This is striking since we just saw in the previous chapter how David responds to Saul. David was able to be kind to Saul, but it seems to have been harder to do it towards someone he perceived as his equal or lower than himself. Often, this is true measure of our character – not how we treat our superiors, but how we treat our equals or those “beneath” us in some way or another.

BSF Study Questions People of the Promised Land 1: Lesson 14, Day 4: 1 Samuel 26


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Summary 1 Samuel 26:

David is ratted out again by the Ziphites (1 Samuel 23:19-23) to Saul who takes 3000 men to the Desert of Ziph to find David. David goes with Abishai to Saul’s camp and finds Saul asleep. Abishai offers to kill Saul with one spear thrust. David again says no — that he cannot lay a hand on the Lord’s anointed and God will deal with him in His time. He takes the spear and the water jug near Saul’s head and departs.

David tells the man guarding Saul he deserves death along with the rest of the men because they failed to protect the king. Saul wakes, and David once again asks why he is pursuing him. Again, we see almost a verbatim repetition of 1 Samuel 24. Saul says he was wrong; David doesn’t trust him; they go their separate ways.

BSF Study Questions People of the Promised Land 1: Lesson 14, Day 4: 1 Samuel 26:

9) This play out almost exactly like 1 Samuel 24. David spares Saul’s life, but he could have just as easily killed him. He probably recognized his harshness with Nabal. David could have gone the other way, but his faith was so strong he didn’t.

10) Same as in 1 Samuel 24. Abishai believes (like the mob in 1 Samuel 24) that God has handed Saul into David’s hands to end his life. David believes he is not to raise a hand against the Lord’s anointed, and thus refuses to do so. David has faith God will deal with Saul (the wicked) in His own time, and he doesn’t worry about it.

11) Part personal Question. My answer: God is faithful, and David’s faith in Saul is unshakeable. God is just as David knows God will deal with Saul. God protects as David knows he won’t be harmed by Saul. I need to remember all God’s truths better: He’s just, fair, merciful, and faithful.

Conclusions: BSF Study Questions People of the Promised Land 1 Lesson 14, Day 4: 1 Samuel 26:

It’s interesting how Saul never gives up when he has to know the outcome. People are stubborn despite God knocking them on the head repeatedly. I love how David won’t kill Saul, but he makes sure to let Saul know he could have. Warnings can be good teaching points (except Saul never learns).

End Notes BSF Study Questions People of the Promised Land 1 Lesson 14, Day 4: 1 Samuel 26:

Image result for 1 samuel 26The people of the city of Ziph – had betrayed David’s whereabouts to Saul before (1 Samuel 23:19-23). Now they try to gain King Saul’s favor again, by helping Saul find David again.

Saul goes back on his previous repentance (1 Samuel 24:16-21). At that time David had the opportunity to kill Saul but did not. When David boldly demonstrated this to Saul, the king was greatly moved emotionally and publicly repented for his murderous intentions toward David. Saul’s repentance was deep, sincere, and emotional – but it didn’t last very long as the same thing happens in this chapter.

A a wise and capable commander David constantly monitored the movements of Saul. David knew where Saul was but Saul did not know where David was.

The King James Version says that Saul lay within the trench. That translation is accurate from the Hebrew but gives the wrong idea. The perimeter of the Israeli army camp was marked by the tracks of their wagons, and it was within the perimeter of the camp that Saul slept.

The last time David and Saul met David was simply hiding from Saul, and Saul happened upon the place where David hid. This time David actively sought Saul out.

Why David not kill Saul a second time?

  • Saul was still the anointed king over Israel (1 Samuel 10:1)
  • Vengeance is God’s as God could kill Saul any time and every breath he took was a gift from God (Romans 12:17-21)
  • David loved Saul and wanted him to repent
  • David shows God’s mercy (Hebrews 6:10;  Matthew 7:2)

Why partridges?Image result for partridges in mountains

“The Arabs, observing that partridges soon become weary as not to be able to fly hunt them in the mountains till at last they can knock them down with their clubs. Saul hunted David similarly, coming hastily upon him, and putting him up from time to time, in hopes that he should at length, by frequent repetitions of it, be able to destroy him.” (Clarke)

The last time Saul was in this situation (1 Samuel 24), he was overcome with emotion. His feelings seemed right but his life was not changed (1 Samuel 24:16-21). This time there is something cold and mechanical about Saul’s words.

FUN FACT: This will be the last time David sees Saul.

BSF Study Questions People of the Promised Land 1: Lesson 14, Day 5: 1 Samuel 27


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Summary 1 Samuel 27:

David, still fearful for his life, decides to go to the Philistines, so Saul will stop pursuing him there. David goes to Gath where he fled before (1 Samuel 21:10) and pretended to be insane, and he and his men settle there. They are given their own land in Ziklag and stay for 1 year and 4 months. David raided some of Israel’s enemies while there, killing everyone and taking their possessions. He lied to Achish, telling him he was raiding the Israelites. David was protecting his own skin.

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BSF Study Questions People of the Promised Land 1: Lesson 14, Day 5: 1 Samuel 27:

12) David was afraid of Saul and feared for his life. He knew if he fled Israel, Saul would quit pursuing him, which he did. David’s reasons were valid but unnecessary. We’re not told if he prayed to God about it, but to me it seems as if he didn’t trust God to protect him, so he took the matter into his own hands.

13) Personal Question. My answer. Too many times to count: as a kid, divorce, bankruptcy, moves across country, jobs, etc. I prayed and trusted and tried not to worry and give it to God.

14) He will provide, protect, console, and never forsake those who trust him. God knows us. We are His. We are given eternal life. God is for us. We are justified. He gives us all things. We are never separated from the love of Christ. God works through us. All of God’s promises are encouraging as I walk in faith with Him.

Conclusions: BSF Study Questions People of the Promised Land 1 Lesson 14, Day 5: 1 Samuel 27:

Again, we see the imperfections of David. He’s having to lie to Achish in order to stay and kill people because he’s afraid and not trusting in God’s protection. People are dying. Granted, they are Israel’s enemies, but they are still dying needlessly. David is human just like us and makes mistakes.

End Notes BSF Study Questions People of the Promised Land 1 Lesson 14, Day 5: 1 Samuel 27:

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What we say in our heart has a tremendous power to shape our thinking, our actions, even our whole destiny.

David was discouraged and tired of trusting God for His continued deliverance. In his discouragement, David forgot God’s past deliverance. In his despair, he left God and His people behind.

This is the second time David flees to Achish — this time leading his army and family to sin as well. In 1 Samuel 21:10-15, we learn David briefly went over to Achish of the Philistines, believing there might be a place of refuge for him. God allowed that experience to quickly turn sour, and David pretended to be a madman, so he could escape.

Why Achish accept David this time with the Philistines?

  1. Both share the same enemy, Saul.
  2. David brings with him 600 fighting men, whom Achish can use as mercenaries.
  3. Achish believes David is fighting against his enemies when, in fact, David is not

IMPORTANT NOTE: David did not write any Psalms during his time with the Philistines. His heart was not with God.

David as a murderer

David needed his own city, Ziklag, to operate from unobserved.

The Hebrew word raided comes from the verb to strip, with the idea of stripping the dead for loot. David attacked these villages or encampments, killed the men, stripped them for treasure or armor, and robbed the people of the village or encampment. This was no way of life for a man after God’s own heart.

David attacks only Israel’s enemies. Still, he’s nothing more than a robber and a murderer. He is not fighting for God.

Why David kill all those people

  • David did not want his lie exposed
  • To cover his sin
  • David has to live out the lie to protect himself

Where is God?

God is allowing David free will, letting his decisions play out — like he does with us. But God has not abandoned David. On the contrary, he is hoping David will come back to His arms.


People of the Bible: Abigail


Image result for abigail in bibleAbigail (Hebrew for “father rejoices” or “source of joy”) was not a main player in the history of Israel, but she had an instinctive skill for diplomacy and peace-making. A woman of beauty and brains, Abigail in the Bible could defuse a dangerous situation between hot-headed men.

Though Abigail may have been trapped in a bad marriage — probably arranged by her parents — she was hardly helpless. She took decisive action when her husband mistreated David. Abigail in the Bible saved her people as well as David from taking action he would later regret.

She, in the end, would marry the man she saved from rash action, bearing him his second son, Kileab (2 Samuel 3:3). David could lose his temper but always recognized when faced with sense.

BSF Study Questions People of the Promised Land 1: Lesson 15, Day 2: 1 Samuel 28


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Summary 1 Samuel 28:

Image result for 1 samuel 28The Philistines again prepared for battle against Israel. Samuel was dead, and Saul had expelled all the mediums from the land. However, when the Philistines gathered at Shunem and Saul gathered at Gilboa, Saul was afraid. He consulted a medium, which was against the Law. Saul disguised himself to do so and asked the medium to call up Samuel.

Samuel chastizes Saul, telling him the Lord abandoned him because of his disobedience. The Israelites will lose the battle and Saul and his sons will lose their lives. The medium fed Saul and his men and they left.

BSF Study Questions People of the Promised Land 1: Lesson 15, Day 2: 1 Samuel 28:

3) Saul was afraid he’d lose (which the medium told him he would). He was afraid he’d die (which the medium told him he’d do). Saul was afraid of the unknown. He went to a medium to get his answers since God had abandoned him. David was afraid of fighting against his own people and of Achish discovering his heart. David either had to kill his people to keep up the farce or not kill his people and reveal who he actually was and where his heart was.

4) Part personal question. My answer: It was against God’s law to consult a medium. Leviticus tells us mediums defile us. 1 Chronicles tells us Saul died partly because he disobeyed God’s law and did consult a medium. I don’t participate in amoral behavior and the friends and colleagues I keep wouldn’t ask me to do so. Hence, I don’t put myself in those situations.

5) Personal Question. My answer: The bible, prayer, and the advice of other Godly people. And I turn to God because I know He will answer me in His time.

Conclusions: BSF Study Questions People of the Promised Land 1 Lesson 15, Day 2: 1 Samuel 28:

I think once you sin, it’s easy to keep perpetuating that sin, which is what we see with Saul. He has disobeyed God so many times what does once more matter? He doesn’t think twice about it. We are influenced by the company we keep. You won’t be asked to sin if you have the right friends.

End Notes BSF Study Questions People of the Promised Land 1 Lesson 15, Day 2: 1 Samuel 28:

David is living the lie he’s been telling for years now, and presumably will be force to attack his own people, the Israelites, now.

Saul did obey the law by casting out spiritists and mediums (Leviticus 19:3120:627 and in Deuteronomy 18:9-14).

Shunem, in the Valley of Jezreel, was about twenty miles north of Aphek, the most northerly Philistine city. The fact that the Philistines had penetrated thus far gives an indication of their dominance over Saul’s kingdom, and of their intention to press further east to the Jordan.

The Valley of Jezreel is the only part of Israel where you could go from west to east without crossing the mountains. The Philistines could now use their chariots in the flat terrain, and a victory here would cut Israel in half.

God will not always answer everyone who seeks Him; not when a man is in a place of judgment as Saul is. King Saul has rejected and is currently rejecting God’s previously revealed will. Since Saul didn’t care to obey God in what he already knew, God will not give him more to know. Saul was hunting David when God didn’t want him to (1 Samuel 24:16-20 and 26:21). If we want God to guide us, we must follow what guidance we already have from Him.

Who was the Witch of Endor?

