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BSF Study Questions People of the Promised Land 1: Lesson 18, Day 3: 2 Samuel 7:8-17; 1 Chronicles 17:7-15; Psalm 89:35-37


Image result for 2 samuel 7

Summary of 2 Samuel 7:8-17:

The Lord, speaking through Nathan the prophet, tells David He will make his name great and give him and Israel a home safe from enemies. God will build a house for Himself through one of David’s sons. God promises to establish a throne for David forever (Jesus).

Summary of 1 Chronicles 17:7-15:

Says almost exactly the same thing as 2 Samuel 7:8-17.

Summary of Psalm 89:35-37:

God promises David’s line and throne to endure forever.

BSF Study Questions People of the Promised Land 1: Lesson 18, Day 3: 2 Samuel 7:8-17; 1 Chronicles 17:7-15; Psalm 89:35-37:

6) God promises to make David’s name great, provide a place for him and Israel to have a home and not be disturbed by enemies, to give David rest from his enemies, to establish a house for David, to have one of his offspring build God a house, and to establish a throne and kingdom for David forever. Jesus.

7) Personal Question. My answer: God’s love will never be taken away despite what wrong you do. God follows through on all of His promises.

8 ) Personal Question. My answer: Too many ways to list. In sum, everything is His doing. From my past experiences and moves to my present job and role in His kingdom, it’s all God. Keeping the faith has been the key in the lows as well as the highs.

Conclusions BSF Study Questions People of the Promised Land 1 Lesson 18, Day 3: 2 Samuel 7:8-17; 1 Chronicles 17:7-15; Psalm 89:35-37:

I love how God keeps His promises, and He tells David what He’s going to do. I think God talks to us too, and let’s us know His plans — we just don’t hear Him.

End Notes BSF Study Questions People of the Promised Land 1 Lesson 18, Day 3: 2 Samuel 7:8-17; 1 Chronicles 17:7-15; Psalm 89:35-37:

Commentary 2 Samuel 7:8-17:

God promised David that He would build him a house in the sense of establishing a dynasty for the house of David. This was an enduring legacy for David long after his death.

God’s promise to build David a house forever was a greater promise than David’s offer to God. This offer would last longer and be more glorious than the temple David wanted to build.

Lessons for us from David’s offer to build God a temple:

  • God honored what David gave Him, even though he only gave it to God in his sincere intention. There are some things that we want to give God but are prevented from giving. In these cases, God receives the intention as the gift.

For many years David did not know the exact reason why God didn’t want him to build the temple. Surely, he was grieved and perhaps heartbroken at the time. But David persevered, still doing God’s work for him.

God specifically promised a hereditary monarchy for the house of David — something there had never been before in Israel — a son succeeded as king. The family of Saul all had died.

The family of David did rule over Israel for more than four centuries but was eventually removed because of sin. Yet out of the “stump” of Jesse, God raised up a new branch that will reign for ever and ever (Isaiah 11:1-2).

How did God fulfill His promises?

We see a partial fulfillment in Solomon.

  • Solomon ruled after David.
  • God cleft Solomon despite his sins.
  • Solomon build God a magnificent temple.

However, a greater Son would arise — Jesus (Jeremiah 23:5-6; Isaiah 9:6-7; Luke 1:31-33)

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Commentary 1 Chronicles 17:7-15:

God was about to make David an amazing promise, so God first reminded David of His past work in His life. The same God who was with David wherever he had gone would also fulfill this promise.

The Hebrew bayit meaning for house has various translations:  ‘dynasty’, ‘temple’, and even ‘household’.

“While God did not here employ the term covenant, what he revealed was one; and it is so designated subsequently (2 Samuel 23:5Psalm 89:334Psalm 132:11-12).” (Payne)

The New Testament identifies Jesus with David more than with any other human ancestor.

  • Hosanna to the Son of David! (Matthew 21:9)
  • The Lord God will give Him the throne of His father David. (Luke 1:32)
  • I am the Root and Offspring of David, the Bright and Morning Star. (Revelation 22:16)

David will be God’s chosen prince over a restored Israel in the millennial earth. Hosea 3:5 says, Afterward, the children of Israel shall return, seek the Lord their God and David their king, and fear the Lord and His goodness in the latter days. Other passages which set forth this idea are Ezekiel 37:24-25Ezekiel 34:23-24, and Jeremiah 30:9.

BSF Study Questions People of the Promised Land 1: Lesson 18, Day 4: 2 Samuel 7:18-24; 1 Chronicles 17:16-22


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Summary of 2 Samuel 7:18-24:

David is humbled by God’s choice of him and treatment of him. David prays a prayer of thanks and gratitude for God’s goodness.

Summary of 1 Chronicles 17:16-22:

The same as above with David saying how God is the only God who chose a people for Himself.

BSF Study Questions People of the Promised Land 1: Lesson 18, Day 4: 2 Samuel 7:18-24; 1 Chronicles 17:16-22:

9) Complete humility. He praises God for His goodness, says how he is not worthy of anything God has given him and will give him and how God is great.

10) Personal Question. My answer: David’s response to God’s goodness — complete humility. David is overwhelmed with gratitude, and we see it here.

11) Part personal Question. My answer: David recognized how God was putting David and his family in a place of authority over Israel forever. He recognizes how God has chosen Israel as the one nation on earth to redeem for Himself. I have responded with gratitude and prayer, but I don’t think in the same way as David — with such a humble heart. This my prayer today.

Conclusions BSF Study Questions People of the Promised Land 1 Lesson 18, Day 4: 2 Samuel 7:18-24; 1 Chronicles 17:16-22:

I love David’s attitude. If only I could be as humbled and grateful as David for all I’ve been given and for how God has chosen me for Him.

End Notes BSF Study Questions People of the Promised Land 1 Lesson 18, Day 4: 2 Samuel 7:18-24; 1 Chronicles 17:16-22:

Commentary 2 Samuel 7:18-24 & 1 Chronicles 17:16-22:Image result for 2 samuel 7

God’s gift made God greater — not David.

FUN FACT: David says “your servant” ten times in this prayer.

David’s prayer boldly asked God to do what He promised. God loves when we pray like this.

BSF Study Questions People of the Promised Land 1: Lesson 18, Day 5: 2 Samuel 7:25-29; 1 Chronicles 17:23-27; Psalm 89:19-37


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Summary of 2 Samuel 7:25-29:

David prays for God to do as He promises for His name and bless his house forever.

Summary of 1 Chronicles 17:23-27:

Same as above.

Summary of Psalm 89:19-37:

This sums up what God has done: chosen and anointed David as king over God’s people, protected David and struck down his enemies, God will be with him and establish his line forever, God will punish David’s sons but not remove His love nor faithfulness, God will not break His covenant with David, and David’s line will endure forever.

BSF Study Questions People of the Promised Land 1: Lesson 18, Day 5: 2 Samuel 7:25-29; 1 Chronicles 17:23-27; Psalm 89:19-37:

12) The definition of covenant is: “usually a formal, solemn, and binding agreement; compact. A written agreement or promise usually under seal between two or more parties especially for the performance of an action.”  God’s covenant with David is unconditional. God promises to never take away His love despite any sin that may occur. He doesn’t ask David to do anything in return. He merely picked David and promised Him

13) Part personal Question. My answer: David is praying based off God’s promise to Him. God encourages prayer through both our valleys and our mountains. We thank Him for good in our life and ask for help when we need it.

14) God will not take away His love nor His covenant from David if David sins. There is no repercussions or warnings to God’s covenant promise to David. God promises out of His love for David.

15) Part personal Question. My answer: God keeps His promises, never betrays His faithfulness, does not lie, and His love will be with David forever. He mentions how David calls him “His Father, God, Rock my Savior.” Knowing God does not take away His love despite my sins is a great comfort to me.

Conclusions BSF Study Questions People of the Promised Land 1 Lesson 18, Day 5: 2 Samuel 7:25-29; 1 Chronicles 17:23-27; Psalm 89:19-37:

Knowing God’s love is unconditional and no matter what stupid things we do and sins we commit, He forgives us and still loves us is huge in my faith and very encouraging. Praying with David’s heart is a prayer of mine as well.

End Notes BSF Study Questions People of the Promised Land 1 Lesson 18, Day 5: 2 Samuel 7:25-29; 1 Chronicles 17:23-27; Psalm 89:19-37:

Commentary 2 Samuel 7:25-29 & 1 Chronicles 17:23-27:

David prayed from the heart.

Commentary Psalm 89:19-37:

Spurgeon thought the holy one in this context was Nathan the Prophet, not David. “The holy one here may be either David or Nathan the prophet, but most probably the latter, for it was to him that the word of the Lord came by night (2 Samuel 7:4-5).” (Spurgeon)

One chosen from the people describes Jesus:

  • Jesus was extracted from the people.
  • Jesus was elected among the people.
  • Jesus was exalted above the people.

What are the blessings God placed upon David?

In this section of the Psalm, God described the many blessings He placed upon David, the man after His heart (1 Samuel 13:14):

  • The blessing of help (I have given help)
  • The blessing of exaltation (I have exalted)
  • The blessing of election (one chosen from the people)
  • The blessing of anointing (I have anointed him)
  • The blessing of security (with whom My hand shall be established)
  • The blessing of God’s own strength (My arm shall strengthen him)
  • The blessing of protection (the enemy shall not outwit him, nor the son of wickedness afflict him)
  • The blessing of vindication (I will beat down his foes before his face, and plague those who hate him)
  • The blessing of ongoing faithfulness and mercy (My faithfulness and My mercy shall be with him)
  • The blessing of exalted strength (in My name his horn shall be exalted).

“David was never overthrown; he finally conquered every foe that rose up against him. Saul’s persecution, Absalom’s revolt, Sheba’s conspiracy, and the struggle made by the partisans of the house of Saul after his death only tended to call forth David’s skill, courage, and prowess, and to seat him more firmly on his throne.” (Clarke)

Image result for psalm 89First-born is not always to be understood literally in Scripture. It often signifies simply a well-beloved, or best-beloved son; one preferred to all the rest, and distinguished by some eminent prerogative. Thus God calls Israel his son, his first-bornExodus 4:22.” (Clarke)

With Jesus the covenant is ratified both by blood of sacrifice and by oath of God (Spurgeon).

All of those in David’s royal line had some part of this Davidic covenant. Some of these were disobedient kings, and God had to bring considerable correction to both the kings and the kingdom.

As described in the Davidic covenant, Yahweh would never completely take His hesed, His covenant love, from the house of David (2 Samuel 7:14-16). Yahweh would remain faithful to His covenant and His word.

BSF Study Questions People of the Promised Land 1: Lesson 19, Day 2: 2 Samuel 8


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Summary of 2 Samuel 8:

Image result for 2 samuel 8David defeated the Philistines and the Moabites, whom he put many to death. He fought Hadadezer, the king of Zobah, and captured his chariots and hamstrung most of the horses. David conquered Damascus. God gave David victory wherever he went. He gained a lot of booty. The King of Hamath brought David tribute. David defeated the Edomites and was a just ruler for Israel.

BSF Study Questions People of the Promised Land 1: Lesson 19, Day 2: 2 Samuel 8:

3) David defeated the Philistines, Moabites, Zobah (Syria), Damascus, Hamath, and Edomites. Victory meant they would finally have peace, and with peace comes economic prosperity. David’s victories were complete.

4) The Lord gave David victory wherever he went. People acknowledge God in their success by saying so, by doing the right thing, and by thanking Him. Also, when they are humble, knowing it is all in God’s power, they acknowledge Him with their hearts.

5) He dedicated the plunder to God. There would be less poverty if God were given resources. More people would be blessed. There would be less dependence on the government for care of the poor, the homeless, and the widowed. The world would be a less selfish place.

6) Part personal Question. My answer: He is obeying God. He is doing what is just and right for all his people. I hope my kids describe me as doing what is right for them and others. Putting others first before myself. Thinking of others.

Conclusions BSF Study Questions People of the Promised Land 1 Lesson 19 Day 2: 2 Samuel 8:

God does need to be given more of the credit for what He does in our lives. It’s all Him, and none of it is us.

End Notes BSF Study Questions People of the Promised Land 1 Lesson 19, Day 2: 2 Samuel 8:

Metheg Ammah was another name for the Philistine city of Gath (compare 1 Chronicles 18:1). When David became king, the Philistines were taking territory from God’s people. Under his leadership God’s people began to take territory from the enemy.

Why was David so harsh against the Moabites?

Image result for 2 samuel 8Scholars do not know. David’s war against Moab and his harsh treatment of their army seemed out of place considering that David’s great-grandmother was a Moabite (Ruth) and that he entrusted his mother and father into the care of the Moabites (1 Samuel 22:3-4). It may be that the Moabites killed or mistreated David’s parents. We are not told.

God did not want Israel to destroy every neighbor nation. Generally, God wanted Israel to be so blessed and strong that other nations were “taxed” by Israel, thus recognizing their strength and dominance.

The king of Zobah (a Syrian kingdom) ran into David on his way to capture territory to the Euphrates. David’s dominance extended all the way to the Euphrates River.

God’s promise to Abraham was fulfilled: “Unto thy seed I have given this land, from the river of Egypt unto the great river, the river Euphrates.”

The harshness of war

  • David could not care for so many horses while on military campaign, and he could not give them back to the enemy.
  • David obeyed the principle of Deuteronomy 17:15-16 and absolutely refused to trust in horses as military weapons. His trust was in God instead (Psalm 20:7 and 33:16-17).