  • She was a medium or a necromancer – one who makes contact with the dead. The Hebrew word Image result for 1 samuel 28for medium is owb, and it has the idea of “mumbling” or speaking with a strange, hollow sound – as if one were “channeling,” with a dead person speaking through them. The Hebrew word has in mind the sound the channel makes as they speak. The English word medium has in mind the concept of a channel – they stand in-between the world of the living and the dead and communicate between the two worlds.

Endor was only a short distance away, on the north of the Hill of Moreh, and accessible despite the Philistine forces close by. It was located four miles northeast of Shunem and thus dangerously close to where the Philistines were encamped.

As Saul sought the medium he brought upon himself a curse. God said in Leviticus 20:6And the person who turns after mediums and familiar spirits, to prostitute himself with them, I will set My face against that person and cut him off from his people.

FUN FACT: Saul’s oath in the name of the LORD is comical. He is in complete darkness, yet still swears by the Lord, a reminder to us how meaningless this can be by those with the wrong hearts.  This is the last time Saul uses the name of the LORD in the book of 1 Samuel.

Why does Saul request Samuel?

  1. Saul knows Samuel is a prophet who can speak to God, so he’s hoping Samuel can speak to God for him.
  2. Samuel was Saul’s guide, mentor, and the man who raised him since he was a baby. He probably has some affection for him (1 Samuel 9:25-26)
  3. If anyone will tell Saul what he wants to know, it’s Samuel

Why is the medium shocked to see Samuel?

  • The medium was a fraud and unused to her tactics actually working
  • The medium was shocked by the Holy Spirit
  • The medium realizes she is speaking to Saul and is also afraid

Image result for 1 samuel 28“I see a spirit coming up out of the ground.” The Hebrew word translated by “spirit” is the Hebrew word elohim – literally, “gods” but often applied to the One God in plural form. This plural form indicates the Trinity. When the medium said she saw an elohim, she did not mean that she saw the One True God or Samuel as a deity. Instead, to her Samuel was a god since he appeared out of nowhere as a spirit.

How did Samuel appear?

  1. Some scholars believe Samuel was a hallucination. But Saul saw Samuel as well.
  2. Some scholars believe the medium deceived Saul.
  3. Some scholars believe this was a demonic impersonation of Samuel.
  4. Some scholars believe this was a real appearance of Samuel.  Most agree here since the evidence of the medium’s shock, the fact the Bible states it was Samuel who spoke, and Saul saw Samuel as well. Remember both Moses and Elijah also appeared after death when they appeared with Jesus at the Transfiguration (Matthew 17:3).

Why did God allow Samuel to appear:

  1. Saul’s judgement was pronounced again.
  2. The medium learned a valuable lesson about dabbling in the occult.

The medium was not responsible for Samuel’s appearance; God was. And for His purposes.

Take away for us from the medium and Samuel’s appearance:

When we close our ears to God, He will find unusual and perhaps uncomfortable ways to speak to us.

Was Samuel in heaven?

  • No. Jesus explained in the story of the rich man and Lazarus (Luke 16:19-31) that before the finished work of Jesus on the cross, the believing dead went to a place of comfort and blessing known as Abraham’s bosom. When Jesus finished his work on the cross, sin’s penalty was paid for these believing dead, and they were then ushered into heaven. However, Samuel was in a real place.

What answers is Saul seeking from Samuel?

  • God doesn’t depart from man until man has departed from God. Hence, Samuel wants reassurance all will be well during the battle with the Philistines.
  • Samuel is hoping in the 15 years that has passed since God took away Samuel’s crown and pronounced his fate (1 Samuel 15:28-29) that God would change his mind. God didn’t. God’s word to Saul didn’t change from the time He first said them until the time they would be fulfilled. Saul thought that time would change God’s mind; but time never changes God’s mind. Our repentance and genuine brokenness may.

When the medium saw Samuel, she said he was wearing a robe, which would have identified him as both a prophet and a priest. In 1 Samuel 15:27, when Samuel announced that God would take the kingdom away from Saul, Saul grabbed Samuel’s robe in desperation. The Hebrew word used for robe in 1 Samuel 15:27 (meheel) is the same word used in 1 Samuel 28:14. It is likely that when Samuel appeared before the medium and Saul, he wore this same torn robe to remind Saul that the LORD has torn the kingdom out of your hand and given it to your neighbor, David.

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Saul’s time is up

Samuel reminded Saul that he would die. Saul had plenty of time to repent; he didn’t. Neither do we.

“You and your sons will be with me” does not mean that Saul was going to heaven and be with the believing dead. In the story Jesus told in Luke 16:19-31, the blessed dead and the cursed dead were both in the same general area. The believing dead were in the place of comfort knows as Abraham’s bosom, but the cursed were in a place of torment.

The dinner Saul ate that night was akin to the last meal of a man on death row. God’s will would be done.

BSF Study Questions People of the Promised Land 1: Lesson 15, Day 3: 1 Samuel 29


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Summary of 1 Samuel 29:

The Philistines prepare for war against the Israelites. The other rulers/commanders of the Philistines outside of Achish do not trust David (rightfully so) to fight against the Israelites. So they send him away. David protests but probably just to keep putting on the show.

BSF Study Questions People of the Promised Land 1: Lesson 15, Day 3: 1 Samuel 29:

6) The men of Achish did not trust David since he was an Israelite and demanded David be sent back and not be allowed to go into battle against the Israelites.

7) God did not put David in a situation where he would jeopardize his safety and have to fight against his own men.

8 ) Personal Question. My answer: God has protected me too many times to count. He kept me safe when I was young and did stupid things and put myself in stupid situations. He protects me now as I go about my daily life, living His will for me.

Conclusions: BSF Study Questions People of the Promised Land 1 Lesson 15, Day 3: 1 Samuel 29:

I love how God works here. He places doubt in the minds of Achich’s men, and David is saved from having to fight the Israelites. Despite David (and our’s) stupid decisions, God protects us and saves us from ourselves.

End Notes BSF Study Questions People of the Promised Land 1 Lesson 15, Day 3: 1 Samuel 29:

Image result for 1 samuel 29Scholars don’t know if in these chapters David is pretending to be with the Philistines or if his heart really has turned from God to the Philistines. Here, the Philistines recognize this conflict of interest and keep David out of the battle.

Achish defends David. Again, it’s hard to tell if Achish is completely fooled by David or he knows David has turned from God.

Achish swears by the Lord, perhaps being courteous to David.

David didn’t like being rejected by the Philistines. Still, God uses the rejection of the ungodly for the Godly — in this case, David.

Even though we don’t know if David is faking or not, God did not put David in the situation to find out. God keeps David from sinning.

BSF Study Questions People of the Promised Land 1: Lesson 15, Day 4: 1 Samuel 30 with Psalm 36


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Summary of 1 Samuel 30:

Upon David’s return to Ziklag after having been rejected for battle by Achish, he finds the Amalekites has raided the town, burned it, and captured everyone, including their wives, sons, and daughters. David’s men were angry and threatened to stone him. So David turned back to God.

David consulted God who told him to pursue the Amalekites to recover their kin. David helps an Egyptian slave who got left behind by the raiding party. This Egyptian slave leads them to the raiding Amalekites. David attacks and wins. He recovers everything and everyone that was taken from him and returns to Ziklag, sharing all the plunder even with his men who were too exhausted from the 3 day hike previously to help. David sends some of his plunder to the elders of Judah.

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Summary Psalm 36:

The wicked do not fear God. They do not know they sin. The plot evil, do wrong, and follow a sinful course. God’s love, faithfulness, righteousness, and justice is unfailing. Men find refuge in God’s wings. In God’s light we see His love. God overcomes all evildoers.

We read Psalm 36 in Lesson 12, Day 5. The commentary is the same for Psalm 36.

BSF Study Questions People of the Promised Land 1: Lesson 15, Day 4: 1 Samuel 30 with Psalm 36:

9) Upon David’s return to Ziklag after having been rejected for battle by Achish, he finds the Amalekites has raided the town, burned it, and captured everyone, including their wives, sons, and daughters. David’s men were angry and threatened to stone him. Everyone was distressed and wept until they had no more strength left to weep. So David turned back to God.

10) Part personal Question. My answer: David consults God. He tells his men when they are wrong when they are greedy and don’t want to share the spoils. He shares the spoils with the elders of Judah. I want to be more sharing of what I have as well.

11) Personal Question. My answer: God’s love is greater than any troubles I may face, and my job it so shine this love to others.

Conclusions: BSF Study Questions People of the Promised Land 1 Lesson 15, Day 4: 1 Samuel 30 with Psalm 36:

I love how God works here. He places doubt in the minds of Achich’s men, and David is saved from having to fight the Israelites. Despite David (and our’s) stupid decisions, God protects us and saves us from ourselves.

End Notes BSF Study Questions People of the Promised Land 1 Lesson 15, Day 4: 1 Samuel 30 with Psalm 36:

Commentary 1 Samuel 30:

David and his men covered about twenty-five miles a day on the march south from Aphek to Ziklag, where they would have arrived tired, hungry and expecting all the comforts for a welcome home.

There is a touch of the Lord’s poetic justice in all this since David brought this exact calamity on other cities  (1 Samuel 27:8-11 during his time among the Philistines. David made his living as a bandit, robbing cities and whenever David attacked the land, he left neither man nor woman alive. The Amalekites were more merciful than David was.

God, who is great in mercy, does not discipline us as much as we deserve. Like a compassionate father, He tempers the stroke of His hand with kindness and love.

David has nothing left

  • David has lost his family
  • David has lost his friends who now want to stone him
  • David has lost his protection from Achish

Why God restore David?

  • God is merciful
  • God gives us undeserved grace
  • David asks for God’s strength

What did David remember about God to give him strength?

  • God’s love
  • God’s promises
  • God’s calling on his life
  • God’s past deliverances

David now sees why he was rejected by the Philistines: so he could return home and rescue his family. God is good!

God sent David support when he needed it most. Men from Manasseh showed up to aid him (1 Chronicles 12:19-21) and they kept coming.

FUN FACT: This was the first time David inquired of the Lord since he went to live with the Philistines.

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David turns to God

David sought God with the help of the priest, almost certainly using the Urim and Thummim that were part of the priest’s ephod. An ephod was a special apron that priests would wear to cover their clothing to keep the sacrificial blood off their clothes.

This was the ephod of the High Priest, which had the breastplate of judgment (Exodus 28:15) attached to it (Exodus 28:28). The breastplate had in it a pouch with two stones, known as the Urim and Thummim (Exodus 28:30).

God gives us something to do, He also gives us a promise in the doing.

One-third of David’s army stays behind, too weak to continue. When God means to bless us, he often takes away a part of the little strength we thought we had.

Having shown unexpected kindness to an Egyptian, David is rewarded. He attacks the Amalekites when they were hung over from the party the night before as they thought the Israelites were far to the north.

God fulfills His promise through David’s action, not idleness.

Why was David allowed to keep the spoils of the Amalekites when Saul was commanded to not keep any spoil from that nation (1 Samuel 15:1-3) and was judged by God for not obeying that command (1 Samuel 15:13-23)?

  1. David had no specific command from God to destroy all the spoil from the Amalekites, as Saul did.
  2. David recovered what the Amalekites took from others, though he recovered far beyond what was taken from his city.
  3. David was not acting as the king of Israel representing the Lord’s nation, as Saul did.