The plunder of war

  • David took what was the glory of the enemy and transformed them into trophies of the power and goodness of God. Those shields of gold were set in the temple and testified to God’s work in and through David.

Take away: God loves to take people and things that are “trophies” for the Devil and make them trophies to His power and grace.

Fun fact:  Israel possessed more of the land God promised to Abraham (Genesis 15:18-21) under David’s reign than at any other time.

Image result for 2 samuel 8The reign of King David

This chapter of victory, blessing, and prosperity describes the national life of Israel during the reign of David. This is one reason why he is generally regarded as the greatest king or ruler Israel ever had. David fulfilled what is the fundamental duty of government – to administer judgment and justice (Romans 13:1-7)

Because David allowed God to subdue Him, the nations were subdued before David.

No great ruler succeeds by himself. Success comes with support.

We never find such a list regarding the organization of King Saul’s government. This is because David’s government had much more form and structure than Saul’s.

There is a limit to what we can be and what we can do for the LORD without order and organization. Together we are stronger and delegation is key to being able to accomplish more for God’s kingdom.

The Cherethites and Pelethites were hired soldiers from Crete.

BSF Study Questions People of the Promised Land 1: Lesson 19, Day 3: 2 Samuel 9


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Summary of 2 Samuel 9:

David showed kindness to Jonathan’s son, Mephibosheth, by restoring all the land that belonged to Saul and giving him a place at his table — a considerable honor. David provided for Mephibosheth all the days of his life and for Ziba, a servant of Saul’s household as well.

BSF Study Questions People of the Promised Land 1: Lesson 19, Day 3: 2 Samuel 9:

7) David wants to show kindness to someone in Saul’s family. It shows that David is indeed a man after God’s own heart because this is what God would do. It shows David is indeed of noble character and that, like God, David keeps his promises to always show friendship to Jonathan’s descendants forever.

8 ) Part personal Question. My answer: David promises to show him kindness, restore all the land that belonged to Saul so Mephibosheth could farm it and take care of himself, and he offered him a permanent spot at the king’s table (in essence, all his physical needs would be taken care of for life). I receive grace and forgiveness everyday from God and others undeserved. I received God’s Son as my Savior undeserved. I receive mercy from God undeserved. I give to my kids daily undeserved and of my co-workers because that is what we are called to do — sacrifice for others and put their needs first.

9) Personal Question. My answer: I try to show kindness when I happen upon the marginalized and the forgotten, but I don’t go out of my way to find them. This is definitely something I can work on. God is reminding me to show kindness to everyone in my life — family, friends, strangers, co-workers, and anyone who crosses my path whom God has put there so I can reflect Christ to them.

Conclusions BSF Study Questions People of the Promised Land 1 Lesson 19 Day 3: 2 Samuel 9:

Good lesson on doing for others, showing kindness (even undeserved), and doing what Jesus would do.

End Notes BSF Study Questions People of the Promised Land 1 Lesson 19, Day 3: 2 Samuel 9

In 1 Samuel 7 David asked, “What can I do for God?” and he proposed to build a temple for the Lord. Now David asked another question we should all ask: “What can I do for others?”

David’s question showed his huge heart as Saul was his enemy. Usually, the king of a new dynasty massacred anyone connected with the prior dynasty. David went against the principle of revenge and against the principle of self-preservation and asked what he could do for the family of his enemy.

Image result for 2 samuel 9Why did David want to help Mephibosheth?

  • David did this because he remembered his relationship and covenant with Jonathan (1 Samuel 20:14-15).
  • David wanted to show someone else the same kindness God showed to him.

We first learned of Mephibosheth in 2 Samuel 4:4, which says that this son of Jonathan was made lame in his feet from an accident. He fled from fear of being killed since Mephibosheth had the right to the throne. He was a son of the first-born son of the king, and other potential heirs were dead.

Later in 2 Samuel 16:5-8 we see a man named Shimei who was a partisan for the house of Saul against David. There were at least a few in Israel who felt that the house of Saul should still reign over the nation, and that David shouldn’t be king. Mephibosheth might draw upon these partisans and develop a rival following.

Ishbosheth was Mephibosheth’s uncle, and he waged a bloody war against David for the throne of Israel. There was at least an outside chance that Mephibosheth might do the same.

Mephibosheth, probably due to his disability, held a low station in life. He didn’t even have his own house. Instead, he lived in the house of another man.

Machir the son of Ammiel later showed his loyalty to David when David’s son, Absalom, led a rebellion against David. Machir supported and helped David at great danger to himself (2 Samuel 17:27-29).

What did David do differently with regards to Mephibosheth?

  • David went against all custom in showing such kindness to an heir of the former dynasty.
  • David gave Mephibosheth the honor of a close relationship with the king, which is what Jesus offers. Jesus told the disciples that they would eat and drink at His table in heaven (Luke 22:30).
  • David gave Mephibosheth servants to work the land.

How is David’s grace to Mephibosheth like God’s grace to us?

  1. We are hiding, poor, weak, lame, and fearful before our King comes to us.
  2. We are separated from our King because of our wicked ancestors.
  3. We are separated from our King because of our deliberate actions.
  4. We separated ourselves from the King because we didn’t know him or His love for us.
  5. Our King sought us out before we sought Him.
  6. The King’s kindness is extended to us for the sake of another.
  7. The King’s kindness is based on covenant.
  8. We must receive the King’s kindness in humility.
  9. The King returns to us what we lost in hiding from Him.
  10. The King returns to us more than what we lost in hiding from Him.
  11. We have the privilege of provision at the King’s table.
  12. We are received as sons at the King’s table, with access to the King and fellowship with Him.
  13. We receive servants from the King. (credit David Guzik) 

Image result for mountain flowersWhat does David’s treatment of Mephibosheth teach us about serving others?

  1. We should seek out our enemies and seek to bless them.
  2. We should look for the poor, weak, lame, and hidden to bless them.
  3. We should bless others when they don’t deserve it, and bless them more than they deserve.
  4. We should bless others for the sake of someone else.
  5. We must show the kindness of God to others. (credit David Guzik)

BSF Study Questions People of the Promised Land 1: Lesson 19, Day 4: 2 Samuel 9; Ephesians 2:1-10


Image result for ephesian 2

Summary of 2 Samuel 9:

David showed kindness to Jonathan’s son, Mephibosheth, by restoring all the land that belonged to Saul and giving him a place at his table — a considerable honor. David provided for Mephibosheth all the days of his life and for Ziba, a servant of Saul’s household as well.

Summary of Ephesians 2:1-10:

We are alive in Christ; whereas, before we were dead in our transgressions as we followed the ways of the world and our sins. We are saved by grace through faith in Jesus as our Savior, which leads to good works.

BSF Study Questions People of the Promised Land 1: Lesson 19, Day 4: 2 Samuel 9; Ephesians 2:1-10:

10) Because of God’s great love and mercy for us, He sent Chris to die for our sins, making us alive in Christ and dead in our sins — all through the grace of God. We spend eternity with God because of His grace.

11) David treats Mephibosheth as an heir, extending to him the rights of the son of a king. We are heirs to God’s kingdom through His son, Jesus. A full list is listed in the end notes. Here are some ways:

  1. The King’s kindness is extended to us for the sake of another.
  2. The King’s kindness is based on covenant.
  3. We have the privilege of provision at the King’s table.
  4. We are received as sons at the King’s table, with access to the King and fellowship with Him.

12) Personal Question. My answer: I experience God’s mercy every day as He constantly forgives my sins. I pray prayers of thanks for His mercy, compassion, and grace upon me and for His Son, Jesus.

Conclusions BSF Study Questions People of the Promised Land 1 Lesson 19 Day 4: 2 Samuel 9; Ephesians 2:1-10:

Same lesson as yesterday, just with the added emphasis of how David is a man after God’s own heart as we see David extending the same grace to Mephibosheth as God extends to us through Jesus Christ.

End Notes BSF Study Questions People of the Promised Land 1 Lesson 19, Day 4: 2 Samuel 9; Ephesians 2:1-10:

Commentary 2 Samuel 9 (same as yesterday’s):

In 1 Samuel 7 David asked, “What can I do for God?” and he proposed to build a temple for the Lord. Now David asked another question we should all ask: “What can I do for others?”

David’s question showed his huge heart as Saul was his enemy. Usually, the king of a new dynasty massacred anyone connected with the prior dynasty. David went against the principle of revenge and against the principle of self-preservation and asked what he could do for the family of his enemy.Image result for picture of grace

Why did David want to help Mephibosheth?

  • David did this because he remembered his relationship and covenant with Jonathan (1 Samuel 20:14-15).
  • David wanted to show someone else the same kindness God showed to him.

We first learned of Mephibosheth in 2 Samuel 4:4, which says that this son of Jonathan was made lame in his feet from an accident. He fled from fear of being killed since Mephibosheth had the right to the throne. He was a son of the first-born son of the king, and other potential heirs were dead.

Later in 2 Samuel 16:5-8 we see a man named Shimei who was a partisan for the house of Saul against David. There were at least a few in Israel who felt that the house of Saul should still reign over the nation, and that David shouldn’t be king. Mephibosheth might draw upon these partisans and develop a rival following.

Ishbosheth was Mephibosheth’s uncle, and he waged a bloody war against David for the throne of Israel. There was at least an outside chance that Mephibosheth might do the same.

Mephibosheth, probably due to his disability, held a low station in life. He didn’t even have his own house. Instead, he lived in the house of another man.

Machir the son of Ammiel later showed his loyalty to David when David’s son, Absalom, led a rebellion against David. Machir supported and helped David at great danger to himself (2 Samuel 17:27-29).

What did David do differently with regards to Mephibosheth?

  • David went against all custom in showing such kindness to an heir of the former dynasty.
  • David gave Mephibosheth the honor of a close relationship with the king, which is what Jesus offers. Jesus told the disciples that they would eat and drink at His table in heaven (Luke 22:30).
  • David gave Mephibosheth servants to work the land.

How is David’s grace to Mephibosheth like God’s grace to us?

  1. We are hiding, poor, weak, lame, and fearful before our King comes to us.
  2. We are separated from our King because of our wicked ancestors.
  3. We are separated from our King because of our deliberate actions.
  4. We separated ourselves from the King because we didn’t know him or His love for us.
  5. Our King sought us out before we sought Him.
  6. The King’s kindness is extended to us for the sake of another.
  7. The King’s kindness is based on covenant.
  8. We must receive the King’s kindness in humility.
  9. The King returns to us what we lost in hiding from Him.
  10. The King returns to us more than what we lost in hiding from Him.
  11. We have the privilege of provision at the King’s table.
  12. We are received as sons at the King’s table, with access to the King and fellowship with Him.
  13. We receive servants from the King. (credit David Guzik) 

Image result for picture of graceWhat does David’s treatment of Mephibosheth teach us about serving others?

  1. We should seek out our enemies and seek to bless them.
  2. We should look for the poor, weak, lame, and hidden to bless them.
  3. We should bless others when they don’t deserve it, and bless them more than they deserve.
  4. We should bless others for the sake of someone else.
  5. We must show the kindness of God to others. (credit David Guzik)

Commentary Ephesians 2:1-10:

A being might be alive in one sense but dead in another. To be spiritually dead does not mean that we are physically dead, socially dead, or psychologically dead.

The Bible uses different pictures to describe the state of the unsaved (dead in transgressions) man:

Trespasses connotes we’ve crossed a line, challenging God’s boundaries. Sins connotes we’ve missed a mark, the perfect standards of God.

Satan orchestrates sin. He is active everywhere and at all times. We once walked in sin as an old man, but Jesus crucified that person at the time of conversion. The sin nature inherited from Adam influenced the old man, but the world system and Satan do also. We still see the old man in the flesh.

Those who walk now in Christ should feel uncomfortable in the presence of sin.

The unique title for Satan speaks of his authority (prince) and his realm (the air, a way of referring to Satan’s “environment”).

Bible Scholar Bruce explains: “The domain of the air, in fact, is another way of indicating the heavenly realm, which, according to Ephesians 6:12, is the abode of those principalities and powers, world-rulers of this darkness and spiritual forces of wickedness against which the people of Christ wage war.”

We once were among the sons of disobedience from our conduct. Lusts of the flesh are basically perversions of the legitimate desires of human nature.

We rightfully deserve God’s wrath. However, out of God’s great mercy and love for us, we are reconciled to Him.

Image result for ephesian 2

What is grace?

  • Every reason for God’s mercy and love is found in Him. We give Him no reason to love us, yet in the greatness of His love, He loves us with that great love anyway.
  • We must stop trying to make ourselves lovable to God, and instead receive His great love while recognizing that we are unworthy of it. This is grace.

What are the requirements of salvation?

  • You must be dead to every attempt to justify yourself before God.
  • God made us alive through the crucifixion of Christ on the cross.
  • Through faith, we believe this is true.
  • Through God’s grace, we are accepted.

What are the results of salvation?

  • We have a new place for living, a new arena of existence – we are not those who dwell on the earth (as Revelation often calls them), but our citizenship is in heaven (Philippians 3:20).
  • We sit in Jesus. Since he sits in heavenly places, so do we.

Nothing ever changes. God will continue to show us grace in the future (coming ages) and continue to bless us through eternity.

Paul knew the Gospel would be preached forever.


  1. Salvation is a gift from God
  2. Faith is a gift from God. We cannot believe in Jesus unless God does a prior work in us, for we are blinded by our own deadness and by the god of this age (2 Corinthians 4:4)

Bible Scholar Clarke explains: “Without the grace or power to believe no man ever did or can believe; but with that power the act of faith is a man’s own. God never believes for any man, no more than he repents for him; the penitent, through this grace enabling him, believes for himself.”