David declared an important principle: the supply lines are just as vital as the soldiers and God will reward both “soldiers” and “supporters” properly.

Take away from 1 Samuel 30:

Many people serve the Lord in invisible, behind-the-scenes ways, often supporting a much more visible aspect of the Lord’s work. God will support the hidden servant with the same reward as prominent servant.

Why David send spoils to the elders of Judah?

  • David needed to mend relations since he was with the Philistines

When Jesus triumphed on the cross He won the greatest battle and He had “spoil to share.” He shared the spoil with His people, as it says in Ephesians 4:7-8But to each one of us grace was given according to the measure of Christ’s gift. Therefore He says: “When He ascended on high, He led captivity captive, and gave gifts to men.”

How is David a picture of Jesus Christ in 1 Samuel 30?

  • David cares for his men
  • David cares for those left behind (like the Egyptian slave)
  • David cares for those enslaved
  • David recovers spoils
  • David shares spoils

Commentary Psalm 36:

This Psalm is titled, To the Chief Musician. A Psalm of David the servant of the LORD. Psalm 18 is the only other Psalm that uses the phrase “the servant of the LORD” in the title. Bible scholar Trapp observed that Psalm 18 comes from David’s old age and Psalm 36 from a younger David. From youth to old age, David was the servant of the LORD and “He took more pleasure in the names of duty than of dignity.” (Trapp)

An oracle of transgression could mean David were divinely taught by the sins of others or it’s the voice within a sinner.

We see “oracle of the Lord” in Genesis 22:16 and “oracle of David” in 2 Samuel 23:11.

It is likely that Paul had this Psalm in mind as he composed the opening chapters of his great letter since he quotes verse 1 in Romans 3:18.

The wicked thinks of himself much more highly than he should both in regard to his sins (his iniquity) and his prejudices (hates). Flattery can be us thinking we are more than we actually are; it doesn’t have to come from others.

How does one flatter himself with regards to sin?

Matthew Poole elaborates:

  • Sins “are not sins, which a mind bribed by passion and interest can easily believe.”
  • Sins “are but small and venial sins.”
  • Sins “will be excused, if not justified by honest intentions, or by outward professions and exercise of religion, or by some good actions, wherewith he thinks to make some compensation for them or some other way.”

“The phrase ‘on his bed’ is parallel with ‘on the way’. The ungodly considers evil both in his lying down and in his walking.” (VanGemeren)

Sin is found in what we don’t do as well as in what we do.

The translation of mercy here is inconsistent for the same Hebrew word hesed is translated as loving kindness is both Psalm 36:7 and 36:10. This wonderful word speaks of God’s love and mercy, but especially to His covenant people.

David can only describe these attributes of God with the biggest things he can think of – the heavens, the clouds that fill the sky, the great mountains, and the great deep of the sea.

“The word precious establishes the change from the immense to the intimate and personal.” (Kidner)

Loving kindness in verse 5 is too great to grasp and in verse 7 is too good to let slip. (Kidner)

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What does shadow of Your wings mean?

Bible commentators see the shadow of Your wings 2 ways:

  1. The wings of the cherubim that are over the throne of God and represented in His tabernacle and temple, including the ark of the covenant, the very representation of His throne.
  2. Like a mother hen covering her young chicks under her wings to protect, hide, and shelter them.

We saw this in Ruth with Boaz (Ruth 2:12), and when Jesus was speaking of Jerusalem (Matthew 23:37).

I’m inclined to think both.

The word fullness here is literally fatness. “The fattest is esteemed the fairest and the most excellent food; therefore the saint was enjoined to offer the fat in sacrifice under the law. As God expects the best from us, so he gives the best to us.” (Swinnock, cited in Spurgeon)

The fullness (abundance) of your house is will one of our great joys in heaven when we come to our Father’s house. With unmeasured satisfaction we will have the right to roam heaven and say, “Is this ours? And is this ours?” and say it unto eternity.

River of delight/pleasures: “Possibly a reference to Eden may be intended in the selection of the word for ‘pleasures,’ which is a cognate with that name.” (Maclaren)

What does “in your light we see light” mean?

We see light twice: light discovering and light being discovered and enjoyed.

Light is invisible by itself. Everything is invisible until light strikes it. So it is with God: we can’t see Him, but “in his light” (under his loving influence), we see and understand His love in all that surrounds us. God’s overwhelming generosity stands in complete contrast to the self-important plotting of wicked humans.

John wrote in the opening words of his Gospel: He was the true Light which gives light to every man (John 1:9). “It is hard to doubt that John was thinking of Psalm 36:9 as he composed the prelude.” (Boice)

“The Hebrew is, draw forth, or draw out thy lovingkindness: a metaphor either taken from vessels of wine, which being set abroach once, yield not only one cup, but many cups; so when God setteth abroach the wine of his mercy, he will not fill your cup once, but twice and seven times” (Greenhill, cited in Spurgeon).

Unlike the righteous who may fall seven times yet rise up again (Proverbs 24:16), the workers of iniquity remain in the dust as God protects His servants.

‘They are struck down,’ (thrown down) is the same word as in the picture of the pursuing angel of the Lord in Psalm 35.” (Maclaren)

THERE: Some scholars think it refers to the pride mentioned in the previous verse, others to the place where the workers of iniquity practiced their sin.

BSF Study Questions People of the Promised Land 1: Lesson 15, Day 5: 1 Samuel 31 with 1 Chronicles 10


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Summary of 1 Samuel 31:

Like the apparition of Samuel had said, the Israelites lost the battle with the Philistines, and Saul and his sons lost Image result for 1 samuel 31their lives. Saul ended up falling on his own sword when he was critically wounded to avoid any punishment by the Philistines. All the Israelites fled when they heard the news, and the Philistines occupied the Israelites’ cities. The Philistines cut off Saul’s head and hung his body to the wall of Beth Shan. The people of Jabesh Gilead whom Saul had helped so many years ago (1 Samuel 11:1-11) rescued Saul’s body and his sons and buried them.

Summary of 1 Chronicles 10:

The same synopsis is given as above. Added details include: Saul died because he was unfaithful to the Lord. We learn Saul’s head was hung up in the temple of Dagon.

BSF Study Questions People of the Promised Land 1: Lesson 15, Day 5: 1 Samuel 31 with 1 Chronicles 10:

12) Saul died exactly how Samuel and the Lord said he would: in battle. He was critically wounded and had asked his armor-bearer to finish him off, so he wouldn’t face torture from the Philistines. His armor bearer refused so Saul took his own life. The people of Jabesh Gilead whom Saul had helped so many years ago (1 Samuel 11:1-11) rescued Saul’s body and his sons and buried them.

13) Personal Question. My answer: Good question. I don’t know. It’s something I need to be on the look out for. I don’t really think I do much honorable or compassionate in general.

14) Part Personal Question. My answer: “Saul died because he was unfaithful to the Lord; he did not keep the word of the Lord and even consulted a medium for guidance.” I hope it will be said I was a good person, and I fulfilled God’s purpose for my life while here. I was a good mother and wife and pet owner.

Conclusions: BSF Study Questions People of the Promised Land 1 Lesson 15, Day 5: 1 Samuel 31 with 1 Chronicles 10:

The inevitable has happened; Saul is removed from the throne, paving the way for David’s rule.

End Notes BSF Study Questions People of the Promised Land 1 Lesson 15, Day 5: 1 Samuel 31 with 1 Chronicles 10:

Summary 1 Samuel 31:

Gilboa was the location of the Israeli army camp (1 Samuel 28:4), meaning Israel was in full retreat from the battle. Tt seems probable that the scene with the witch of Endor should have been placed just before this chapter, and not all the way back in 1 Samuel 28 (it’s current location requires some geographical skipping).

Tragically, Saul’s sons were affected in the judgment of God against their father, Saul. The brave and worthy Jonathan died loyally fighting for his God, his country, and his father the king.

The death of all of Saul’s sons was important in God’s plan. In taking the logical heirs to Saul’s throne, God cleared the way for David to become the next king of Israel. We know that if Jonathan had survived he would have gladly yielded the throne to David (1 Samuel 18:1-4). But the same could not be said of Saul’s other sons. God was also merciful to Jonathan, sparing him the ordeal of having to side with David against his own brothers.

David had to deal with Ishbosheth, the one surviving son of Saul before taking the undisputed throne of Israel (2 Samuel 2:8 through 4:12).

Why did the armor-bearer refuse to kill Saul?

It’s unclear why the armour-bearer refused. It could be that killing his king – even if commanded to do so – is just too great a sin for him, or it could be a final dig at Saul as we saw in 1 Sam. 22:17, where his followers refused his command to kill the the priests at Nob.

Did Saul commit suicide?

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Depiction from the Worms Bible 1148 of Saul falling on his sword

No. Suicide is deciding to end your own life. Saul’s life was taken by the arrows of the enemy. He only hastened the inevitable.

What does the Bible say about suicide?

God does regard suicide as sin; it is the sin of self-murder. Yet, we are wrong if we regard it as an unforgivable sin. Suicide is the result of Satan’s lies whose purpose is to kill and destroy (John 10:10).

We don’t see any repentance, sorrow, or crying out to God from Saul before his death even though he knew it was coming (1 Samuel 28:19). He did not seem to prepare his soul to meet God in any way.

Take away from Saul’s death:

  • Saul did not want to repent like so many others.
  • Saul’s life began with such promise and light and ended in such darkness and despair.

We’ll see in  2 Samuel 1:4-10 an Amalekite came to David with the report that Saul had died in battle and that he actually delivered the death-blow to Saul. Does the Amalekite’s statement contradict this passage, where it seems Saul killed himself? It may be that Saul fell on his sword, and life still lingered in him, so he asked this Amalekite to finish him off. Or it may be that the Amalekite simply lied and was the first one to come upon Saul’s dead body, and that he told David that he killed him because he thought David would be pleased and he would be rewarded.

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Consequences of Saul’s death

  • With the Philistine army now occupying territory on the other side of the Jordan, they have effectively cut Israel in half from west to east. The rest of the nation is now ripe for total conquest by the Philistines.
  • The Israelites scatter. Jesus feared this same effect with his demise: Then Jesus said to them, “All of you will be made to stumble because of Me this night, for it is written: ‘I will strike the Shepherd, and the sheep will be scattered.’” (Mark 14:27)

Take away about responsibilities of being a leader:

  • The fall of leaders can endanger many more people than the fall of someone who is not a leader. Leaders are held to a higher standard because of this responsibility. (1 Timothy 3:2Titus 1:6).

Saul’s death was used to glorify pagan gods and to mock the living God.

In that culture, to have your dead body treated this way was considered a fate worse than death itself.

Why was Saul’s body burned?

It’s not clear why people of Jabesh Gilead choose to burn the bodies rather than simply bury them. It could be that the fire is intended as a sort of purification after the bodies were left hanging too long (if they rescue the bodies on the night of the same day that they were hung, this would still violate Deut. 21:23). Or there was some variation in burial practices at this time.

You can go to the ruins of Beth Shan today, as the foundations to the city sit high on a hill overlooking the Roman ruins destroyed in an earthquake. It was high on that hill that the Philistines hung the decapitated corpse of King Saul in the ultimate humiliation.

God’s work is bigger than any one man or group of men

The inhabitants of Jabesh Gilead repaid Saul’s kindness of delivering their city from the Ammonites (1 Samuel 11:1-11). Upon taking the throne, David will recognize them as well (2 Samuel 2:4-7).

When David heard of Saul’s death, he did not rejoice. In fact, he mourned and composed a song in honor of Saul and Jonathan (The Song of the Bow2 Samuel 1:11-27). In spite of all that Saul did against David, David spoke well of Saul after his death.

David’s Noble Heart

Choosing this kind of heart showed David to be a true “Man after God’s Own Heart.” It showed that the years in the wilderness escaping Saul really were years when God trained him to be a king after God’s own heart. Despite his sin, David never followed in the same tragic footsteps as King Saul.

Commentary 1 Chronicles 10:

Image result for 1 samuel 31The story of King Saul is one of the great tragedies of the Bible. He was humble at his beginning, yet seeming to lack any genuine spiritual connection with God, he was easily and quickly corrupted by pride and fear. Saul is the epitome of a tragic waste of potential.

“Saul was a man than whom no other had greater opportunities, but his failure was disastrous. Of good standing in the nation, distinctly called and commissioned by God, honored with the friendship of Samuel, surrounded by a band of men whose hearts God had touched, everything was in his favor. From the beginning he failed; step by step he declined in conduct and character, until he went out.” (Morgan)

BSF Study Questions People of the Promised Land 1: Lesson 16, Day 2: 2 Samuel 1


Summary 2 Samuel 1:

David hears of Saul’s death from a messenger, an Amalekite, who claims he was with Saul in battle. He claims he killed Saul and took his crown to David. David and all of his men mourned Saul and Jonathan’s deaths. David kills the Amalekite for striking down the Lord’s anointed.

David laments Saul and Jonathan’s deaths with a poem, saying not to tell Israel’s enemies, who will only rejoice and for Mount Gilboa (where both men fell) to never yield grain again. He grieves Jonathan’s death as a brother.

BSF Study Questions People of the Promised Land 1: Lesson 16, Day 2: 2 Samuel 1:

3) The man, an Amalekite, claimed he was the one whom Saul asked to kill him, and the man claims he did kill him. In reality, Saul took his own life, and he had asked his armor-bearer to kill him, not a foreigner. The Amalekite claims he took Saul’s crown and band off his arm and brought them to David. In reality, the Amalekite was a thief, who stole Saul’s crown and band after he died and made up this story to cover his actions.

4) Saul was God’s anointed, and thus, deserved respect, admiration, and support. David trusts God. David knows God is in charge and will work history in His way and His timing.

5) Part personal Question. My answer: David still loves Saul, his enemy who tried to kill him. David respects and submits to God’s authority. David is still sad for loss of life and is not bitter or angry. David forgives Saul. I would like to be more compassionate to others, more forgiving, and have more faith that life’s events are in God’s hands.

Conclusions: BSF Study Questions People of the Promised Land 1 Lesson 16, Day 2: 2 Samuel 1:

I love David’s power of forgiveness of Saul. He understood the depth of Saul’s mental illness and twisted heart and did not hold that against Saul. It’s interesting how David did kill the Amalekite. I presume he saw through the lies, probably knowing Saul would not ask a foreigner to kill him, so David punishes the man justly for stealing. David sets a powerful example for his men on compassion, forgiveness, and mourning the loss of a leader no matter what personal feelings you may harbor for the person. As God’s anointed, Saul will always be special similar to the Jewish people today. As such, honor and respect are rightfully theirs.

End Notes BSF Study Questions People of the Promised Land 1 Lesson 16, Day 2: 2 Samuel 1:

King Saul and his three sons were killed in battle against the Philistines, dying on the slopes of Mount Gilboa (1 Samuel 31:1-8). It was the sad ending to a tragic life, concluding the story of a man who came to the throne humble but left it hardened, bitter against both God and man.

At the end of 1 Samuel, David had left the Israelites and had allied himself with the Philistines. God prevented a complete alliance and brought David back through heartbreaking circumstances (the Amalekites stole the families and possessions of David and his men). Strengthening himself in God (1 Samuel 30:6), David defeated the Amalekites and brought back everyone and everything.

This event brought David back to the Lord.

The Amalekite arrived with torn clothes and dust on his head —traditional expressions of mourning for the dead.

We know the Amalekite is lying from 1 Samuel 31:5 which tells us Saul’s armor bearer saw he was dead.

What do we learn from David’s reaction to Saul’s death?

  • Our hatred, bitterness, and unforgiveness are chosen from Free Will.
  • David became better not bitter
  • To honor God’s anointed (all leaders)
  • To trust God with history

The Israelites were in a precarious position. Their king has fallen and the Philistines have defeated them.

What do we learn from David’s justice against the Amalekite?

  • It is God’s job to end a life — not ours — unless it’s justified killing in war, self-defense, or lawful criminal execution.
  • No matter how we personally feel about the Lord’s anointed, no action whatsoever must be taken against him.

FUN FACT: The book of Jashar is also mentioned in Joshua 10:13; it evidently contained a collection of early Hebrew poetry.

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What do we learn from David’s lamentation song of Saul and Jonathan’s deaths?

  • David was not bitter, even when he was greatly wronged and sinned against. David fulfilled 1 Corinthians 13:5love thinks no evil. David knew the principle of 1 Peter 4:8And above all things have fervent love for one another, for “love will cover a multitude of sins.”
  • David trusted in God and God’s power. He knew that God was in charge of his life, and that even if Saul meant it for evil, God could use it for good.

How did Saul fall?

Saul fell long before his death. He fell when he hardened his heart against God, against the word of God through the prophet, and against the man after God’s own heart. Saul’s death on Gilboa was merely the sad conclusion.

Why does David not understand a woman’s love?

It might surprise you that David said Jonathan’s love for him was more wonderful than that of a woman’s.

Had David followed God’s plan for marriage – to one woman, faithful for a lifetime – he might have found more fulfillment in his marriage relationship. David’s own experience of love with women was not according to God’s will. His multiple marriages kept him from God’s ideal: one man and one woman in a one-flesh relationship. If we can draw anything from Bathsheba, it will be how David’s “love” was more like lust — at least in the beginning.

David and Jonathan’s love for one another

There is not the slightest hint that David and Jonathan expressed their love in a sexual way. They had a deep, godly love for each other – but not a sexual love. Our modern age often finds it difficult to believe that love can be deep and real without sex being involved.

BSF Study Questions People of the Promised Land 1: Lesson 16, Day 3: 2 Samuel 2:1-3:5


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Summary 2 Samuel 2:

Seeking the Lord’s guidance, David asks about going up to Judah. The Lord directs David to go to Hebron. He has Image result for 2 samuel 2two wives right now, Ahinoam and Abigail. All his men came with him and settled. David was anointed king over Judah. David thanked the people of Jabesh Gilead who buried Saul’s body and promised to show them favor because of it.

A commander in Saul’s army, Abner, wanted the throne. He convinced Saul’s son, Ish-Bosheth to join him to fight against David. After two years of Ish-Bosheth being king over Israel, a battle was fought at Gibeon. Some men from both sides were sent to fight as representatives. All died and an all-out battle ensued. Abner was defeated by David’s men. They pursued Abner, resulting in the death of Asahel. Abner convinces the men of David (Judah) to give up the pursuit, which they do. Abner continues his flight.

Summary 2 Samuel 3:1-5:

The war between the houses of Saul and David lasted a long time, with David growing stronger and Saul’s growing weaker. During this time, David has 6 sons by 6 different wives while in Hebron: Amnon, Kileab, Absalom, Adonijah, Shephatiah, and Ithream.

BSF Study Questions People of the Promised Land 1: Lesson 16, Day 3: 2 Samuel 2:1-3:5:

6) David had to decide when to claim the throne of Israel. He asked God first.

7) Worse. Abner was the commander of Saul’s army. He mounted what was in essence a coup against David, using Saul’s son a puppet, and causing David’s men to fight against their own countrymen.

8 ) Part personal Question. My answer: It’s a warning to not let others use you. It shows the animosity that happens when you go against God. I can pray first always in what I do and choose wisely those I surround myself with.

Conclusions: BSF Study Questions People of the Promised Land 1 Lesson 16, Day 3: 2 Samuel 2:1-3:5:

To me, what stood out was how many wives David has. That’s a lot of in-fighting, favoritism, and jockeying for position of favorite internally. I’m unsure how David even dealt with all of that. I love how we see man’s unchanging nature as Abner wants power and uses whoever he wants to get it. It’s a warning to always be aware of who your friends are.

End Notes BSF Study Questions People of the Promised Land 1 Lesson 16, Day 3: 2 Samuel 2:1-3:5:

Commentary 2 Samuel 2:

The key to David’s success is life was his constant inquiry of the Lord. With rare exceptions, he did so. David wanted more than God’s blessing on his plans; he wanted to be right in the middle of God’s plan.

At this time David was still in Ziklag, in the territory of the Philistines. Out of great discouragement and despair, he had left the land of Israel and lived almost as a Philistine among the Philistines. Now that David was restored to the LORD, he wondered if it was time for him to go back to his homeland.

David didn’t want to appear opportunistic, as if he only came back to Israel because Saul was dead. While not being overly concerned with appearances before man, he was not unconcerned with appearances either.

God was faithful to answer when David inquired. Since David just came out of a period of spiritual decline, God could have put him on “probation” and refused to speak to him for a while. Instead, the LORD spoke to David and gave him guidance.

It has been 15 to 20 years since David was anointed king over Israel (1 Samuel 16:12-13).

What does David’s anointing show?

  • It’s better to let God lift you up through others than to strive to advance yourself. We should strive to advance God’s Kingdom and leave the advancement of self in His hands.
  • The first anointing wasn’t enough. We need a fresh anointing from God and ongoing experience with the Holy Spirit.

Who was Abner?

Abner was Saul’s cousin (1 Samuel 14:50) and the commander of Saul’s armies for many years. He first met David when David was a young man (1 Samuel 17:55-57). David once challenged Abner when he had the opportunity to kill Saul but did not. David pointed out that Abner failed to protect his king.

Who was Ishbosheth?

Saul had three sons who died with him in battle (1 Samuel 31:6). There is no previous mention of Ishbosheth among the sons of Saul, so it is possible that he was an illegitimate son or the son of a concubine.

David was also a son of Saul by marriage. David married Michal, the daughter of Saul (1 Samuel 18:17-30)

For two years, David allowed Ishbosheth to reign over most of Israel. These two years showed remarkable patience, longsuffering, and trust in God on David’s part. Ishbosheth was not the LORD’s anointed like Saul – David seemed to have every right to crush this man who stood in the way of his calling. Yet out of trust in the LORD and respect for Saul’s memory, David waited.

It seems strange that many of the tribes preferred Ishbosheth to David. Yet since the Philistines had overrun many of the other tribes of Israel, they were even more hesitant to come out-and-out for David, who was no longer fighting for the Philistines and was probably unliked because of it.

7 years and 6 months David ruled in Hebron, 2 of which, Ishbosheth ruled Israel.

The battle between Abner and Joab

Image result for 2 samuel 2Who was Joab?

Joab was apparently one of the 400 men who joined David at Adullam Cave (1 Samuel 22:1-2), or he joined with David during this general period.

  • Joab had two notable brothers: Abishai and Asahel.
  • Joab, Abishai, and Asahel were David’s nephews, the sons of David’s sister Zeruiah (1 Chronicles 2:16).
  • Joab had a long and checkered career as David’s chief general.

Abner and Joab were each tough, mean, military men who were completely devoted to their cause.