What do we learn about praying for others?

Since God initiates salvation, we should begin our evangelism with asking God to do the initiating and granting the unsaved the ability to believe.

We are God’s poem

God saves us not merely to save us from the wrath we rightly deserve, but also to make something beautiful of us. We are His workmanship, which translates the ancient Greek word poiema. The idea is that we are His beautiful poem. The Jerusalem Bible translates workmanship as “work of art.”

God’s love is a transforming love. It meets us right where we are at, but when we receive this love it always takes us where we should be going. The love of God that saves my soul will also change my life.

We are His workmanship, His creation – something new He has made of us in Jesus Christ.

Image result for ephesian 2

How do you know you are saved?

  • Through good works. Good works are the evidence we are walking in Christ Jesus. Good works are just as much a part of God’s predestined plan as anything else is.

Works play no part at all in securing salvation. But afterwards, Christians will prove their faith by their works.

BSF Study Questions People of the Promised Land 1: Lesson 19, Day 5: 2 Samuel 10; Psalm 60


Image result for 2 samuel 10

Summary 2 Samuel 10:

Image result for 2 samuel 10When the king of the Ammonites died, David wanted to show kindness to his son in return for harboring him from Saul. David sent a delegation to express sympathy to Hanun, the king of the Ammonites’ son. However, Hanun took them for spies and shaved off half their beards and cut off their garments and sent them away. This was a great humiliation, so the men stayed at Jericho until their beards could grow back.

Because of this, the Ammonites thought they would attack David. They hired soldiers from Beth Rehob, Zobah, and Maacah. David sent Joab to meet them with the entire Israelite army. Despite having battle lines in front and behind them, the Israelites attacked and the enemy fled. However, the enemy (The Arameans) regrouped, attacked again, and were routed again — this time by David himself who chased them and killed a vast number. They made peace with Israel.

Summary Psalm 60:

David realizes with God comes victory. God rejects the people but also restores them. With God, anything is possible.

BSF Study Questions People of the Promised Land 1: Lesson 19, Day 5: 2 Samuel 10; Psalm 60:

13) Part personal Question. My answer: The Ammonites mistook David’s sympathy delegation for spies, so they shaved off the men’s beards and cut their clothes and sent them back home. Very similar to David and Abigail (1 Samuel 25) in the sense of a misunderstanding/misinterpretation that can go wrong. We all can read into things and then make decisions based on faulty information, which can lead to hurting others and broken relationships amongst other things more serious when nations are involved. I can misinterpret things said to me and then I respond and then I look like the fool and end up having to apologize. Luckily, in God’s grace, I’m forgiven for jumping to conclusions.

14) Part personal Question. My answer: God. Having trust and faith that God supports you and is guiding you is key when making life decisions. Having patience in God’s timing and knowing He will do it all and having faith in God to do it all is the lesson learned here. “The Lord will do what is good in his sight” is the lesson, and knowing what is good is the result — whether it’s your good or not — is key as well.

15) Personal Question. My answer: With God we gain victory. It’s having the faith to know that in your heart, praying for His guidance, to give His victory and not your victory that is key to happiness and contentment in life.

Conclusions BSF Study Questions People of the Promised Land 1 Lesson 19 Day 5: 2 Samuel 10; Psalm 60:

Although misunderstanding in relationships thankfully don’t often result in full-blown battles with bloodshed, we can learn that when we offer an olive branch and it’s rejected to seek clarification first before responding irrationally and doing things or saying things to break relationships that may never recover.

End Notes BSF Study Questions People of the Promised Land 1 Lesson 19, Day 5: 2 Samuel 10; Psalm 60:

Commentary 2 Samuel 10:

Scholars do not know why the Ammonite nobles suspected him. However, it is common for liars to always suspect others of lying.

The importance of beards in Ancient Times

In that culture, many men would rather die than have their beard shaved off. A clean-shaven face was the mark of a slave and free men wore beards.

“With the value universally set upon the beard by the Hebrews and other Oriental nations, as being man’s greatest ornament, the cutting off of one-half of it was the greatest insult that could have been offered to the ambassadors, and through them to David their king.” (Keil and Delitzsch)

“The beard is held in high respect in the East: the possessor considers it his greatest ornament; often swears by it; and, in matters of great importance, pledges it. Nothing can be more secure than a pledge of this kind; its owner will redeem it at the hazard of his life.” (Clarke)

To insult the ambassador is to insult the king

  • The act of cutting beards and humiliation was upon David himself. And the same for Jesus. Jesus reminded His disciples: If the world hates you, you know that it hated Me before it hated you. (John 15:18)

David didn’t use these men as political tools to whip up anger against the Ammonites. He cared more for their own dignity and honor and allowed them to wait before returning to Jerusalem.

David was nothing without his mighty men who didn’t necessarily start as mighty men; many were the distressed, indebted, and discontent people who followed David at Adullam Cave (1 Samuel 22:1-2).

Who were David’s mighty men?

  • Adino the Eznite – famous for killing 800 men at one time (2 Samuel 23:8).
  • Jashobeam who killed 300 men at one time (1 Chronicles 11:11).
  • Benaiah who killed a lion in a pit on a snowy day and killed an Egyptian warrior with his own spear (1 Chronicles 11:22-23)

The Israelites found themselves surrounded. In front of them were the Ammonites and behind them were the Syrians. It looked bad for the army of Israel.

Image result for 2 samuel 10

What did Joab do right?

  • Attack. Joab had only one strategy in battle – attack. Many generals would have surrendered when surrounded on both sides by the enemy, but not Joab. He called the army to courage and faith and told them to press on. Courage and strength are not matters of feeling and circumstance. They are matters of choice, especially when God makes His strength available to us. We can be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might (Ephesians 6:10).
  • Remember what and who they are fighting for. Joab called them to remember all they had to lose. If they lost this battle, they would lose both their people and their cities.
  • Remember God is in charge. Joab wisely prepared for the battle to the best of his ability and worked hard for the victory. At the same time, he knew that the outcome was ultimately in God’s hands. God promised this kind of blessing upon an obedient Israel (Deuteronomy 28:7).

God’s warning to David about Bathsheba

Image result for psalm 60The offending Ammonites were still in their city and Joab returned to Jerusalem. In the spring King David sent Joab and the army out again to deal with Rabbah as he waited in Jerusalem. While he waited comfortably in Jerusalem, he fell into sin with Bathsheba.

2 Samuel 10 shows that God gave David a warning by showing it necessary for him to come out against the Syrians. David tried to leave the battle with Joab in 2 Samuel 10, but his army needed him, and God tried to show him that by blessing him in battle.

Commentary Psalm 60:

This is a Michtam, a golden Psalm of David, intended for teaching, to instruct his present and future generations, especially about relying upon God and nothing else in conflict.

Either God is for you or against you — That is all the difference

  • David knew that when the Lord fought for Israel, victory was assured; if there was defeat, it was because of God’s displeasure.
  • Worse than defeat was the sense of separation from God.

“But for this psalm and its title, we should have had no inkling of the resilience of David’s hostile neighbours at the peak of his power.” (Kidner)

What God does in judgment or discipline He can restore in love and mercy.

What does the banner signify?

  • The banner signified Israel’s reliance upon God and His victory for them.
  • The truth about God – who He is and what He has done – demanded that this banner be displayed.

Image result for 2 samuel 10God proclaimed how the land of Israel was His special possession. The specific mentions of Shechem, the Valley of Succoth, of Gilead, of Manasseh, of Ephraim, and of Judah shows that God did not speak symbolically, but geographically.

God said He would exalt Himself over the surrounding nations. Both Moab and Edom were noted for their pride (Isaiah 16:6Obadiah 3). Here God gives them places of humble service.

“When David speaks of ‘the fortified city’ he can only mean Petra, the most inaccessible and impregnable mountain stronghold of Edom. Only God could give victory over such a fortress, and David knew it.

This Psalm begins in defeat, but ends in victory.

“Divine working is not an argument for human inaction, but rather it is for courageous effort.” (Spurgeon)

“For our part, there will be valiant deeds; for God’s part, there will be His hand on ours and His foot on the enemy.” (Kidner)

BSF Study Questions People of the Promised Land 1: Lesson 20, Day 2: 2 Samuel 11:1-17


Image result for bathsheba

Summary of 2 Samuel 11:1-17:

David did not go to war; instead, he sent his men who destroyed the Ammonites and besieged Rabbah. David saw Bathsheba from his roof top as she bathed on her rooftop. David slept with her, and she conceived. To cover his sin, David brought Bathsheba’s husband, Uriah, home from war, but he did not sleep with his wife out of honor and duty to his fellow soldiers still at war. David then hatched a plan to make Uriah drunk and put him at the front of the battle lines when he returned to the field. He died in the battle exactly as David had planned.

BSF Study Questions People of the Promised Land 1: Lesson 20, Day 2: 2 Samuel 11:1-17:

3) Part personal Question. My answer: David encounters temptation and chooses to humor it. He pursues temptation by inquiring of Bathsheba and having her come to him. He then consummates the act. At all of these points, God gives David an out; he rejects it every time. David sinned with Bathsheba and then had to cover up his tracks, so he wouldn’t be discovered. He tried to bring Uriah back to sleep with his wife, which he refused. So David had him killed in battle. Sins can be compounded, especially as you try to cover up one sin with another, leading to even worse consequences.

4) Personal Question. My answer: I do everything in my power to not put myself into situations that are tempting that I know I will most likely fail. Growing closer to God, praying more, relying on Him more with strengthen me as well.

5) Deuteronomy tells us God commands the king to write down a copy of the Law, keep it with him, and read it and study it so that he may learn to revere God, obey God’s laws, and develop a humble attitude. In 1 Samuel 16, God gave David the Holy Spirit to guide him and be with him all the days of his life. God also used people such as Abigail to prevent him from sinning, as well as armies who attack and men who whisper behind his back so David doesn’t have to fight his own people. God is good, and God protects. But ultimately, it’s still our choice to not sin.

6) Part personal Question. My answer: Friends to pick you up when you fall, Holy Spirit to teach us and remind us of things, Jesus who intercedes for us, a way out when we are tempted, and faith in Christ. God also provides the Bible and prayer as a direct communication with Him. All are helpful at times, depending on the situation

Conclusions BSF Study Questions People of the Promised Land 1 Lesson 20 Day 2: 2 Samuel 11:1-17:

This lesson for me is about trying to cover sin with more sin, which only causes more disastrous consequences. It’s best to own up to the sin instead of trying to cover it up.

End Notes BSF Study Questions People of the Promised Land 1 Lesson 20, Day 2: 2 Samuel 11:1-17:

In ancient times with infrastructure being non-existent and the difficulty of finding and transporting food to troops, wars were not normally fought during the winter. Rain and cold added to the misery, so most wars only happened when the weather was nice.

David should have been at the battle, but he remained behind. In 2 Samuel 10 Joab and the army of the mighty men were preserved against the Syrians and the Ammonites, but they did not win a decisive victory. The decisive victory came when David led the battle at the end of 2 Samuel 10.

Why did David commit adultery?

  • David showed his disregard to God’s plan for marriage many years before when he took more than one wife (1 Samuel 25:42-432 Samuel 3:2-5). He liked women and indulged this, which is why he sinned.

The Hebrew verb form of walked suggests that David paced back and forth on the roof. He couldn’t sleep and was uneasy – uneasy because he wasn’t where God wanted him to be.

How did Bathsheba sin?

Image result for bathsheba

  • Bathsheba herself acted immodestly. Though it was evening and apparently the time when most people were asleep, certainly she knew that her bath was visible from the roof of the palace. Any immodesty on Bathsheba’s part did not excuse David’s sin, but she was still responsible for her wrong.

We must never be an occasion for sin in others, even in how we dress. Paul’s word in 1 Timothy 2:9 is relevant here: the women should adorn themselves in modest apparel, with propriety and moderation.

David sinned by looking prolongedly onto Bathsheba. He could have looked away but choose not to. He inquired of her, indulging the potential sin more, putting himself into a more tempting situation.

Solomon, David’s son had 700 wives and 300 concubines. David and Solomon show us that if one woman isn’t enough, 1000 women aren’t enough. This is a warning to parents that kids do what they see you do.

How does temptation work?

  • In order to be tempted, your heart, mind, and soul must not be in a good place.  This is what Satan looks for and when he strikes.
  • David committed adultery in his heart up on the roof. He now has an opportunity to commit adultery in practice. Adultery in the heart and mind is a sin but not as bad as adultery in practice.

Bathsheba is from a notable family: She was from the upper classes. Her father was Eliam, one of David’s Mighty Men (2 Samuel 23:34). Her grandfather was Ahithophel – one of David’s chief counselors (2 Samuel 23:342 Samuel 15:12). And she’s the wife of another of his Mighty Men (2 Samuel 23:839). Once David learned Uriah was away a war, the temptation got worse.

Bathsheba made no resistance either. Both are culpable.

Consequences of David’s sin with Bathsheba

  • An unwanted pregnancy
  • The murder of a friend
  • A dead baby
  • HIs daughter raped by his son
  • One son murdered by another son
  • A civil war led by one of his sons
  • A son who imitates his father’s lack of self-control, leading him and much of Israel away from God.

Themes of 2 Samuel 11: David didn’t think; he felt. Feelings can often lead us astray.

David never understood the reason for sex (a bonding experience between men and women).

Bathsheba purifying herself from her uncleanliness means she had just had her period.

Both David and Bathsheba are in a predicament when she ends up pregnant. The law says both should be put to death. (Leviticus 20:10)

Instead of confessing his sin and repenting, David tries to cover his sin up.

You can’t hide sin

  • Our sin is never hidden before God and only hidden with difficulty from our conscience. Our hidden sin hinders our fellowship with God and others and is a barrier to spiritual life and power. Why even bother trying to hide it?

The nobility of Uriah the Hittite

  • Uriah had a passion for the glory of God, even though he was a Hittite and not a native Jew.
  • Uriah had great integrity and couldn’t see himself having pleasure when his fellow soldiers were fighting and dying. If only David had done a similar thing.
  • Uriah carried his own death sentence, too noble to open the letter. How evil is that?

David tries a second time to get Uriah to sin by getting him drunk enough to let down his guard and sleep with his wife.

Joab did exactly as he was told; he allowed Uriah to be murdered.

BSF Study Questions People of the Promised Land 1: Lesson 20, Day 3: 2 Samuel 11:18-27 with Psalm 32


Image result for uriah the hittite

Summary of 2 Samuel 11:18-27:

Joab sends a messenger back to David to report about the battle. The messenger reported to David that they won the battle, but men were lost, including Uriah the Hittite. Bathsheba dutifully mourned, and then married David. God was displeased.

Summary Psalm 32:

David says we are blessed because our sins are forgiven and not held against us. David was weighed down under his unconfessed sin. He confessed and was forgiven. God’s unfailing love protects those who trust in Him.

BSF Study Questions People of the Promised Land 1: Lesson 20, Day 3: 2 Samuel 11:18-27 with Psalm 32:

7) Uriah died. Bathsheba married David.

Consequences of David’s sin with Bathsheba

  • An unwanted pregnancy
  • The murder of a friend
  • A dead baby
  • HIs daughter raped by his son
  • One son murdered by another son
  • A civil war led by one of his sons
  • A son who imitates his father’s lack of self-control, leading him and much of Israel away from God

8 ) Currently, we’re not seeing it. We’ll see it later on. He displeased God (never a good thing to have God mad at you). He had to compromise his integrity and kill his friend. I can’t imagine he’s feeling all that great. All for one night with a woman. In Psalm 32, he later says the secret of the sin sapped his energy and weighed him down until he confessed.

9) Personal Question. My answer: Don’t cover up sin with sin. Confess now, be forgiven, and let the weight be moved from your shoulders, so you can move forward with your life instead of living in guilt.

Conclusions BSF Study Questions People of the Promised Land 1 Lesson 20 Day 3: 2 Samuel 11:18-27 with Psalm 32:

David doesn’t seem too concerned, does he, that he murdered someone. I guess when you’re used to killing people, what’s one more life? I image David felt relief more so than remorse over his actions — until God gets involved. Then his attitude will change.

End Notes BSF Study Questions People of the Promised Land 1 Lesson 20, Day 3: 2 Samuel 11:18-27 with Psalm 32:

Commentary 2 Samuel 11:18-27:

In Judges (Judges 9:50-57), Abimelech was killed by coming too close to the walls of a city under siege. The idea is that Joab knew it was a bad military move to get so close to the walls, but he did it anyway on the command of David.

We have no reason to believe that Bathsheba knew that David arranged the death of her husband. It is likely that David concealed all this from Bathsheba. At the same time, she was partly relieved to hear of her husband’s death, considering now she would not be branded and adultress and she’d be a queen!

David was probably heralded for marrying the wife of one of his soldiers killed in battle.

FUN FACT: This is the first mention of God in the chapter. God witnessed every event and read the intent of every heart, but His displeasure is only implied until this specific statement.

Commentary Psalm 32:

This Psalm is simply titled, A Psalm of David. A Contemplation. The Hebrew word for contemplation (maskil) might be better understood as instruction (Boice). This is the first of twelve psalms with this title. It is full of instruction and contemplation and worthy of meditation, as indicated by the frequent repetition of Selah, three times in only eleven verses.

The Psalm itself does not tell us the specific occasion in David’s life which prompted this song. In Psalm 51 – which was clearly written after David’s sin with Bathsheba and against Uriah – David promised to “teach transgressors Your ways” (Psalm 51:13), and this Psalm may be the fulfillment of that vow. John Trapp said that Psalm 32 and 51 are “tuned together.”

Image result for psalm 32FUN FACT: This was Saint Augustine’s favorite psalm. Augustine had it inscribed on the wall next to his bed before he died in order to meditate on it better.

“The word blessed is in the plural, oh, the blessednesses! the double joys, the bundles of happiness, the mountains of delight!” (Spurgeon)

Psalm 1 tells the way to be blessed: don’t walk in the counsel of the ungodly, don’t stand in the path of sinners, but delight in God’s word – thinking deeply on it all the time. Yet if one has failed to do this and fallen into sin, Psalm 32 shows another way to be blessed – to make full confession and repentance of sin.

King David and sin in his life

David had great opportunity to know this blessedness in his own life. David had seasons of sin and what may be called backsliding or spiritual decline. Notable among these were David’s time at Ziklag (1 Samuel 27, 29-30) and David’s sin regarding Bathsheba and Uriah (2 Samuel 11). In each occasion David came to confession, repentance, and forgiveness.

Therefore, David knew what it was like to be a guilty sinner. He knew the seriousness of sin and how good it is to be truly forgiven. He knew – as Paul would later state in Romans 4:6-8 the blessedness of the man to whom God imputes righteousness apart from works.

3 words used for sin in Psalm 32:

  1. Transgression — crossing a line, defying authority.
  2. Sin — falling short or missing the mark
  3. Iniquity — crookedness and distortion

3 ways God puts away sin:

  1. Forgiven — lifting of a burden or debt
  2. Covered — sacrificial blood covering sin
  3. Does not count against you

David’s misery was directly connected to the oppression of unresolved sin and rebellion against God.

“God’s hand is very helpful when it uplifts, but it is awful when it presses down: better a world on the shoulder, like Atlas, than God’s hand on the heart, like David.” (Spurgeon)

Why misery is a good thing:

  • Misery demonstrates you are in fact a son or daughter of God and God will not allow you to remain comfortable in habitual or unconfessed sin. One who feels no misery has far graver concerns.

The work of the Holy Spirit, convicting the man or woman of God of their sin and hardness of heart, is an essential mark of those who truly belong to God. The consideration of this work is so important that David gave the pause for meditative consideration, Selah. “The Selah indicates a swell or prolongation of the accompaniment, to emphasize this terrible picture of a soul gnawing itself.” (Maclaren)

Theme of Psalm 32: Confession is the path to forgiveness. All we have to do is receive it.

God Himself is our hiding place, a secure shelter. A good hiding place has strength, height, is not easily seen, and is reliable. Jesus is our safe place to fall.

David prophetically spoke in God’s voice unto His people. Through this, God promised to instruct, teach, and guide His people. Fellowship is restored.

Image result for psalm 32David was like a dumb animal that could only be guided through pain or severity. God allowed the Amalekites to devastate David and his men (1 Samuel 30). God sent Nathan to speak sharply to David in his sin (2 Samuel 12). Like a dumb animal, David could not come near to God unless he confessed.

Four Themes of Psalm 32:

  1. Blessedness of forgiveness
  2. Release of guilt and a secret life
  3. God protects His people
  4. God guides His people

BSF Study Questions People of the Promised Land 1: Lesson 20, Day 4: 2 Samuel 12:1-23 with Psalm 51


Image result for psalm 51

Summary 2 Samuel 12:1-23:

Image result for 2 samuel 12The Lord sends Nathan to rebuke David for his sin with Bathsheba. Nathan tells a tale of a rich man taking a poor man’s only sheep to kill for a feast when the rich man had plenty of sheep to kill. David gets angry until Nathan reveals the tale is about David. David admits he has sinned. God punished David by taking the life of this child conceived. David fasts in hopes God will relent, but God does not. The boy dies. God also says someone close to him will lay with his wives in public. David worships the Lord.

Summary Psalm 51:

David asks for mercy, forgiveness for his sins, cleansing, and a pure heart. He will teach others, praise God, and asks God to make Jerusalem prosper.

BSF Study Questions People of the Promised Land 1: Lesson 20, Day 4: 2 Samuel 12:1-23 with Psalm 51:

10) Part personal Question. My answer: David immediately confessed when confronted. He pleads with God not to take his child, but God does anyway. Then David worships the Lord. David accepts the consequences once they’ve happened; however, he does all he can to change God’s mind. Stay calm either way if you’re the one confronted or doing the confronting, and be guided by God through prayer.

11) Part personal Question. My answer: David believes God is a merciful God. He forgives sins. He cleanses. He restores a personal relationship with Him once all sins are repented and forgiven. It’s comforting since no matter what I do, God will forgive me if I confess with the right heart. It challenges me to confess my sins more and admit when I’m wrong, take responsibility, and ask for God to restore me to Him where He graciously wants me to be.

12) Personal Question. My answer: If you repent, you will be forgiven. It is immediate. No strings attached. It is not earned; it is freely given by Jesus through God. It’s always important to confess your sins and accept God’s forgiveness.

Conclusions BSF Study Questions People of the Promised Land 1 Lesson 20 Day 4: 2 Samuel 12:1-23 with Psalm 51:

Two things I like: 1) David offers no excuses for his sins (there aren’t any). 2) David accepts the consequences (his son dying) but still pleads God to change His mind. Once done, it’s done, and David moves on with his life. So many of us are stuck in the past. It’s over. It’s done. Move on. Give it to God to handle. That doesn’t mean in the heat of the moment, we can’t beg God for more mercy. But once judgment is pronounced, we should accept it and move on without the weight of it affecting our lives.

End Notes BSF Study Questions People of the Promised Land 1 Lesson 20, Day 4: 2 Samuel 12:1-23 with Psalm 51:

Commentary 2 Samuel 12:1-23:

God mercifully kept speaking to David even when David didn’t listen. However, you should not presume God will continue to speak to you (Genesis 6:3). When you hear or sense the conviction of the Holy Spirit, you should respond to it immediately.

Nathan used a story to get the message through to David. It was common in those days to keep a lamb as a pet, and Nathan used this story of the pet lamb to speak to his friend David.

Nathan describes theft. David stole Uriah’s wife The Bible (in 1 Corinthians 7:3-5) says in marriage a husband has authority over the body of his wife (and vice-versa). David did not have this authority over the body of Bathsheba. Adultery and sexual immorality are stealing.

What message does Nathan bring?

  • We try to rid our guilty consciences by passing judgment on someone else.
  • We try to find refuge in excuses instead of blaming ourselves.
  • Repentance means restitution.
  • David’s sin showed ingratitude for all God has given.

David must condemn his own sin before he can be forgiven.

David confesses his sin

  • In the original Hebrew, David’s statement I have sinned against the LORD amounts to two words: hata al-Yahweh. Confession doesn’t need to be long to be real and sincere. He took responsibility without blaming others.
  • God’s forgiveness was immediate, and David would be spared the penalty for adultery commanded under the Law of Moses.

Image result for 2 samuel 12The consequences of David’s sin

  • God promised that from that day forward David would know violence and bloodshed among his own family members.
  • David demanded fourfold restitution for the man in Nathan’s parable. God exacted fourfold restitution for Uriah from four of David’s sons: Bathsheba’s child, Amnon, Absalom, and Adonijah.
  • In 2 Samuel 16:21-22, Absalom abused his father’s concubines on the house-top — the very same terrace from where David first looked, liked, and lusted after Bathsheba.
  • David’s child with Bathsheba would die. Sadly, often the innocent suffer because of the sin of the guilty.

In 2 Samuel 12:9 God said that David despised the commandment of the LORD, which means David despised God himself, costing us, amongst other things, fellowship with the Lord.

To emphasize His point, God didn’t even use Bathsheba’s own name. She was the wife of Uriah the Hittite.

David’s reaction to God’s punishment

  • David seeks God’s mercy.
  • Prayer and fasting are submission and surrender to God’s power and will.
  • David had peace when the child died, knowing he did all he could to seek God’s mercy in a time of chastisement.

THEME: The ability to worship and honor God in a time of trial or crisis is a demonstration of spiritual confidence.

Do babies and children go to heaven?

  • David states he would meet his son in heaven. This is an indication that babies and perhaps children who pass from this world to the next will go to heaven.
  •  1 Corinthians 7:14 is an additional promise of assurance that the children of believers are saved, at least until they come to an age of personal accountability (which may differ for each child). However, we have no similar promise for the children of parents who are not Christians.

Commentary Psalm 51:

This Psalm has been long beloved by believers: “It was recited in full by Sir Thomas More and Lady Jane Grey when they were on the scaffold in the bloody days of Henry VIII and Queen Mary. William Carey, the great pioneer missionary to India, asked that it might be the text of his funeral sermon.”

David asks for mercy without excuses for his sin.

“Mercy denotes God’s loving assistance to the pitiful. Unfailing love [loving kindness] points to the continuing operation of this mercy. Compassion [tender mercies] teaches that God feels for our infirmities.” (Boice)

“The plea, blot out, means ‘wipe away’, like the writing from a book ( Exodus 32:32Numbers 5:23).” (Kidner)

David’s sin against God and glory to God

  1. David had sinned against Bathsheba, Uriah, their families, his family, his kingdom, and in a sense even against his own body (1 Corinthians 6:18). Yet all of that faded into the background as he considered the greatness of his sin against God.
  2. David’s confession of sin was not only to relieve himself of the great burden of his sin and guilt. More so, it was to bring glory to God. In confessing his sin, David hoped to confirm God’s justice and holy character, proving that His commands were good and just even when David broke those commands.