Abner suggested some kind of contest or duel between a select group of his men and Joab’s men. When the two groups of 12 met, it quickly degenerated into a mutual bloodbath.  Yet David’s men under the command of Joab prevailed in the very fierce battle that followed this bloodbath at the Field of Sharp Swords.

Abner and Asahel

Abner first asked Asahel to turn back out of concern for his own safety. This didn’t make much sense to Asahel because it seemed that Abner was at the disadvantage. Abner also appealed to Asahel on the ground of military honor – that officers should not strike down officers, especially when it might lead to ugly retribution and the danger of leaderless armies.

Yet, Asahel refused to turn aside, being too single-minded in his determination to kill Abner and crush the armies opposing David.

Clearly, Abner killed Asahel in self-defense – it was the only thing he could do. Yet his concern (How then could I face your brother Joab) was entirely justified, and Joab will make it his passion to avenge his brother’s death.

Motivated by revenge for their brother, Joab agreed to the cease fire to rest his army and avoid more bloodshed.

Abner and the army of Ishbosheth lost 360 men to 20 in the army of David.

Mistakes at Battle of the Field of Sharp Swords

  • Joab, having the military advantage, should never have accepted Abner’s appeal for a cease-fire at the battle of The Field of Sharp Swords. The fact was that they couldn’t just get along, and that there could be no peace between the rightful king David and the pretender to the throne, Ishbosheth. The cease fire led to a long war.
  • When we try to make peace between King Jesus and King Self within us, the result is a long, bitter war. It is so much better to simply surrender and submit to the reign of Jesus.

“In the lives of many Christian people today there is raging, literally, a civil war. The flesh – the kingdom of Saul, struggles with the spirit – the kingdom of David, and the conflict is bitter. We do everything we possibly can to hold up the tottering kingdom of self, so that it might exist just a bit longer. If only we could preserve some rights; if only we could have at least part of our own way; if only we could keep this or that at any cost! We feel we must bolster up this kingdom of self, that we cannot let ourselves be crucified with Christ.” (Redpath)

The increasing strength of David and increasing weakness of Saul’s house did not begin when Saul died. It began when God first chose David and withdrew His Spirit from Saul (1 Samuel 16:13-14).

Commentary 2 Samuel 3:1-5:

David’s many wives and sonsImage result for 2 samuel 3

David was in Hebron for 7 years. While there he had 6 sons by 6 different wives. This was against God’s command to kings (Deuteronomy 17:17) and against God’s heart for marriage (Genesis 2:24Matthew 19:4-6).

Adding many wives was one way great men and especially kings expressed their power and status.

David was troubled because of his many wives. Some wonder why the Bible doesn’t expressly condemn David’s polygamy here, but as is often the case, the Scripture simply states the fact and later records how David reaped the penalty for this sort of sin in regard to his family.

God used and blessed David despite his many wives. Yet his family life and these sons were obviously not blessed.

  • Amnon raped his half-sister and was murdered by his half-brother.
  • Kileab is also known as Daniel in 1 Chronicles 3:1. The few mentions of this son indicate that perhaps he died young or that he was an ungodly, unworthy man.
  • Absalom murdered his half-brother and led a civil war against his father David, attempting to murder David.
  • Adonijah tried to seize the throne from David and David’s appointed successor – then he tried to take one of David’s concubines and was executed for his arrogance.
  • Shephatiah and Ithream either died young or were ungodly and unworthy men because they are mentioned only once again in the Scriptures – in a generic listing of David’s sons (1 Chronicles 3:1-4).

BSF Study Questions People of the Promised Land 1: Lesson 16, Day 4: 2 Samuel 3:6-29


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Summary 2 Samuel 3:6-29:

Abner slept with Saul’s concubine in order to strengthen his position within the house of Saul. When Ish-Bosheth questioned Abner, Abner get offended and defected to David’s side. David agreed to meet with Abner if he brought his first wife, Michal, daughter of Saul, with him. Abner agreed, and he immediately began building a coalition of elders and Benjamites to support David.

Joab kills Abner for revenge for his brother’s death. When David finds out, he absolves himself of all wrongdoing and publicly weeps and condemns Joab for his actions.

BSF Study Questions People of the Promised Land 1: Lesson 16, Day 4: 2 Samuel 3:6-29:

9) Abner was questioned by Ish-Bosheth on why he slept with Saul’s concubine. Abner began building a coalition of elders and Benjamites to support David. He swore he would help establish David’s throne over all of Judah and Israel.

10) Personal Question. My answer: David asked essentially for proof that Abner was acting in faith by having him bring him his first wife, Michal. David welcomed him with a feast for him and his men. David gave Abner an opportunity to prove his loyalty. Joab, on the other hand, was blinded by revenge and would do anything to kill him. He immediately thinks Abner is out to deceive David, so he goes out and kills him. I try to respond with love and compassion, but it’s a battle all the way because I want to write them off and have nothing to do with them ever again.

11) Personal Question. My answer: God places men in David’s life to help him such as Abner. God changes Abner’s heart to David.

Conclusions: BSF Study Questions People of the Promised Land 1 Lesson 16, Day 4: 2 Samuel 3:6-29:

It’s interesting how a little accusation blows up into something big enough to make Abner switch sides. We see how evil and unforgiving man is at heart when Joab murders Abner in cold blood.

End Notes BSF Study Questions People of the Promised Land 1 Lesson 16, Day 4: 2 Samuel 3:6-29:

Image result for 2 samuel 3Ishbosheth accused Abner of a serious crime. Taking a royal concubine was regarded as both sexual immorality and treason. “To take the wife or concubine of the late monarch was to appropriate his property and to make a bid for the throne.” (Baldwin)

In David’s time, women were political symbols. Abner’s sleeping with Saul’s concubine would have suggested that he had his eyes on becoming king himself. Later, when Absalom drove his father David out of Jerusalem, he slept with David’s concubines in public, demonstrating to all eyes that he had taken over from his father (1 Sam 16:12).

We aren’t specifically told, but Abner’s response leads us to believe that the accusation was false. It is possible that as he was strengthening his hold on the house of Saul he took the concubine as an expression of his power and dominance. It is more likely that because of Abner’s increasing power Ishbosheth felt it necessary to invent this accusation as a reason to get rid of Abner.

Abner switching sides

If Abner knew that David was God’s choice for king, he had no good reason to fight against him before this. Abner is a good example of those of us who know things to be true, but who don’t live as if they were true.

Abner did the right thing in joining David’s side, but he did it for the wrong reason. Instead of joining David because Ishbosheth offended him personally, he should have joined David because he knew that David was God’s choice to be king.

David received Michal in marriage (1 Samuel 18:26-28), but Saul took her away to spite David (1 Samuel 25:44).

1 Samuel 18:20-30 describes how David used this unusual payment instead of a dowry for the right to marry the daughter of King Saul.

Why did David want Michal back?

  1. David may have still loved her.
  2. David wanted to show that he harbored no bitterness towards Saul’s house, and he would show this through his good treatment of Saul’s daughter.
  3. David wanted to give himself a greater claim to Saul’s throne as his son-in-law.

Though he was the rightful king, David would not reign over Israel until the elders submitted to him freely. He never moved an inch without an invitation.

How does King David reflect Jesus?

  • Jesus and David were prophesied, but only the remnant and the few accepted them.
  • Until both are accepted, nothing is set in stone.
  • David and Jesus must be invited in.

Why did Joab murder Abner?

  1. Joab believed Abner to be working for Ishbosheth
  2. Joab wanted revenge for Abner killing his brother
  3. Abner had been the number 2 guy for Saul. Joab may have felt threatened by his presence

Joab carefully engineered this murder because the killing was done outside the gate of Hebron , which wasa city of refuge (Joshua 20:7). It was against the law for Joab to kill Abner inside the city.

Spurgeon:  “We may even deceive ourselves into the belief that we are honoring our Lord and Master when we are, all the while, bringing disgrace upon his name.”

Why did David renounce this murder so strongly?

  • The murder of Abner set a bad precedent.
  • The murder of Abner gave David’s administration a reputation for brutality
  • The murder of Abner made it harder for David to win the rest of Israel over to his side.

Why was Joab not punished for the murder of Abner?

  • David pronounced a severe curse against Joab
  • David was afraid to lose Joab as a general. (Joab would be punished in 1 Kings 2:5-6
  • David still believed vengeance belongs to the Lord.

This was just one mess David would deal with, and, as king, these messes are commonplace when running a country since men are sinners inherently.

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BSF Study Questions People of the Promised Land 1: Lesson 16, Day 5: 2 Samuel 4:1-12

Ishbosheth is slain, from the Maciejowski Bible, c.1240
Ishbosheth is slain, from the Maciejowski Bible, c.1240

Summary 2 Samuel 4:

Ish-Bosheth was murdered by two men while he slept. They took the head to David, expecting to be rewarded when instead David put them to death for murder. Ish-Bosheth was buried in Abner’s tomb.

BSF Study Questions People of the Promised Land 1: Lesson 16, Day 5: 2 Samuel 4:1-12:

12) They were hoping to gain favor with David. Instead, they were put to death for murder.

13) Part personal Question. My answer: In all kinds of way. Social media. Pride. Bragging. Putting others down. Gossiping. Back-stabbing. Sabotaging others. Withholding information. I can get jealous and not be as helpful as I could be.

14) Personal Question. My answer: Sometimes the consequences we hope for are not in reality what they are. Our motivations matter. If you do something just for self-promotion, odds are it won’t turn out in your favor. Motivation is the key.

Conclusions: BSF Study Questions People of the Promised Land 1 Lesson 16, Day 5: 2 Samuel 4:1-12:

Not a lot happened in this chapter. Nice, succinct lesson.

End Notes BSF Study Questions People of the Promised Land 1 Lesson 16, Day 5: 2 Samuel 4:1-12:

Ish-Bosheth was a weak king and when his number one man was gone (Abner), it was only a matter of time before he was removed from power.

2 Samuel 4:2 reminds us that Rechab and Baanah were of the children of Benjamin. This was the tribe that Saul’s Image result for pretty winter scenesfamily came from. Thus, it was fellow Benjaminites who murdered Ishbosheth.

The mid-day siesta wasn’t unusual in that part of the world, but the absence of guards points to carelessness, even sloth, on the part of Ishbosheth.

The murderers claimed they were doing God’s work. We must beware of this in our own lives.

David was loyal to his pledge to honor and preserve Saul’s family and descendants (1 Samuel 24:20-22)

Quick justice was required to show:

  1. David did not order the murders.
  2. David did not approve of the murders.
  3. David knew it was God’s job to take vengeance, not man’s.

People of the Promised Land: Abner


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Abner was a great general who fought most of his life for a bad king. Though he introduced David to King Saul (1 Samuel 17:55-58) and commanded David during his early campaigns, Abner ultimately followed Saul’s orders and fought against David. During the years when David’s band of outlaws was roaming the hills, Abner led the hunt to track them down. Along the way he and David won mutual respect as honorable enemies.

Even after Saul died, Abner remained loyal to the forces arrayed against David. He installed Saul’s son as king (2 Samuel 2:8) and fought a long civil war against David, knowing David was the anointed king of Israel.

Abner was loyal to Saul’s son until accused of disloyalty. Saul’s son, Ish-Bosheth, saw Abner as a threat to the throne and finally said something about it — albeit in a round-about way. He switched sides and died by treachery. Shortly after Abner’s death, Ish-bosheth was assassinated as he slept (2 Samuel 4), and David became king of the reunited kingdoms (2 Samuel 5).