Image result for psalm 51David needed cleansing

  • Hyssop was used to apply the blood of the Passover lamb (Exodus 12:22). Hyssop was used to sprinkle the priest’s purifying water (Numbers 19:18). This would be David’s sacrificial substitute.
  • In the Levitical law it was often the priests who used the hyssop to sprinkle the purifying water.
  • David needed God to cleanse him with the blood of the perfect sacrifice anticipated by animal sacrifices.

Purge: “It is based on the word for sin (chattath) and literally means ‘de-sin’ me. David wanted to have his sin completely purged away.” (Boice)

David felt the conviction of the Holy Spirit as if his bones were broken. David prayed his brokenness would lead to joy and gladness.

David pleads for a new heart

David anticipated one of the great promises to all who believe under the New Covenant: I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit within you; I will take the heart of stone out of your flesh and give you a heart of flesh (Ezekiel 36:26).

“The word that begins this section is the Hebrew verb bara, which is used in Genesis 1 for the creation of the heavens and the earth by God. Strictly used, this word describes what only God can do; create ex nihilo, out of nothing.” (Boice)

“With the word Create he asks for nothing less than a miracle. It is a term for what God alone can do.” (Kidner)

David pleads for a steadfast spirit

David is most likely remembering Saul from whom the Spirit of the Lord had departed (1 Samuel 16:14)

David had a great love for the House of the LORD and had sponsored great sacrifices unto God (2 Samuel 6:136:17-18). Yet he understood that one could sacrifice an animal or many animals to God without a broken and contrite heart. Perhaps David had offered many sacrifices at God’s altar in his months of unconfessed sin. He recognized the emptiness of all that, and the value of his present broken spirit and broken and contrite heart.

David desires a restored relationship with God

We don’t know if there was an obvious demonstration of God’s displeasure against the Kingdom of Israel in the period of David’s unconfessed sin. Whether there was or was not, David understood that there was an aspect of restoration in terms of the kingdom that needed to be addressed.

Image result for pretty picturesThe 4 Parts of Psalm 51

  1. Awareness of sin
  2. Desire for cleansing
  3. Recognition of God’s righteous judgment
  4. Understanding of what God wants




BSF Study Questions People of the Promised Land 1: Lesson 20, Day 5: 2 Samuel 12:24-31


Image result for forgiveness

Summary of 2 Samuel 12:24-31:

David comforted his wife, Bathsheba, after their son died. She bore David another son named Solomon, whom the Lord loved and renamed Jedidiah (loved by the Lord). Joab continued the fight against the Ammonites. He requested help from David who captured Rabbah. David turned the Ammonites into slaves and then returned to Jerusalem.

BSF Study Questions People of the Promised Land 1: Lesson 20, Day 5: 2 Samuel 12:24-31:

13) He blessed David with another son, Solomon, whom He loved. He gave David victory finally over the Ammonites.

14) Nathan delivered a message from God that God loved Solomon and Joab told David if he didn’t come, he’d conquer Rabbah himself and name the city after him. Both elicited responses from David in the positive. Nathan helped reassure David that God was still with him. Joab, by threatening David by taking his glory, got David to take action. Nathan encouraged David. Joab prompted David.

15) Personal Question. My answer: God has graced everything about my life and continues to grace everything about my life. He has forgiven me and prompted me to take action. He’s helped me be a better person to all. I need to extend grace to all around me.

Conclusions BSF Study Questions People of the Promised Land 1 Lesson 20 Day 5: 2 Samuel 12:24-31:

Good lesson on God’s redemption and blessings once you confess and accept God’s forgiveness in your life.

End Notes BSF Study Questions People of the Promised Land 1 Lesson 20, Day 5: 2 Samuel 12:24-31:

FUN FACT: This is the first time the Biblical writer called this woman Bathsheba except for the mere reporting of her name in 2 Samuel 11:3. Each time before this she is called the wife of Uriah. Only now, after the chastisement for sin, is she called Bathsheba his wife.

God did not command David forsake or leave Bathsheba, even though his marriage to her was originally sinful. He was to honor God in the marriage commitment he made.

Paul commands the same principle in 1 Corinthians 7:17As the Lord has called each one, so let him walk. In part, this principle in context warns us against trying to undo the past in regard to relationships.

Why does God choose Solomon to be an ancestor of Jesus?

  • God chose this son among David’s many sons to be heir to the throne and the ancestor of the Messiah to demonstrate the truth that God forgives repentant sinners.

Joab struggled for more than a year to conquer Rabbah, and the victory only came when David got things right with God. There was an unseen spiritual reason behind the lack of victory at Rabbah.

Related imageDavid is restored

This was the final phase of David’s restoration. He went back to doing what he should have done all along – leading Israel out to battle, instead of remaining in Jerusalem.

David was in victory once again. His sin did not condemn him to a life of failure and defeat. There was chastisement for David’s sin, but it did not mean that his life was ruined.

David’s sin didn’t take away his crown. Had David refused the voice of Nathan the Prophet and didn’t confess and repent it might have.

Theme for us: Repentant sin does not ruin a life. It restores it.


BSF Study Questions People of the Promised Land 1: Lesson 21, Day 2: 2 Samuel 13


Image result for 2 samuel 13

Summary 2 Samuel 13:

David’s son, Amnon, falls in love with his sister, Tamar. Amnon tricked Tamar and raped her, despite her pleas. Amnon sent her away, leaving Tamar disgraced. David was furious. Two years later, Absalom, Tamar’s brother, kills Amnon for revenge. Absalom fled to Geshur, while David mourned.

BSF Study Questions People of the Promised Land 1: Lesson 21, Day 2: 2 Samuel 13:

3a) He fell in love with his sister. He planned the rape of his sister, Tamar, and then followed through with it. He wouldn’t listen to her when she offered to marry him. Then he turned her away afterwards, leaving her little options since she was no longer a virgin for marriage. She had been shamed. He lied about being sick. He coveted Tamar (10th commandment).

b) Sin begets sin. Establishing “safeguards” doesn’t mean sin won’t keep happening. The only safeguards I see is becoming more and more like Jesus every day, praying, reading the Word, having a heart for God, and getting closer to God. That’s the only way to try and prevent sin and prevent the spread of sin in this broken world.

4) Absalom, even though he will revenge his sister, tells her to “be quiet” and “not to take this thing to heart.” David was furious, but there were no consequences for what Amnon did. David still mourns Amnon’s death even though Tamar “died” by having her prospects for a good life taken from her 2 years earlier. In Deuteronomy, the verse we need to read is verses 28-29 because Tamar was not engaged to be married. Here, the penalty is stated to be 50 shekels of silver and then the man must marry the girl and can never divorce her. None of this happened to Amnon.

5) Part personal Question. My answer: Psalm 9:9, Psalm 46:1, Psalm 116:1-2, Psalm 119:48-52, Lamentations 3:31-62 and many, many more. All comforting verses do that: comfort us and remind us of God’s goodness and presence in our times of suffering.

Conclusions BSF Study Questions People of the Promised Land 1 Lesson 21 Day 2: 2 Samuel 13:

Question 5 is the first question I’ve seen in 2 or 3 years that are just like the old questions. No verses are given. You’re on your own. Finally.

As sad as this passage is, it is true to life in the ancient world. Women were nothing, used and then discarded, and men could do whatever they wanted (to a point) and have no consequences. Yes, Amnon does get what he deserves and does face consequences, but most men did not in ancient times.

End Notes BSF Study Questions People of the Promised Land 1 Lesson 21, Day 2: 2 Samuel 13:

Absalom and Tamar were the children of David through his wife Maacah, who was the daughter of Talmai, king of Geshur (2 Samuel 3:3).

Amnon was David’s first-born son, born from his wife Ahinoam the Jezreelitess (2 Samuel 3:2). Being the first born, Amnon was the crown prince – first in line for the throne of Israel.

Marriage between half-brother and half-sister was forbidden.

The name Tamar means “Palm Tree,” signifying fruitfulness. The name Absalom means “His Father’s Peace.” The name Amnon means “Faithful, Stable.”

Jonadab was a cousin to Amnon, the son of David’s brother (2 Samuel 13:32)

Image result for 2 samuel 13Did Amnon really love Tamar?

  • Amnon lusted after Tamar. Love would never hurt the other person. Referring to her as Absalom’s sister made his lust seem not so bad.

Amnon’s behavior was childish, specifying how he wanted to eat. David indulged him, like he did all his children it seems. David may have felt guilty in having so many wives, children, and responsibilities of state that he didn’t take the time to be a true father to his children. We don’t know why.

Amnon seems to be a spoiled prince who always took what he wanted.

The Law of Moses commanded against any marriage between a half-brother and half-sister (Leviticus 18:11). Tamar probably said she could marry him as a ploy to get away from Amnon.

This is often how the iniquity of the fathers is carried on by the children to the third and fourth generations(Exodus 20:5). A child will often model a parent’s sinful behavior and will often go further in the direction of sin the parent is pointed towards. David’s many marriages and affair with Bathsheba was the kids’ example.

Why does David push Tamar away?

  • Amnon didn’t love her, so he immediately felt guilty over his sin. Tamar was simply a reminder of his foolish sin, and he didn’t want to be reminded.

Was it possible for Amnon to redeem Tamar?

  • What Amnon did to Tamar was wrong, but he could still somewhat redeem the situation by either marrying her or paying her bride-price in accordance with Exodus 22:16-17 and Deuteronomy 22:28-29. The payment was meant to compensate for the fact that Tamar was now less likely to be married because she was no longer a virgin.

Tamar’s robe extended all the way down to the wrists and ankles, as opposed to a shorter one. It was a garment of privilege and status, showing the person did not have to work much. She did not hide what had happened to her.

Tamar was discarded, referred to only as “this woman.”

The revenge

Sheep shearing was a festive time, and it was natural that Absalom had a great feast and invited Amnon and all the king’s sons.

David gave his permission, just like he did with Amnon to have Tamar serve him

God promised David that the sword shall never depart from your house (2 Samuel 12:10) in judgment of David’s sin. This is definitely a partial fulfillment of this promise.

David had committed adultery, made Uriah drunk, and then murdered him: so Amnon committed incest, is made drunk, and then murdered. Like father, like son.

Jonadab brought the “good” news to David that only Amnon is dead, and dead because he forced his sister Tamar. He was probably hoping to gain favor in David’s eyes.

Image result for 2 samuel 13

David’s responsibility for Amnon’s murder

  • David is rightly grieved at learning of the death of his eldest son, the Crown Prince Amnon. Yet David’s lack of correction against Amnon contributed to this murder. If David had administered Biblical correction according to Exodus 22:16-17 and Deuteronomy 22:28-29, Absalom would not have felt so free to administer his own brutal correction.

Absalom did not go to a city of refuge because he was guilty, and the cities of refuge were only meant to protect the innocent.

Absalom’s mother’s father was the king of Geshur (2 Samuel 3:3).

After three years, the sting of Amnon’s murder was not as sharp. David simply longed to be reconciled to Absalom again – without correcting his son for his evil. David’s indulgence towards Amnon is repeated towards Absalom and he will meet a similar end when he rebels against his father.

BSF Study Questions People of the Promised Land 1: Lesson 21, Day 3: 2 Samuel 14-15:12


Image result for 2 samuel 14

Summary 2 Samuel 14:

Absalom returns to Jerusalem through a plot devised by Joab, who knows how much David misses him. Absalom is handsome. He returns and has three sons and a daughter, but can’t see David. After two years and burning Joab’s fields to get his attention, Absalom is reunited with David.

Summary 2 Samuel 15:1-12:

Absalom began to plot against David by ingratiating himself with the Israelites, offering to be their judge and kissing them. He sent messengers to announce he was king (when he wasn’t). He continued to build his coalition.

BSF Study Questions People of the Promised Land 1: Lesson 21, Day 3: 2 Samuel 14-15:12:

6) David didn’t punish Amnon for the rape of his sister, Tamar. Absalom then decided to take revenge himself and kill Amnon. He then flees to Geshur and gets ready to stage a coup against David. David did nothing.

7) Absalom is very methodical and patient. He gets the people behind him and slowly builds military strength and support.

8 ) Personal Question. My answer: I deal forthrightly with them. I make decisions to the best of my ability after praying about them and try to alleviate conflicts through talking to the person. I will respond the same in the future.

Conclusions BSF Study Questions People of the Promised Land 1 Lesson 21 Day 3: 2 Samuel 14-15:12:

Basically, the whole point of this passage is Absalom is plotting against his father to take over Israel.

End Notes BSF Study Questions People of the Promised Land 1 Lesson 21, Day 3: 2 Samuel 14-15:12:

Commentary 2 Samuel 14:

We know that Joab was fiercely loyal to David, and he may have done this to protect David. Joab figured that it was dangerous to have Absalom stewing away in a distant country and felt that the safest thing to do was to bring about reconciliation between father and son.

Joab decided to soften David’s heart towards Absalom by bringing a widow before him with a similar story of estrangement from her son. We saw this tactic used when Nathan told the story of killing the poor man’s only calf that he loved (2 Samuel 12).

The woman of Tekoa tells a story of one son dead and another son threatened with death.

In ancient Israel those who felt that their local judges didn’t treat them fairly had access to the court of the king himself.

The woman of Tekoa referred to the custom of the avenger of blood. The avenger of blood had the responsibility of avenging the death of a member of the family.

The cities of refuge mentioned in Numbers 35:9-34 were meant to protect someone guilty of manslaughter from being killed by an avenger of blood before the case could be heard properly.

David ignored the cause of justice for the sake of family sympathy and loyalty. In personal relationships, it is a good  thing to be generous with forgiveness and mercy when we are wronged. But David had a responsibility as the king and chief judge of Israel, and when he was sorely tempted to neglect that responsibility, he did.

“He guaranteed safety at the expense of justice, and immediately the farsighted woman captured him in her trap.” (Redpath)

How did the woman trick David?

  • She was a widow
  • She wasn’t from Jerusalem
  • She was old
  • Her clothes were ratty and of mourning
  • It was a case of family estrangement — something David knew all about

The woman of Tekoa spoke boldly to David, confronting his sin of not initiating reconciliation with Absalom. Because he was estranged from David and growing more and more bitter, Absalom was a threat to Israel and David allowed it.

Image result for 2 samuel 14David had some responsibility to initiate reconciliation. As king and chief judge of Israel, he also had a responsibility to both initiate reconciliation and to do it the right way. David will not succeed in this.

“He is willing to pardon the meanest of his subjects the murder of a brother at the instance of a poor widow, and he is not willing to pardon his son, Absalom, whose restoration to favour is the desire of the whole nation.” (Clarke)

God reconciles us by satisfying justice, not by ignoring justice.

FUN FACT: This is one of the best gospel texts in the Old Testament. If we are under the chastening of God, we may feel like banished ones. Yet we can put our place of being His banished ones, belonging to Him and trusting Him to bring us back to Him through his son, Jesus Christ.

David’s lack of parenting shows

David was overindulgent with his sons in the past (as when he got angry but did nothing against Amnon in 2 Samuel 13:21). Now David is too harsh with Absalom, refusing to see him after he had been in exiled in Geshur for three years (2 Samuel 13:38).

When parents don’t discipline properly from the beginning, they tend to overcompensate in the name of “toughness.” The children become wrathful (Ephesians 6:4) and makes the parent-child relationship worse.

He was the third son of David (2 Samuel 3:2-5). The firstborn Amnon was gone, and we hear nothing more of Chileab, the second born. It is likely that Absalom was the crown prince, next in line for the throne.

What did David do wrong in reconciling?

  • During these two years, we can imagine that Absalom grew more and more bitter against David. David only offered Absalom partial reconciliation.
  • David offered Absalom forgiveness without any repentance or resolution of the wrong. He was the “chief judge” of Israel, and David excused and overlooked Absalom’s obvious crimes.

Commentary 2 Samuel 15:1-12:

Absalom did not want the chariot for speed, but to make an impressive procession for the people.

Ancient kings were more than the heads of government, they were also the “supreme court” of their kingdom. If someone believed that a local court did not give them justice, they then appealed to the court of the king, where the king or a representative of the king heard their case.

Absalom stirred up dissatisfaction with David’s government and campaigned against David by promising to provide justice that David (supposedly) denied the people.

In an obvious display, he wouldn’t let others bow down to him but would lift them up, shake their hand, and embrace them.

Absalom gave off the image he cared.

Absalom’s plot to become king:

  • Absalom used images to initiate followings
  • Absalom worked hard
  • Absalom positioned himself
  • Absalom looked for troubled people
  • Absalom sympathized with others
  • Absalom never attacked David directly
  • Absalom promised to be better than David

David’s downfall:

  • David was aging
  • David has sinned
  • Absalom was younger and more excited

Image result for 2 samuel 15Absalom’s plot thickens

  • Absalom committed treason under the guise of worship.
  • Absalom counted on Israel seeing his action as succession and not treason.
  • Absalom knew he needed others to endorse him. He counted on the silence to be taken as endorsement, which it was
  • Absalom sent for Ahithophel the Gilonite, David’s counselor, a defector to his side. This genuinely hurt David as he described his feelings in Psalm 41: Even my own familiar friend in whom I trusted, who ate my bread, has lifted up his heel against me (Psalm 41:9).
  • Absalom keeps up his sacrifices for appearance sake

Ahithophel was renowned for his wisdom and wise counsel (2 Samuel 16:23). Ahithophel’s granddaughter was Bathsheba. Perhaps he harbored resentment against David for what happened. (2 Samuel 11:3 and 23:34).

FUN FACT: Go in peace: Ironically, these were David’s last words to Absalom. Upon hearing these, Absalom went to carry on the plot to overthrow him.

BSF Study Questions People of the Promised Land 1: Lesson 21, Day 4: 2 Samuel 15:13-16:14 and Psalm 3


Image result for 2 samuel 15

Summary 2 Samuel 15:13-15:37:

Absalom succeeded in swaying the Israelites to him. David flees, taking his household, loyal followers, and hired mercenaries who decided to follow him. Initially, David takes the Ark of the Covenant with him but then says to return it, and God will decide if he ever sees it again. David plants spies in the palace as Absalom’s servants.

Summary 2 Samuel 16:1-14:

Image result for 2 samuel 15Mephibosheth’s servant brings David donkeys and food for his escape, even though Mephibosheth sees an opportunity to become king, and he returns to Jerusalem. Shimei, a relative of Saul’s, curses David for the blood he has shed. David accepts the cursing, believing Shimei was sent by God to do so.

Summary Psalm 3:

David believes God is his shield, and God will bestow glory upon him. God sustains him, and he will not fear. David asks God to deliver him.

BSF Study Questions People of the Promised Land 1: Lesson 21, Day 4: 2 Samuel 15:13-16:14 and Psalm 3:

9) David believes Absalom will kill them all, including all in Jerusalem. David is still dearly beloved since everyone is weeping as he passes. He also has a lot of people still loyal to him, including Ziba, the steward of Mephibosheth.

10) David felt hurt and betrayed. He prayed that Ahithophel would give foolish counsel. He also sends Hushai the Arkite to frustrate his advice as well.

11) Part personal Question. My answer: He trusts God with Shimei and does not harm him, believing he is being prompted by the Lord to curse him. David also returns the Ark, trusting God to bring him back to Jerusalem if he is to see it again. The trusting in God to handle others and to do it all — that is comforting.

Conclusions BSF Study Questions People of the Promised Land 1 Lesson 21 Day 4: 2 Samuel 15:13-16:14 and Psalm 3:

I love how Ziba returns. Fun to see him again. I love how the best in David has returned, fleeing Jerusalem and choosing not to fight in order to spare the people bloodshed. He allows himself to be pelted by stone, putting his life again in God’s hands, and ordering others not to harm Shimei, the pelter. He even returns the Ark where it belongs. This had to be hard, being the Ark is God on earth.

End Notes BSF Study Questions People of the Promised Land 1 Lesson 21, Day 4: 2 Samuel 15:13-16:14 and Psalm 3:

Commentary 2 Samuel 15:13-37:

The Gittites who were David’s personal bodyguard faithfully followed David from the time he lived among the Philistines (who followed him from Gath). These men who were faithful to David before he became successful also stuck with him when his success seemed to fade away.

Having foreigners rally behind David shows how great of a king he was, despite the Israelites — his own countrymen — turning from him.

How did David feel having to leave Jerusalem?

  • Watching everyone march past him, David was probably very saddened by how this has turned out.
  • David was afraid (Psalm 55:4-8)
  • David’s faith was strong (Psalm 3:1-6)

Psalms 41, 61, 62, and 63 were also written during this period.

Ittai the Gittite:

  • David couldn’t understand why this newly arrived foreigner took the risk of such open loyalty to David.
  • David told Ittai, “Remain with the king.” Ittai answered back, “That’s exactly what I intend to do – and you are the king.”
  • Ittai demonstrated true loyalty to David, which is when being loyal costs you something.
  • Ittai acted decisively.
  • Ittai acted voluntarily.
  • Ittai chose publically.
  • Ittai aligned his faith with David.

David called Absalom the king and left it unto the LORD.

Ascending Mount Olive:

When Jesus went from the Last Supper to the Garden of Gethsemane to pray, he traced these same steps as David. Both David and Jesus suffered for sin, but Jesus suffered for our sins and David suffered for his own.

David’s life was in danger, and he had to flee. Yet he took time to stop at the top of the Mount of Olives, look back upon Jerusalem and the tabernacle, and worship God. Worship is important no matter what circumstances you are walking through.David sent his other aide, Hushai, back to Jerusalem to frustrate Ahithophel’s counsel to Absalom.

Image result for psalm 3Commentary 2 Samuel 16:1-14:

This Ziba was the servant of Mephibosheth, the son of Jonathan to whom David showed great kindness to (2 Samuel 9).

Ziba told David that Mephibosheth went to Jerusalem to get the throne for himself, which was a lie which will be  revealed in 2 Samuel 19:24-30. Ziba left Mephibosheth behind to make it look as if Mephibosheth did not support David.

There are always people ready to rejoice when a leader falls. Shimei had this heart against David for a long time, but he could only show it when David was down and out.

Why Shimei?

  • David actually Saul and his family with great love and graciousness.
  • David was not a bloodthirsty man. It is true that he was a man of war, but not a bloodthirsty man.
  • David did not bring Saul and his family to ruin – Saul himself brought the family to ruin.
  • The LORD was using Shimei and had brought this upon David, but not for any of the reasons Shimei thought.

What we learn from Shimei and David

  • David was willing to hear what God might say to him through a cursing critic.
  • David saw the hand of God in every circumstance
  • David knew that if he did what was right in the present moment, God would take care of the future.

David’s Inner Peace

David was not without hope or comfort. God allowed comfort to find him, even if it was in the small things. David was able to receive the comfort because he was at peace, and he knew that God was in control of Israel.

In refusing to cling to the throne, David was like Jesus, who, being in the form of God, did not consider it robbery to be equal with God, but made Himself of no reputation, taking the form of a bondservant, and coming in the likeness of men. And being found in appearance as a man, He humbled Himself and became obedient to the point of death, even the death of the cross (Philippians 2:6-8). “As we thus follow David through these days of humiliation and shame… we nevertheless understand more perfectly that he was indeed a man after God’s own heart.” (Morgan)

In his book A Tale of Three Kings, Gene Edwards put these words into the mouth of David: “The throne is not mine. Not to have, not to take, not to protect, and not to keep. The throne is the LORD’s.” It was that kind of heart that kept David on-track through such a difficult time.

“This is radiant illustration of the deep and inward peace given to any man who is living in fellowship with God in motive and desire.” (Morgan)

Image result for psalm 3Commentary Psalm 3:

This is the first Psalm with a title: A Psalm of David when he fled from Absalom his sonJames Montgomery Boice points out that since the titles for Psalms are in the canonical text of the Hebrew Bible, “They are to be taken with absolute seriousness throughout.” The events are recorded in 2 Samuel 15-18, but the heart of David at that difficult time is recorded in this Psalm.

Shimei was an example of someone who said that God was against David, and he was just getting what he deserved (2 Samuel 16:8). This thought was painful to David – the thought that God might be against him.

No one can shake David’s confidence in a God of love and help.

God as David’s shield and blessing

Under attack from a cunning and ruthless enemy, David needed a shield. He knew that God was his shield. This wasn’t a prayer asking God to fulfill this; this is a strong declaration of fact.

God was more than David’s protection. He also was the one who put David on higher ground, lifting his head and showing him glory. David’s glory is God.

Sleep was a blessing, because David was under such intense pressure from the circumstances of Absalom’s rebellion that sleep might be impossible. Waking was another blessing because many wondered if David would live to see a new day.

With God sustaining him, David could stand against any foe.  Romans 8:31If God is for us, who can be against us?

Knowing what God had done gives David confidence in what the LORD would do.

Arise, O, Lord: This recalled the words of Numbers 10:35, where Moses used this phrase as the children of Israel broke camp in the wilderness. It was a military phrase, calling on God to go forth to both defend Israel and lead them to victory.

Broken the teeth of the ungodly: This vivid metaphor is also used in Psalm 58:6. It speaks of the total domination and defeat of the enemy. David looked for protection in this Psalm, but more than protection – he looked for victory.

David prayed for his people’s sake as well.

Image result for psalm 3

BSF Study Questions People of the Promised Land 1: Lesson 21, Day 5: 2 Samuel 16:15-18:33


Image result for 2 samuel 17

Summary 2 Samuel 16:15-23:

Ahithophel, David’s former advisor, advised Absalom to sleep with this father’s concubines he left behind as a sign that Absalom is now in charge.

Summary 2 Samuel 17:

Ahithophel advises Absalom to pursue his father and kill only David, bringing the rest of the people back to him. Absalom also consulted Husahi (David’s spy) who advises the opposite — to pursue David with Absalom leading the charge after he gathers more forces and to kill David and all of his men. Absalom follows Husahi’s advice since the Lord has determined to frustrate Absalom and bring him disaster. Husahi sends a message to warn David of the plan. Ahithophel discovers his advice was ignored, so he hangs himself. David was again provided for in his flight.

Summary 2 Samuel 18:

The two armies meet at the forest of Ephraim. 20,000 died, and David won. Absalom got caught in some trees, and Joab ends up killing Absalom while he hung helplessly. When David finds out, he cries and mourns in one of the most poignant outcries in all of literature.

BSF Study Questions People of the Promised Land 1: Lesson 21, Day 5: 2 Samuel 16:15-18:33:

12) Nathan predicts Absalom lying with David’s wives/concubines in broad daylight.

13) Part personal Question. My answer: Ahithophel’s advice was solid; God was using Hushai to corrupt Ahithophel’s advice. God answers prayer. God’s prophecies always come true. Prayer is answered in unexpected ways.

14) David cried and cried out how he wished he would have died instead of Absalom. It’s what goes through the heart and mind of every parent who loses a child — they wish it were them instead. He was heartbroken and anguished, knowing he was the root cause of it all.