Abner was a great soldier with undying loyalty to his king. He had his faults like we all do (like taking loyalty to the extreme), but Israel needed more men like Abner.

BSF Study Questions People of the Promised Land 1: Lesson 17, Day 2: 2 Samuel 5:1-16


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Summary 2 Samuel 5:1-16:

Anointing of David by Samuel (circa 1328-1340). Psalter of Queen Philippa. English. The British Library, London. Public Domain.
Anointing of David by Samuel (circa 1328-1340). Psalter of Queen Philippa. English. The British Library, London. Public Domain.

Finally, all the tribes and elders came to David and told him they wanted him as king. David was anointed king over all of Israel at age 30. He reigned in Hebron 7 1/2 years and in Jerusalem 33 years.

David captured Jerusalem (otherwise known as Zion) for his capital, a city about in the middle of the northern and southern part of Israel. David built a palace, and he grew stronger as the Lord was with him. He took more wives and concubines and had more kids.

BSF Study Questions People of the Promised Land 1: Lesson 17, Day 2: 2 Samuel 5:1-16:

3) “We are your own flesh and blood. In the past, while Saul was king over us, you were the one who led Israel on their military campaigns. And the Lord said to you, ‘You will shepherd my people Israel, and you will become their ruler.'” God had him anointed and in His timing, David became king.

4) Part personal Question. My answer: Patience as he waited for the people and the elders to come to him. Faithfulness as David trusted in God’s promise to make the kingship happen, so David never took matters into his own hands. Lots if I’d listen. Patience with my kids and my career and what’s next in my life.

5) Part personal Question. My answer: David knew he was successful because the Lord was with him. David knew the Lord had established him as king over Israel and had exalted his kingdom for the sake of his people Israel. David knew it was all about God’s glory. God has put me in my job and in my family and everywhere I go to bless others around me.

Conclusions: BSF Study Questions People of the Promised Land 1 Lesson 17, Day 2: 2 Samuel 5:1-16:

Finally, after all those years of patiently waiting and hiding, David becomes king. I picture him as content in God’s plan as he continues to follow it through. He understands it is all about God, and he is merely being used by God. And yet we see his imperfections in wives and such. We are all human, making mistakes, and striving to do what’s best.

End Notes BSF Study Questions People of the Promised Land 1 Lesson 17, Day 2: 2 Samuel 5:1-16:

Prior to this, only one of the tribes of Israel recognized David as king. The other tribes recognized Ishbosheth, a son of Saul. The tribes only turned to David when their previous choice was taken away.

Why did the elders recognize David as king?

  1. David was an Israelite.
  2. David was a leader.
  3. David was God’s anointed one.

1 Chronicles 12:23-40 describes the great assembly that gathered in Hebron to recognize David as king over all Israel. Chronicles describes the impressive army that came to Hebron and numbers the soldiers at over 340,000 men. It then describes the scene: All these men of war, who could keep ranks, came to Hebron with a loyal heart, to make David king over all Israel; and all the rest of Israel were of one mind to make David king. And they were there with David three days, eating and drinking, for their brethren had prepared for them… for there was joy in Israel.

Samuel anointed David when he was about 15, and he did not take the throne until 30. David spent at least 15 years in preparation for the throne of Israel.

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David takes Jerusalem

Up to this time Jerusalem was a small Canaanite city in the center of Israel. Some 400 years after God commanded Israel to take the whole land, this city was still in Canaanite hands. Because of its location, Jerusalem was an easily defended city. This made the Jebusites overconfident and quick to mock David and his troops.

Why pick Jerusalem as Israel’s capital city?

  1. It had no prior tribal association and was therefore good for a unified Israel.
  2. The geography of the city made it easy to defend against a hostile army.
  3. It was centrally located between the north and south of Israel, belonging to neither.

The Price of Greatness

  • In God’s plan there is almost always a hidden price of greatness. Often those who become great among God’s people experience much pain and difficulty in God’s training process.

Neighboring kings honored David with the finest craftsmen and wood to build a palace. The relationship with Hiram king of Tyre also showed that David was more than a man of war: David knew how to build important political alliances.

Image result for 2 samuel 5What Godly qualities did King David know?

  1. David knew it was God who called him and established him as king — not man.
  2. David knew Israel (his kingdom) belonged to God.
  3. David knew he was king for the people of Israel’s sake and for God’s sake. Being king had nothing to do with him.
  4. David knew he and Israel flourished because of God and no one else.

David’s future downfall: His many wives

Having multiple wives was in direct disobedience to Deuteronomy 17:17Neither shall he multiply wives for himself, lest his heart turn away.

Certainly David (and everyone else) saw these many children as God’s sign of blessing upon David and his many marriages. Yet most of the trouble to come in David’s life came from his relationships with women and problems with his children.

It is often true that the seeds to our future trouble are sown in times of great success and prosperity. In some ways, David handled trials better than success.

BSF Study Questions People of the Promised Land 1: Lesson 17, Day 3: 2 Samuel 5:17-25 and Psalm 68


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Summary 2 Samuel 5:17-25:

Image result for 2 samuel 5Philistines attack David in the Valley of Rephaim. The Lord tells David He will hand them over to him, so David goes and defeats them. They abandoned their idols, which David carried off. Again, the Philistines come before David and this time God tells them to circle around and wait for Him to go before them (which he’ll know by the sound of marching in the tops of the balsam trees).

Summary Psalm 68:

David prays for God’s enemies and foes to be scattered and the righteous be glad and rejoice. God gave the Promised Land to His people. He provides. He bears our burdens. He is awesome and worthy of our praise.

BSF Study Questions People of the Promised Land 1: Lesson 17, Day 3: 2 Samuel 5:17-25 and Psalm 68:

6) Part personal Question. My answer: David prayed to God to ask God what he should do, which David did. In careers, in jobs, in my future, and in my health. I think He’s answering all in His time.

7) His justness, his care of widows and the fatherless. His giving of the Promised Land. His delivering of the enemies. His scattering of nations. His majesty. His power.

8 ) Personal Question. My answer: His utter faith on God for everything in his life. David’s constant praying and asking God what to do. His constant praise of God. God as his center. This is what challenges me.

Conclusions: BSF Study Questions People of the Promised Land 1 Lesson 17, Day 3: 2 Samuel 5:17-25 and Psalm 68:

The key is asking God always for everything in your life. What your next move will be in all areas: career, spiritual, money, battles, relationships, etc. Then obeying and taking action.

End Notes BSF Study Questions People of the Promised Land 1 Lesson 17, Day 3: 2 Samuel 5:17-25 and Psalm 68:

Commentary 2 Samuel 5:17-25:

As David sought God and looked to Him for guidance, he was blessed. God honored David’s dependence on Him and gave him the promise of victory.

Take away from 2 Samuel 5:

  • David always triumphed when he sought and obeyed God.

God directed David differently in this battle. Even against the same enemy, not every battle is the same.

How do you respond to the sound of the balsam trees?

  • The footsteps of angels is what some say the sound in the balsam trees was.
  • When we sense that the Lord is at work, we must advance quickly, and we will see a great victory won.
  • King James version says: “thou shalt bestir thyself.” When you hear the work of God happening, bestir thyself .

When we see the work of God happening around us, it is like the sound in the mulberry trees – the rustling sound should awaken us to prayer and devotion. A time of crisis or tragedy is also like the sound in the mulberry trees – the rustling sound should awaken us to confession and repentance.

Commentary Psalm 68:

The title of this Psalm is, To the Chief Musician. A Psalm of David. A Song. Most commentators believe this Psalm is connected with the coming of the ark of the covenant into Jerusalem (2 Samuel 6) celebrating not only that event, but also the faithfulness of God to give Israel victory over her enemies, secure enough to bring the ark into Jerusalem.

Horne described how this Psalm was assigned to Pentecost in the Anglican liturgy, no doubt because it describes gifts given upon ascension and is quoted in Ephesians 4. “This beautiful, sublime, and comprehensive, but very difficult Psalm, is one of those which the church has appointed to be used on Whitsunday.”

The composition of this Psalm makes it a challenge for commentators, both from the Hebrew and in translation. Adam Clarke wrote, “I know not how to undertake a comment on this Psalm: it is the most difficult in the whole Psalter.”

Using the phrasing of Numbers 10:35, David proclaimed the triumph of God over all His enemies. When God goes Image result for psalm 68forth no opponent can stand against Him. They are all scattered. Since Moses said those words when the ark of the covenant led Israel from Mount Sinai, David knew it was appropriate to say the same words as the ark came to Jerusalem, its resting place.

As David brought the ark of the covenant to Jerusalem (2 Samuel 6) he made a dramatic historical connection.

Numbers 10 describes the departure of Israel from Mount Sinai, towards the Promised Land. As they marched, the ark of the covenant led the way. So it was, whenever the ark set out, that Moses said: “Rise up, O LORD! Let Your enemies be scattered, and let those who hate You flee before You.” (Numbers 10:35)

The idea was simple, both with Moses in the Exodus and David with Israel in the land. It expressed the confidence and the need of God’s people: “God, go before us and take care of our enemies. It’s too dangerous ahead without You.” This spirit of confident dependence is appropriate for every believer.

God’s enemies have no ability to stand against Him.

We are to praise God with knowledge of His character, and knowing Him personally.

Why should we rejoice in God?

  1. God rides on the clouds, in victory and triumph over all the earth.
  2. God has revealed Himself to humanity in the name Yahweh, showing His love and loyalty to His people.

“The psalmist contrasts the all-sufficiency of the God of Israel with the powers of Baal whom the Canaanites worshipped as ‘the Rider on the clouds.’” (VanGemeren)

“The name JAH is an abbreviation of the name Jehovah; it is not a diminution of that name, but an intensified word, containing in it the essence of the longer, august title. It only occurs here in our version of Scripture, except in connection with other words such as Hallelujah.” (Spurgeon)

Yah, probably a contraction of the word Yehovah; at least so the ancient Versions understood it. It is used but in a few places in the sacred writings. It might be translated The Self existent.” (Clarke)

God’s Greatness

God’s greatness isn’t only defined by military-like triumphs. It is also seen in His compassionate concern and care for the weak and needy. The name Yahweh is connected to God as the Becoming One (Exodus 3:13-14), the God who becomes what His people need.

Image result for psalm 68God is with you:

  • God provides
  • God protects

Great was the company: “The Hebrew word is of the feminine gender, because it was the manner of the Hebrews, that when the men returned victorious from the battle, the women went out to meet them with songs of triumph.” (Poole)

It is significant that God chose women to be the first messengers of the good news of the victory of Jesus’ resurrection (Matthew 28:1-10Luke 24:1-10). The New Testament says that women should not be in positions of doctrinal authority (1 Timothy 2:9-14), but they certainly can and should proclaim the good news of God’s victory in Jesus Christ.

Zalmon is another name for Mount Ebal in central Israel, which many would consider more of a high hill than an actual mountain. The meaning of this line is not entirely clear, and has been the source of much speculation.

“According to Judges 9:48, Zalmon (‘the Dark One’) is one of the mountains by Shechem.” (VanGemeren)

“Whether the rout of kings there was caused by a blizzard, or whether the battlefield was ‘snowed’ with weapons and garments (or, later, with bones), or the fleeing armies compared to snowflakes, we cannot tell.” (Kidner)

Where was Bashan?