Conclusions BSF Study Questions People of the Promised Land 1 Lesson 21 Day 5: 2 Samuel 16:15-18:33:

To me, Joab seems to be a ruthless killer who hides behind justification for his killings and revenges. It’s intimated that he cares for David; however, all we see is him killing off David’s friends and loved ones, making it harder on David.

End Notes BSF Study Questions People of the Promised Land 1 Lesson 21, Day 5: 2 Samuel 16:15-18:33:

Commentary 2 Samuel 16:15-23:

Image result for map of 2 samuel 18Hushai wanted to leave with David and support him (2 Samuel 15:32-34). David thought it was better to send Hushai back to Absalom, to both spy on Absalom and to give him bad advice. Ahithophel was famous for his wise counsel, and David wanted someone on the inside of Absalom’s leadership who might frustrate Ahithophel’s counsel.

Why Ahithophel advise Absalom to sleep with David’s concubines?

  1. In the ancient world, taking the king’s concubines was not only an act of immorality; but also, an act of treason. This was a way for Absalom to not only replace David but also to completely repudiate his father.
  2. Ahithophel needed to protect himself. He had the most to lose if Absalom failed to keep the throne or if David and Absalom reconciled. He would be revealed and rejected as a traitor.
  3. Ahithophel was willing to see these women abused, Absalom grievously sin, and the kingdom of Israel suffer greatly – all simply to satisfy his bitter longing for revenge.

God kept His promise to David: I will take your wives before your eyes and give them to your neighbor, and he shall lie with your wives in the sight of the sun. For you did it secretly, but I will do this thing before all Israel, before the sun (2 Samuel 12:11-12

Commentary 2 Samuel 17:

Ahithophel’s plan was smart. It was bold and had a high probability of success. It would spare Israel a protracted civil war between the supporters of David and the supporters of Absalom.

Hushai’s heart sank when heard of the smart plan Ahithophel suggested. He had to quickly think of a counter-plan so that he could defeat the counsel of Ahithophel, as David asked him to do in 2 Samuel 15:32-35. Hushai’s plan bought David more time

Image result for 2 samuel 18God is in control

Absalom had the smartest man in Israel on his side, but David’s prayer was mightier than Ahithophel’s smarts.

Under Hushai’s plan, Absalom would fail and Ahithophel would be implicated in the conspiracy. He knew all was lost.

Ahithophel committed suicide, and we know that suicide is a sin because it is self-murder and God commanded you shall not murder (Exodus 20:13). Yet suicide should not be regarded as an unforgivable sin. Anyone who does commit suicide has given in to the lies and deceptions of Satan, whose purpose is to kill and destroy (John 10:10)

These otherwise obscure men are given special mention because they helped David in a time of great need.

Commentary 2 Samuel 18:

David knew just what to do in organizing his army. He set them into three divisions under the leadership of Joab, Abishai, and Ittai the Gittite.

David knew that the commander belonged out in the battle. He didn’t want to repeat his previous mistake of not going to battle when he should have (2 Samuel 11:1).

Reasons for David not going to battle:

  1. As the king, his life is more valuable
  2. He could bring reserves if needed
  3. David could not kill his son, Absalom

The experienced leadership of David and his captains was probably the main reason for their overwhelming victory.

God fought for David in unusual ways. Soldiers loyal to Absalom seemed to be “swallowed up” by the woods.

Image result for 2 samuel 18Absalom didn’t seem like a great general, riding a mule into battle.

What was his glory was now his curse – Absalom was literally caught by his own hair in the thick trees of the forest.

Adam Clarke is careful to point out that the text does not say that Absalom was caught by his hair – we assume that. It may be that he was caught by his neck. Nevertheless, the image remains of Absalom hanging in the tree: “So he hung between heaven and earth, as rejected of both.”

Why Joab kill Absalom?

Joab knew that David was generally indulgent towards his children and would never punish Absalom.

He was correct in understanding that it was better for David and for Israel that Absalom was dead. He was not right in disobeying King David, the God-appointed authority over him.

Absalom got what he deserved and Joab would be held accountable for what he did to Absalom, both by God and eventually by David (1 Kings 2:5-6)

Joab wanted to make sure that Absalom’s body was not memorialized as an inspiration to other followers or future rebels.

Absalom did have three sons (2 Samuel 14:27). We surmise that they died before their father did.

Ahimaaz wanted to take David the news of Israel’s victory and Absalom’s death. But Joab wanted to spare Ahimaaz the son of Zadok the burden of being the messenger of bad news.

The Keen of David Explained

  • David was responsible for the death of Absalom because of his indulgent parenting.
  • David was responsible for the death of Absalom because of his sin with Bathsheba and murder of Uriah, after which God promised David: The sword shall never depart from your house, because you have despised Me, and have taken the wife of Uriah the Hittite to be your wife… I will raise up adversity against you from your own house (2 Samuel 12:10-11).
  • David was responsible for the death of Absalom because of his own sinful indulgence of his passions and smaller rebellions against God, which sins and weaknesses were magnified in his sons.

TAKE AWAY: “So in the cry of David, we actually hear the cry of God, for His lost children. His desire to restore, His desire to forgive.” (Smith)

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BSF Study Questions People of the Promised Land 1: Lesson 22, Day 3: 2 Samuel 21-22


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Summary 2 Samuel 21:

Famine reigned in Israel for 3 years as retribution for what Saul did to the Gibeonites. In an effort to make amends to the Gibeonites, David asks them what he can do for them. They demand 7 of Saul’s male relatives to be put to death. David complies. They are killed and David gathers up the bones of the 7 who died, along with Saul’s and Jonathan’s bones, and buries them together. This pleased God, and He began to answer prayers again.

David is still battling the Philistines. He goes out with his men but is too old to continue to do so. David wins many battles.

Summary 2 Samuel 22 (Psalm 18):

David sings a song of praise to God for saving him from his enemies. God is his rock and fortress. He rescued David. God has rewarded David for his loyalty. God does it all, including crushing David’s enemies, delivering him, and exalting him.

BSF Study Questions People of the Promised Land 1: Lesson 22, Day 3: 2 Samuel 21-22:

6) Personal Question. My answer: God keeps His word, and there’s consequences if someone doesn’t keep God’s word. Restitution is important to make up for a wrong done. God is just and good.

  • God expects us to keep our promises.
  • God expects nations to keep their promises.
  • Time does not diminish our obligation to promises.
  • God’s correction may come a long time after the offense.

7) David is close to God and is devoted. David uses vivid images to get his point across. He calls God his rock and fortress. God rescues him from the snares of death. God defended him by making the earth tremble and the heavens shake. God rescued David from deep waters. God is perfect and flawless. God delivered David, and David exalts God above all else.

God’s kindness: God parted the heavens and came down for David. He shot arrows and scattered the enemies. He rescued David because He delighted in him. God trains David’s hands for battle and gives David His shield of victory. He broadens David’s path so he does not turn. He puts nations under him and sets him free from his enemies. God shows unfailing kindness to him.

8 ) Personal Question. My answer: The entire passage is inspiring, as it praises God for all who He is and all that He does for us. My favorite is verse 20: “He brought me out into a spacious place; he rescued me because he delighted in me.” This is God’s love. God loves us so much and delights in us so much that He daily rescues us through His son, Jesus Christ. This encourages me when I am down and inspires me to be more Jesus-like and try to live up to God’s expectations of me every day of my life.

Conclusions BSF Study Questions People of the Promised Land 1 Lesson 22 Day 3: 2 Samuel 21-22:

It’s interesting to see how God punishes other generations for the sins of others in the past. It’s also interesting to see how killing people is normal for retribution, and no one thought twice of killing others to pay for others’ crimes. It makes me glad I live in the 21st century, on this side of heaven after Jesus Christ. It makes me glad for the New Covenant.

At first, you think mankind has changed, but we haven’t. We still “kill” innocent people every day — just under the guise of something else. We’re still punished today, just in different ways.

End Notes BSF Study Questions People of the Promised Land 1 Lesson 22, Day 3: 2 Samuel 21-22:

Image result for 2 samuel 21Commentary 2 Samuel 21:

David wisely sought God in the face of chronic problems.

Apparently at some time during his reign, Saul attacked and killed many of the Gibeonites. This massacre isn’t recorded in 1 Samuel, but David didn’t question that it happened.

In the days of Joshua – more than 400 years before David’s time – Israel swore not to harm the Gibeonites, a neighboring tribe (Joshua 9). God expected Israel to keep its promise, even though the Gibeonites tricked Israel into making the agreement. Saul’s crime was not only in killing the Gibeonites but also in breaking this ancient and important oath.

What do we learn from the Gibeonites retribution:

  • If God has such a high expectations that men keep their covenants, we can have great confidence that He will keep His covenant with us.
  • Good intentions don’t excuse bad actions. God cares about both our intentions and our actions.

How to initiate conflict resolution through David’ example:

  • David did not dictate terms to the Gibeonites. He came to them as a servant, not as a king.
  • The Gibeonites showed compassion: although the Israelites slaughtered their people, they did not ask for the same in return.
  • They only held the man himself responsible: Saul.

In ancient times, the request of the Gibeonites was reasonable. Instead of money, or an “eye for an eye”, they only asked for justice against Saul through his descendants. David agreed.

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The death of Saul’s descendants

  • David did not break his promise to Mephibosheth: he was spared. David would not fulfill one promise at the expense of another.
  • The phrase before the LORD implies God approved of their execution and payment for retribution.
  • The method of death fulfilled the promise of Deuteronomy 21:23: he who is hanged is accursed of God. These descendants of Saul bore the curse Saul deserved and so delivered Israel from the guilt of their sin against the Gibeonites.

Deuteronomy 21:23  also explains why Jesus died the way He did. Galatians 3:13 explains: Christ has redeemed us from the curse of the law, having become a curse for us (for it is written, “Cursed is everyone who hangs on a tree”).

Rizpah – the mother of two of the seven delivered for execution – held a vigil over the bodies until the late rains came. The coming of rain showed that the famine was over, that justice was satisfied, and that Israel was delivered.

The bodies of these men were deliberately left unburied to emphasize that these men were executed as an act of judgment.

David gave these seven a public burial, together with the remains of Saul and Jonathan.

TAKE AWAY FROM UNANSWERED PRAYERS: When we see that our prayers are not answered, we should seek God to ask why.

David ages

  • When David’s strength failed, God protected him through the strength of others.
  • God will continue to raise up leaders when the leaders of the previous generation pass from the scene.
  • David’s legacy lay not only in what he accomplished, but also in what he left behind – a people prepared for victory.

Commentary 2 Samuel 22 (Psalm 18):

With minor variations, this psalm is the same as Psalm 18. It is likely that David composed this song as a younger man – perhaps when Saul died, and he first took the throne, as described in 2 Samuel 8:14, when David had subdued all his enemies, and the LORD preserved David wherever he went. Yet in his old age, David could look back with great gratitude and sing this song again, looking at his whole life. This psalm is a great summary of David’s whole character and attitude through life.

Image result for 2 samuel 22The many titles of God

  • David piled title upon title in praising God because God’s work for David was so big and comprehensive that it couldn’t be contained in one title.
  • God fulfilled the meaning of each title in David’s experience.

God delivers

  • David experienced the LORD’s deliverance from Goliath, Saul, Israel’s enemies, Absalom, and his own sins.
  • Danger surrounded David on every side – physically, spiritually, emotionally, socially.
  • God met David’s need.
  • God spoke on David’s behalf.
  • God delights in us.
  • God answers our distress.

The enemy wants us to believe that we can’t call upon the LORD in our distress.

We can come to God in prayer because of the righteousness we have received in Jesus (1 Corinthians 1:30 and 2 Corinthians 5:21).

God is to man what man is to God

  • When we show mercy to others, God shows us mercy.
  • God gives grace to the humble. ( Proverbs 3:34James 4:6, and 1 Peter 5:5
  • God brings light and strength to us, so we can see and so we can bear and overcome our troubles.
  • God gives protection
  • God gives skill

We see in this psalm that David constantly moved back and forth from speaking about God (He delivers me) to speaking directly to God (You also lift me up).

Paul quotes 2 Samuel 22:50 (Psalm 18:49) in Romans 15:9.

BSF Study Questions People of the Promised Land 1: Lesson 22, Day 4: 2 Samuel 23


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Summary 2 Samuel 23:

In David’s last poem, he shows his deep concern to be a king who pleases God and says a leader in tune with God will always be a blessing to God’s people. He remembers God’s promise that his descendants will always rule. David’s mighty men are remembered, 37 in all.

BSF Study Questions People of the Promised Land 1: Lesson 22, Day 4: 2 Samuel 23:

9) God used David so he could rule over God’s people with righteousness. God brought him everything, including an everlasting covenant, salvation, and his every desire. God did it all.

10) Personal Question. My answer: They fought in battle for him. They got him water when he needed it. Doing for others constantly is the best way to sacrifice and show love. Put your needs/wants/desires last.

11) Personal Question. My answer: God works through others to bring victory to you. David’s mighty men fought with God on their side who provided victory. The victorious Christian life is about letting God fight your battles and  win your victories.

Conclusions BSF Study Questions People of the Promised Land 1 Lesson 22 Day 4: 2 Samuel 23:

This is a great chapter. It shows how David’s whole life was about God, and how God did it all for David, including providing the support David needed to rule effectively and successfully. Great lesson.

End Notes BSF Study Questions People of the Promised Land 1 Lesson 22, Day 4: 2 Samuel 23:

Image result for 2 samuel 23These are not the very last words of David, just his final thoughts at the end of his life.