Bashan was further north in Israel, in the region of what today is called the Golan Heights. Bashan was an impressive mountain, even a mountain of God and part of Israel’s heritage. Yet it and the other mountains seem to fume with envy when they see how God has favored Zion.

God chose Jerusalem even though there were higher and more spectacular mountains. Yet as He often chooses the weak to confound the strong and the foolish to mystify the wise, He chose Zion over Bashan.

By God’s command (Deuteronomy 17:16) ancient Israel never had many chariots. They were unneeded because God fought for Israel, and He had power greater than thousands of thousands of chariots.

With the direct leading of the Holy Spirit, the Apostle Paul quoted Psalm 68:18 and applied it to Jesus, keeping the context but changing one key word. Paul quoted, When He ascended on high, He led captivity captive, and gave gifts to men (Ephesians 4:8). Paul applied this to the ascension of Jesus into heaven and His sending of the power and the gifts of the Holy Spirit to His Church. The one word Paul changed by the inspiration of the Holy Spirit was received gifts to gave gifts.Image result for god gives abundant showers psalm 68

In describing God’s victory, David used an image from Genesis 3:15 where God promised that the Messiah would strike a fatal head wound against Satan.

The bringing of the Ark of the Covenant to Jerusalem

After the great triumph over their enemies, David and Israel could bring the ark of the covenant into Jerusalem (2 Samuel 6).

In the procession of the ark, the small tribe of Benjamin had a prominent role. This showed wonderful grace on David’s part because his predecessor King Saul was from the tribe of Benjamin and many kings of David’s day would refuse to give them any honor at all.

Little Benjamin. That tribe is called little, partly because it was the youngest, as being descended from Jacob’s youngest son Benjamin; and principally because it was exceedingly diminished, and almost extinguished, under the judges.” (Poole)

Since reeds were often associated with the Nile River, David prayed that God would keep them safe against the Egyptians and Ethiopians. He asked God to do that until they, like all the nations, come in submitted tribute to Jerusalem

Image result for chariots of god psalm 68The essence of this Psalm:

This Psalm has been much loved by generals and soldiers. “To the Crusaders, setting out for the recovery of the Holy Land; to Savonarola and his monks, as they marched to the ‘Trial of Fire’ in the Piazza at Florence; to the Huguenots, who called it ‘The song of battles’; to Cromwell, at Dunbar, as the sun rose on the mists of the morning and he charged Leslie’s army.” (Kirkpatrick, cited in Morgan)

Whatever victory generals may have won and inspiration they received from this Psalm, the victories did not last. The lasting victory still waits for the Messiah’s great kingdom.

BSF Study Questions People of the Promised Land 1: Lesson 17, Day 4: 2 Samuel 6:1-11; 1 Chronicles 13:1-14


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Summary 2 Samuel 6:1-11:

David and 30,000 men gather to bring the Ark of the Covenant to Jerusalem from Baalah on a cart. Uzzah reached out to steady the Ark, touching it, and God struck him dead. David was angry over this and afraid and left the Ark  in the house of Obed-Edom the Gittite for 3 months, and the Lord blessed this household.

Summary 1 Chronicles 13:1-14:

David wanted to bring all together to bring back the Ark of the Covenant from Kiriath Jearim. They moved the Ark on an ox cart and when it began to tip, Uzzah reached out to steady it. When he touched the ark, he was struck dead by God. David was angry at Uzzah’s death and afraid. He put the ark in the house of Obed-Edom the Gittite for three months. God blessed Obed-Edom and his household.

BSF Study Questions People of the Promised Land 1: Lesson 17, Day 4: 2 Samuel 6:1-11; 1 Chronicles 13:1-14:

9) The Ark of the Covenant was God’s dwelling place on Earth, so who wouldn’t want God with them? David conferred with his officers, commanders, priests and Levites, and all the people gathered who agreed to move the Ark. God, however, did not agree.

10) Part personal Question. My answer: God had ordered for the Ark never to be touched and instead carried with poles. He struck down Uzzah because he disobeyed, carrying the Ark on an oxcart like the Philistines did. I learn God is serious in His commandments to His people and how He wants to be honored.

11) Personal Question. My answer: Since I can’t predict the future, I can’t say definitively how this will impact the way I live. This study has deepened my understanding of God. God is mighty. God is to be taken seriously. God is faithful. God is in control. God does what He says He’s going to do.

Conclusions: BSF Study Questions People of the Promised Land 1 Lesson 17, Day 4: 2 Samuel 6:1-11; 1 Chronicles 13:1-14:

I love the Old Testament because you always see the consequences of disobedience. In this case, it was death. God is serious in how He expects us to obey, to act, and to treat and honor Him. When we don’t, the consequences are serious. We need to take our faith more seriously.

End Notes BSF Study Questions People of the Promised Land 1 Lesson 17, Day 4: 2 Samuel 6:1-11; 1 Chronicles 13:1-14:

Commentary 2 Samuel 6:1-11:

Psalm 132 is commonly associated with the events of this chapter.

David gathered so many of his best soldiers because bringing the ark to Jerusalem was an important step towards providing a central place of worship for all of Israel.

The Ark of the CovenantImage result for 2 samuel 6

  • The Ark of the Covenant was what God had commanded Moses to make more than 400 years before David’s time. It was a wood box (the word ark means “box” or “chest”) completely covered with gold and with an ornate gold lid known as the mercy seat.
  • The Ark of God was 3 feet 9 inches (1.15 meters) long, 2 feet 3 inches (.68 meter) wide and 2 feet 3 inches (.68 meter) high.
  • The Ark of the Covenant contained the tablets of the law that Moses brought down from Mount Sinai, a jar of manna, and Aaron’s rod that miraculously budded as a confirmation of his leadership.
  • The Ark of God represented the immediate presence and glory of God in Israel.

Why move the Ark of the Covenant now?

  • David considered it a high priority to bring the ark out of obscurity and back into prominence.
  • David wanted Israel to be alive with a sense of the near presence and glory of God.
  • We last heard of the Ark of God when it came back from the land of the Philistines in 1 Samuel 7:1. It had been at the house of Abinadab for 70 years.
  • David had a great motive – to emphasize the presence and glory of God in Israel.

What did the Israelites do wrong?

  • Transporting the ark on a cart was against God’s specific command. The ark was designed to be carried (Exodus 25:12-15) only by Levites of the family of Koath (Numbers 4:15).

“The ark was nothing less than the burden of the Lord, and the burden of the Lord was to be carried on the hearts of the Levites.” (Redpath)

The Philistines transported the ark on a cart (1 Samuel 6:10-11). They were pagans who didn’t know better. Israel was to follow God’s law, not pagans’ ways.

Take away from 2 Samuel 6:

A good idea (bringing the Ark back) done in a wrong way against God (using a cart) displeases God.

Uzzah means “strength” and Ahio means “friendly.” Despite the big production, God was unhappy.

Image result for 2 samuel 6Why was Uzzah struck dead?

  • Uzzah disobeyed God’s commandment in  Numbers 4:15 says, they shall not touch any holy thing lest they die.
  • The Israelites were not honoring God (the Ark being the symbol of His presence on earth).

Why was David angry and fearful over Uzzah’s death?

  • David was confused because he himself had forgotten God’s word.
  • Although David had good intentions, God cares about actions as well.
  • David disobeyed God as well.

God blesses those who obey Him

  • Obed-Edom was a Levite of the family of Koath (1 Chronicles 26:4). This was the family within the tribe of Levi that God commanded to carry and take care of the ark (Numbers 4:15).

Lessons from 2 Samuel 6:

When God’s Word is obeyed and His holiness respected, blessing follows.

Commentary 1 Chronicles 13:1-14:

Note: the Bible does not say that David consulted with the Lord. A group of godly men with good intentions would soon make a significant mistake because they took counsel with each other, but not with the LORD.

Payne:“Literally ‘our brothers that are left.’ This may reflect something of the seriousness of the third major Philistine oppression against Israel, 1010-1003 b.c., which David had just broken (2 Samuel 5:2025).”

What was wrong with the method of transportation of the Ark of the Covenant?Image result for 2 samuel 6

  • Who was transporting the ark
  • How the ark was being transported
  • Assumed God couldn’t care for the ark Himself

Lesson from 1 Chronicles 13:

The process matters as much as the outcome.

BSF Study Questions People of the Promised Land 1: Lesson 17, Day 5: 2 Samuel 6:12-23; 1 Chronicles 15:1-16:43


Image result for 1 chronicles 15

Summary 2 Samuel 6:12-23:

David eventually brought the Ark of the Covenant from the house of Obed-Edom to the City of David. He danced before the Lord while all celebrated. Michal did not like her husband. David put the Ark in the tent and offered sacrifices to God. David blessed the people and fed them. When David returned home after bringing the Ark up to bless his household, he was condemned by Michal for his behavior. David reminded Michal God chose him to rule Israel, and he will celebrate the Lord and be even more humbled before God. As punishment, Michal had no children.

Summary 1 Chronicles 15:1-16:43:Image result for 2 samuel 6

David prepares a place for the Ark of the Covenant before moving it this time. He forbade anyone but the Levites to carry it this time. The Levites consecrated themselves and brought up the Ark of God has He had commanded using poles. There was much singing and celebrating and sacrificing as the Ark was transported and upon its arrival in Jerusalem. David joined in the celebrations. Michal despised him in her heart because of this.

David put the Ark of God in the prepared tent and sacrifices were offered. David blessed the people and fed them. He appointed Levites to minister before the Ark, to praise God, and give Him thanks. David sings a psalm of thanks to God. David left many Levites to minister before the Ark and in the tabernacle of the Lord in Gibeon (the old tent that housed the Ark).

BSF Study Questions People of the Promised Land 1: Lesson 17, Day 5: 2 Samuel 6:12-23; 1 Chronicles 15:1-16:43:

12) Part personal Question. My answer: David prepares a place for the Ark of the Covenant before moving it this time. He forbade anyone but the Levites to carry it this time. The Levites consecrated themselves and brought up the Ark of God has He had commanded using poles. There was much singing and celebrating and sacrificing as the Ark was transported and upon its arrival in Jerusalem. David joined in the celebrations and danced before God. Michal despised him in her heart because of this.

David put the Ark of God in the prepared tent and sacrifices were offered. David blessed the people and fed them. He appointed Levites to minister before the Ark, to praise God, and give Him thanks. David sings a psalm of thanks to God. David left many Levites to minister before the Ark and in the tabernacle of the Lord in Gibeon (the old tent that housed the Ark).

This was not a spur-of-the-moment decision. This time around David prepares ahead of time for the Ark, follows all of God’s rules for moving the Ark and having the Levites do it all, praises God for his goodness and faithfulness, and attends to the Ark after it has been moved. I learn God desires us to follow His rules just as much as He desires the act be done. God does not reward shortcuts in worshipping and obeying Him.

13) Part personal Question. My answer: David joined in the celebrations and danced before God. He sang God a psalm of praise, thanking Him for all He has done and all He will do. Everything in my life. I celebrate Him, give Him praise for all I do, and thank Him.

14) Part personal Question. My answer: Michael despised David in her heart for his celebrations before the Lord, deeming them inappropriate. David responds by saying He celebrated before the Lord who chose him to lead all of Israel. He will become even more undignified and more humiliating to celebrate God. I love David’s response how he’ll do what he wants to celebrate God without worrying what others think of him. This is a lesson we all can apply in our lives.

Conclusions BSF Study Questions People of the Promised Land 1 Lesson 17, Day 4: 2 Samuel 6:12-23; 1 Chronicles 15:1-16:43:

My favorite part was David dancing before the Lord, David telling Michal he didn’t care what she thought about his praising of God, and Michal being duly punished.

End Notes BSF Study Questions People of the Promised Land 1 Lesson 17, Day 4: 2 Samuel 6:12-23; 1 Chronicles 15:1-16:43:

Commentary 2 Samuel 6:12-23:

In the second attempt to bring the Ark of the Covenant to Jerusalem, we see that when worship is according to God, it’s filled with gladness and joy. “Real” worship does not have to be subdued, solemn, or only in a minor key.

Why all the sacrifices for the Ark of the Covenant?

  • This was elaborate, excessive, over-the-top sacrifice to show
  • Atonement
  • Consecration
  • Longing for fellowship.

David didn’t hold back anything in his own expression of worship. He didn’t dance out of obligation but out of heartfelt worship. Emotions need not be repressed when celebrating and worshipping God.

Image result for david wearing ephod dancing

Why was David wearing an Ephod?

It is a mistake to think that David was immodest. 1 Chronicles 15:27 indicates that David was dressed just like all the other priests and Levites in this procession.

From our knowledge of ancient and modern culture, David’s dance wasn’t a solo performance. He probably danced with simple rhythmic steps together with other men in the way one might see Orthodox Jewish men today dance. In this context, David’s linen ephod means he set aside his royal robes and dressed just like everyone else in the procession.

What was Michal’s problem with David’s celebrations?

  • Michal felt it wasn’t dignified for the King of Israel to express his emotions before God in such a way.
  • Michal felt David shouldn’t have worn an ephod like everyone else. After all, he’s the king. Shouldn’t he dress like one?

David’s dancing was for God, not Michal, and he told her so.

Lesson we learn from Michal’s barrenness:

There is often barrenness in the life and ministry of the overly critical.

Commentary 1 Chronicles 15:

1 Chronicles 15:11-15 shows us that David specifically commanded the priests to carry the ark the right way – on their shoulders. We often think that a “new cart” or “strength” or a “friendly” manner is the way to bring the presence and glory of God. But God always wants His presence and glory to come on the shoulders of consecrated, obedient, praising men and women.

Commentary 1 Chronicles 16:

The emblem of God’s presence and glory was set at its proper place in Israel.

These sacrifices were an important part of the ceremony, neglected in the first attempt to bring the ark of the covenant to Jerusalem.

“David’s appointment then of Levites to minister in music and praise to God marks a significant advance in the history of Israel’s worship. His previous arrangements for music had been devised for just one occasion; but now a continuing service is envisioned.” (Payne)

Image result for 1 chronicles 16

How can we remember what God does for us?

Simply remembering God’s great works is an important and often neglected part of the Christian life. Spurgeon (in his sermon The Recorders) noted several ways that we can help ourselves remember the great things of God:

  • Make an actual record of what God has done, keeping a written journal.
  • Be sure to praise God thoroughly at the time you receive His goodness.
  • Set apart time for meditation on the good things God has done.
  • Talk about His mercy often to other people.
  • Use everything around you as reminders to the goodness of God.
  • Remember your blessings and who gave them to you.

David though the Levites had appointed Heman as the leader of worship (1 Chronicles 15:17), at this time David elevated Asaph to this position.

“No reason is given, though Asaph did represent the senior Levitical clan of Gershon (1 Chronicles 6:39-43). Personal ability may also have been a contributing factor, for Asaph and his descendants are listed as composers for twelve of the inspired Old Testament psalms.” (Payne)

David was known as sweet psalmist of Israel (2 Samuel 23:1), and he specially wrote the following psalm to thank the LORD on the day the ark of the covenant was brought to Jerusalem.

“The Psalm is found in the Book of Psalms; its first movement (8-22) in Psalm 105:1-15; its second movement (23-33) in Psalm 96:1b-13a; its third movement (34-36) consisting of a quotation of the opening and closing sentences of Psalm 106:1-47 and 48.” (Morgan)

“All three of the canonical psalms that he quoted are anonymous, ‘orphan psalms’ (without title) in the Old Testament Psalter; but on the basis of the king’s use of them here, they should indeed be classed as his.” (Payne)

Image result for 1 chronicles 16The three movements of this psalm

  1. Like many psalms, this one begins with a call to praise, virtually in the form of a commandment. David lists a remarkable number of ways (at least eight) one can praise and glorify God. As will be noted later in the psalm, all creation has a responsibility to praise its Creator; but this is the special responsibility of God’s people.
  2. David will soon begin to sing about the special relationship between the LORD and His covenant people. In this we see that this portion of the psalm is largely meant for teaching.
  3. God protects His people when they were out of the Promised Land.

What covenants did God make with man?

  1. God made a covenant with Abraham regarding a land, a nation, and a particular messianic blessing (Genesis 12:1-3).
  2. God made a covenant with Israel as a nation, regarding a law, sacrifice, and choice of blessing or cursing (Exodus 19:5-8).
  3. God made a covenant with David regarding the specific lineage of the Messiah (2 Samuel 7).
  4. God made a covenant with all who would believe on His Son, the New Covenant through Jesus Christ (Luke 22:20).

God’s covenant people have a special responsibility to praise Him, but all the earth should also proclaim the good news of His salvation day to day.

David is back to imploring the Israelites to tell everyone of the greatness of God, and His superiority above all gods.

Possibly the first reference to the Second Coming of Christ in the Bible:

Payne on for He is coming to judge the earth: “While earlier messianic prophecies had foretold our Lord’s universal, millennial reign (Genesis 49:10Numbers 24:171 Samuel 2:10), these words – ‘he comes’ – may be the first in all of written Scripture (Job 19:25 may well have been spoken earlier) to set forth the doctrine of the glorious second coming of Jesus Christ.”

This reminds us that the center of sacrifice was still at the tabernacle’s altar at Gibeon. Worship would be divided between the ark at Jerusalem and the altar at Gibeon.

“How long the service at Gibeon was continued we cannot tell; the principle functions were no doubt performed at Jerusalem.” (Clarke)

BSF Study Questions People of the Promised Land 1: Lesson 18, Day 2: 2 Samuel 7:1-7; 1 Chronicles 17:1-6; 22:8; 28:3


Image result for 2 samuel 7

Summary 2 Samuel 7:1-7:

David was given rest by the Lord from his enemies once he became king. David wants to build God a dwelling place. God told Nathan the prophet to tell David that He wants a house to dwell in.

Summary 1 Chronicles 17:1-6; 22:8; 28:3:

After David was settled in his palace, he told Nathan he wants to build God a dwelling place. Nathan said do it, but God came to Nathan in a dream and said not to build him a temple. God did not want David to build God a temple because of all the bloodshed he had caused.

BSF Study Questions People of the Promised Land 1: Lesson 18, Day 2: 2 Samuel 7:1-7; 1 Chronicles 17:1-6; 22:8; 28:3:

3) David wanted to build God a temple because he felt God was worthier of a better dwelling place than just a tent. Yes, God was pleased because it was on David’s heart.

4) Part personal Question. My answer: God did not want David to build the temple because he had fought many wars and shed much blood in God’s sight. God wanted someone pure to build the temple and someone of peace. War is not God’s way even when directed by Him.

5) Personal Question. My answer: God says no to many things I have wanted, and He continues to say no. I see this mostly in jobs I think I want, but I don’t get. Schools I want for my kids they don’t get into. Houses we didn’t end up buying. Vacations we don’t end up going on. Probably a million other little things I think I need in the moment when they are not a need, but a want — and not God’s want for my life.

Conclusions BSF Study Questions People of the Promised Land 1 Lesson 18, Day 2: 2 Samuel 7:1-7; 1 Chronicles 17:1-6; 22:8; 28:3:

I don’t think I’ve ever caught this before: how David wanted to build God a temple, and God said no. Great lesson in how God does reject our wants because they are not His wants for our lives.

End Notes BSF Study Questions People of the Promised Land 1 Lesson 18, Day 2: 2 Samuel 7:1-7; 1 Chronicles 17:1-6; 22:8; 28:3:

Commentary 2 Samuel 7:1-7:

The events of 2 Samuel 7 happened after the wars of conquest described in 2 Samuel 8. This section is placed before the war accounts in the text to show its greater importance.

Why did David want to build God a tabernacle?

  • Cedar wood was expensive, showing us that David lived in an expensive, beautiful home. When David sees how the ark of God dwells inside tent curtains, he was troubled by the thought that he lived in a nicer house than the ark of the covenant — as all of us should have felt.
  • David wanted to do something special for God because he wanted to glorify God and was grateful to God.

David told Nathan that he wanted to build a temple to replace the tabernacle. When Israel was in the wilderness Image result for god's templemore than 400 years before, God commanded Moses to build a tent of meeting (Exodus 25:8-9). God didn’t asked for a permanent building to replace the tent, but David wants to do this for God.

The tent of meeting – also known as the tabernacle – was perfectly suited to Israel in the wilderness because they constantly moved. Now that Israel was securely in the land and the ark of the covenant was in Jerusalem (2 Samuel 6:17), David thought it would be better and more appropriate to build a temple to replace the tabernacle.

Nathan sees nothing wrong with wanting to build the temple. After all, it’s coming from David’s heart.

What do we learn from God’s response to Nathan?

  • Never presume to know God’s will.
  • Even with the right motives, if God doesn’t ask for it or want it, don’t do it.

God seemed honored and “surprised” that David offered to build Him a house. It was as if God said to David, “You want to build Me a house? No one ever offered to do that before, and I never commanded anyone to do it.”

David wanted to do more than God commanded. This is a wonderful place to be in our relationship with God.

Commentary 1 Chronicles 17:1-6; 22:8; 28:3:

This is around 995 BC. “The Hebrew text says literally, ‘build me the house.’ The idea of there being such a house was legitimate, just that David was not the one to build it.” (Payne)

David now knew that God didn’t want him to build the temple, but David didn’t respond by doing nothing. Instead of building the temple, David gathered all the materials for its construction so Solomon could build a glorious temple to God (1 Chronicles 29:2-9)

Why did God reject David’s request to build God a temple?

  • This explanation was not previously recorded, either in 2 Samuel or in 1 Chronicles. God wanted a man of rest and peace to build a house unto Him.

It wasn’t that David’s wars were wrong or ungodly, or that the blood he shed was unrighteous.

“Principally for mystical signification, to teach us that the church (whereof the temple was a manifest and a illustrious type) should be built by Christ, the Prince of peaceIsaiah 9:6; and that it should be gathered and built up, not by might or power, or by force of arms, but by God’s SpiritZechariah 4:6, and by the preaching of the gospel of peace.” (Poole)

Though David wanted to build God a house, God politely refused David’s offer and proposed to build him a house instead, in the sense of a lasting royal dynasty (2 Samuel 7).

Significantly, David calls the temple a house of rest. “As in the case of God’s sabbath rest at creation (Genesis 2:1-3), God’s rest represents the completion of his work. The idea of rest was so significant for the temple that even though David’s role as a ‘man of war’ was a vital part of the temple preparations in creating the necessary conditions for the work, it disqualified him from building the temple himself. Only Solomon, the ‘man of rest’ (1 Chronicles 22:9), was sufficiently fitted for the task.” (Selman)

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