David’s life:

  • Jesse was a humble farmer as David was.
  • God raised David up.
  • David was anointed by God, not by himself or merely by man.
  • David had a beautiful gift of eloquence and expression before God. This title reminds of David’s deep inner life with God.

David ruled by:

  • Justice
  • Fear of God

David’s Biblical History:

David’s son, Solomon’s Biblical History:

  • Solomon is barely mentioned in the rest of the Scriptures and when he is, it is almost in a backhanded way (see Matthew 6:28-29 and Matthew 12:42).
  • Solomon’s passion in life was personal improvement (1 Kings 3:4-15).
  • Solomon forsook God in his later years (1 Kings 11:4-8).

Covenant with David based on God’s faithfulness only.

Theme of David’s Life

  • The Lord is in control.
  • Rest in Him.
  • Don’t fret yourself because of the evildoers that bring evil devices to pass.
  • Trust in Him.
  • Delight in the Lord.

David was Israel’s greatest king and the most prominent ancestor of Jesus Christ because of his relationship with God. The New Testament begins with these words: The book of the genealogy of Jesus Christ, the Son of David (Matthew 1:1)

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David’s Mighty Men

The triumph of the church as a whole depends upon the personal victory of every Christian. Dare to be a Daniel! Dare to stand alone! Dare to have a purpose firm! Dare to make it known!’Dare to be an Eleazar, and go forth and smite the Philistines alone.

The men who retrieved the water for David was sacrificed to God because the sacrifice was too great for David himself.

These remarkable men were the foundation of David’s greatness and success of his reign. They did not come to David as great men, but God used David’s leadership to transform these men who were in distress, in debt and discontented, who met David back at Adullam Cave (1 Samuel 22:1-2) into mighty men.

“More than all his victories against outside foes, the influence of his life and character on the men nearest to him testify to his essential greatness.” (Morgan)

BSF Study Questions People of the Promised Land 1: Lesson 22, Day 5: 2 Samuel 24 with 1 Chronicles 21


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Summary 2 Samuel 24:

Image result for 2 samuel 24David takes a census of Israel and Judah moved by Satan. After 9 months and 20 days, the number of men numbered 800,000 in Israel and 500,000 in Judah. David confesses his sin (for not having faith in the Lord for fighting purposes), and Gad the prophet gives him 3 choices for consequences:

  1. 3 years of famine
  2. 3 months of fleeing from your enemies
  3. 3 days of plague

The plague was chosen, and 70,000 people died. David sacrificed to the Lord on the threshing floor of Araunah the Jebusite to stop the plague.

Summary 1 Chronicles 21:

Satan incited David to take the census. In all, there were 1,100,000 men, including 470,000 in Judah, but excluding the Levites and the Benjaminites.  The passage from here is almost identical to 2 Samuel 24.

BSF Study Questions People of the Promised Land 1: Lesson 22, Day 5: 2 Samuel 24 with 1 Chronicles 21:

12) David wanted to survey his kingdom in order to glory it its size and its potential military strength. God wanted David to continue to rely on divine help and guidance, not national pride. Exodus says, “When you take a census of the Israelites, each one must pay the Lord a ransom for his life.” Also, the David tempted David it says in 1 Chronicles 21

13) Part personal Question. My answer: God gives David a choice of punishments (which He does us as well). He forgives David and ends the plague early out of mercy. The personal side of this questions would take hours to recount. God is merciful by forgiving my sins, providing a Savior, and giving me so much in this world I don’t deserve.

14) David asks for forgiveness and mercy. He sacrifices costly sacrifices. Self-sacrificing is what I see in my culture. Helping others. Obeying God. Doing the right thing.

Conclusions BSF Study Questions People of the Promised Land 1 Lesson 22 Day 5: 2 Samuel 24 with 1 Chronicles 21:

This is a great chapter. It shows how David’s whole life was about God, and how God did it all for David, including providing the support David needed to rule effectively and successfully. Great lesson.

End Notes BSF Study Questions People of the Promised Land 1 Lesson 22, Day 5: 2 Samuel 24 with 1 Chronicles 21:

Commentary 2 Samuel 24:

The translators of the New King James Version believe that “He” in this sentence applies to God because they capitalize it. Yet 1 Chronicles 21:1 tells us, Now Satan stood up against Israel, and moved David to number Israel. The best explanation is that Satan prompted King David and is the “he” of 2 Samuel 24:1. Yet the Lord expressly allowed it as a chastisement against David (Nothing happens without God knowing or allowing).

In ancient cultures, a man only had the right to count or number what belonged to him. Israel didn’t belong to David; Israel belonged to God. It was up to the Lord to command a counting, and if David counted, he should only do it at God’s command and receiving ransom money to “atone” for the counting.

Once again, we see Joab as the voice of reason. He told David to quit mourning Absalom’s death in 2 Samuel 19, and now he asks David to reconsider his pride and his sin. The captains tried to tell David as well.

The total population would be 6 million in Israel based off the number of men at this time..

David’s three choices:

  1. Famine put the poor at risk who would not be able to afford the food
  2. War put all the soldiers at risk
  3. Plague was the equalizer — all were at risk

David chose plague because it was the only one he could suffer from.

The threshing floor of Araunah

2 Chronicles 3:1 tells us that the threshing floor of Araunah was on Mount Moriah; the same hill where Abraham offered Isaac (Genesis 22:2), and the same set of hills where Jesus died on the cross (Genesis 22:14).

This also became the site of Solomon’s temple (1 Chronicles 21:28-22:5).

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A threshing floor

FUN FACT: “David’s altar was the only one in pre-exilic times which God explicitly commanded to be built.” (Selman)

“The decision of God to establish his altar and temple at Moriah in Jerusalem has affected all history (cf. Revelation 11:1); for this mountain became the focus of the Holy City, where His Son was crucified. And it will continue to affect history; for from this ‘city he loves’, he will some day rule the nations of the earth (Isaiah 2:2-4).” (Payne)

David knew that it would not be a gift nor a sacrifice unto the LORD if it did not cost him something. He didn’t look for the cheapest way possible to please God.

David knew that the death of the 70,000 in Israel of the plague did not atone for his and Israel’s sin. Atonement could only be made through the blood of an approved substitute.

Burnt offerings were to atone for sin; peace offerings were to enjoy fellowship with God.

1 Chronicles 21:26 tells us that God showed His acceptance of David’s sacrifice by consuming it with fire from heaven. God honored David’s desire to be right and to fellowship with God by answering with Divine blessing from heaven. So it always is when God’s children draw near to their God and Father for cleansing and fellowship.

Commentary 1 Chronicles 21:

FUN FACT: “For the first time in Scripture, the word ‘Satan’ appears without the definite article as a proper noun.” (Payne)

Why were the Levites and Benjaminites not counted?

“Joab, seeing that this would bring down destruction upon the people, purposed to save two tribes. Should David ask, Why have you not numbered the Levites? Joab purposed to say, Because the Levites are not reckoned among the children of Israel. Should he ask, Why have you not numbered Benjamin? he would answer, Benjamin has been already sufficiently punished, on account of the treatment of the woman at Gibeah: if, therefore, this tribe were to be again punished, who would remain?” (Clarke)

240 ounces of gold was worth about one hundred thousand dollars. Second Samuel 24:24 notes a much smaller amount, 20 ounces of silver, for the threshing floor itself.

God simply uses Satan’s provocation at the opening of this chapter to answer of the question for David and for the nation of Israel: where to build his temple. There were other purposes of God at work here as well.

What does Ornan’s Threshing Floor Teach us?

Ornan’s threshing floor shows us where and how God wants to meet with men.

  • A simple, unadorned place – not like a fancy church at all.
  • A place of ordinary work.
  • A place bought with money.
  • A place from where bread was brought forth.
  • A place where the justice of God was evident.
  • A place where sin was confessed.
  • A place where sacrifice was offered and accepted.

God had sanctified the place Himself with fire from heaven. 2 Chronicles 7:12Isaiah 56:7(Deuteronomy 12:11)

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BSF Study Questions People of the Promised Land 1: Lesson 23, Day 2: 1 Kings 1:1-27


Summary 1 Kings 1:1-27:

King David is aging, and his advisors come up the idea to get him a virgin to keep him warm. Her name was Abishag. David’s son, Adonijah, decides to be king, unbeknownst to David. Bathsheba, Solomon’s mother, is enlisted by Nathan the prophet to tell King David this. Nathan confirms the news to David

BSF Study Questions People of the Promised Land 1: Lesson 23, Day 2: 1 Kings 1:1-27:

3) One, David is old. He rallied up the troops and the populace with a procession of sorts. He enlisted the support of key personnel in David’s household: Joab, Abiathar. He sacrificed sheep cattle, and calves to God. He invited all his brothers and all the royal officials to the feast. Adonijah copied his brother, Absalom. He marketed himself.

4a) King David needed to control Adonijah and tell him no, he wasn’t the chosen one. Nathan did right; he did not support Adonijah.

b) Personal Question. My answer: Unsure what this question is referring to since it is so general. My responsibility is as a parent, wife, friend, and person of God, so you could say everything I do is a God-given responsibility.

5) Personal Question. My answer: I influence my kids, my friends, and my colleagues and anyone else who cares to watch me.

Conclusions BSF Study Questions People of the Promised Land 1 Lesson 23 Day 2: 1 Kings 1:1-27:

Questions were really general this go around. It’s a good example though of how many take advantage of the elderly. Great lesson for us to pay attention too as many of us have friends and family who are seniors, and we need to watch out for them.

End Notes BSF Study Questions People of the Promised Land 1 Lesson 23, Day 2: 1 Kings 1:1-27:

David was about 70 at this time. He seems even older than his years; but for David, it wasn’t just the years – it was the mileage. He seemed to live the lives of four or five men in his lifetime.

Having a woman for comfort was a recognized medical treatment in the ancient world, mentioned by the ancient Greek doctor Galen. When Josephus described this in his Antiquities of the Jews, he said that this was a medical treatment and he called the servants of 1 Kings 1:2 “physicians.”

David almost certainly made this young woman his concubine. While it was unwise for David to take more than one wife, it was not at that time illegal or specifically prohibited by God. Later, Adonijah would condemn himself to death by asking for Abishag as a wife. His request would only be so outrageous if Abishag had belonged to David as a concubine.

The question of David’s successor had to be addressed. King David could not last much longer, and his family history had been marked by treachery and murder. At this point, it was worth wondering if there could be a bloodless transition from David to the next king.

The presumption of Adonijah

2 Samuel 3:2-5 describes the sons of David and lists Adonijah as the fourth son. Two of the three sons older than Adonijah were dead (Amnon and Absalom), and we suspect that the other older son (Chileab) either also died or was unfit to rule because he is never mentioned after 2 Samuel 3:3. As the oldest living son of David, by many customs Adonijah would be considered the heir to the throne. But the throne of Israel was not determined by hereditary succession; God determined the next king.

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David’s failure as a father

  •  David did not seem to have a very good relationship with his father (1 Samuel 16:11). and thus not a good example.
  • This was no excuse. David has God as an example  (Psalm 23:4)
  • David never corrected his kids  Proverbs 29:17

Sadly, Joab (David’s chief general) and Abiathar (the high priest of Israel) each supported Adonijah. They did not consult the LORD or David in giving their support to this unworthy son of David.

Joab may have sought revenge for David’s choice of Amasa over him (2 Samuel 19:13), and because Benaiah now had more authority over military affairs. Abiathar might have been jealous of Zadok the high priest (2 Samuel 8:17

Nathan warns King David about Adonijah

Nathan knew that if Adonijah became king, he would immediately kill every potential rival to his throne, including Bathsheba and Solomon.

David did promise Bathsheba Solomon would be king 1 Chronicles 22:5-9

The last place we saw Nathan was in 2 Samuel 12, where he rebuked his friend David over the scandal with Bathsheba and the murder of Uriah. Nathan seems to have always been there for David. Yet now, at the end of his days, David received Nathan; the sense is that he remained a trusted friend. David did not treat Nathan as an enemy when he confronted him with a painful truth.

BSF Study Questions People of the Promised Land 1: Lesson 23, Day 3: 1 Kings 1:1-28-53


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Summary 1 Kings 1:28-53:

David has Solomon appointed king. He is anointed by Zadok the priest at Gihon. Upon hearing this, the supporters of Adonijah fled, and Solomon spares Adonijah’s life.

BSF Study Questions People of the Promised Land 1: Lesson 23, Day 3: 1 Kings 1:28-53:

6) Part Personal Question. My answer: David acts decisively when he needs to and does everything by the book. It shows we all need to act when the time has come, especially if God says to do so.

7) Jonathan told Adonijah that Solomon was made king. The people were afraid of retribution from supporting Adonijah, so they fled.

8 ) Part personal Question. My answer: Solomon responded with grace and compassion by not killing Adonijah. I need more compassion, caring, empathy, sympathy, and understanding.

Conclusions BSF Study Questions People of the Promised Land 1 Lesson 23 Day 3: 1 Kings 1:28-53:

We see the best in both David and Solomon here. David doing the right thing when he has to, and Solomon sparing his brother when he didn’t have to.

Link to great book of Kings summary video HERE

End Notes BSF Study Questions People of the Promised Land 1 Lesson 23, Day 3: 1 Kings 1:28-53:

Image result for 1 kings chapter 1David stepped aside, quickly and decisively, so Solomon could rule.

This is a rare glimpse of all three offices in cooperation – prophet, priest, and king. Each of these offices was fulfilled in Jesus.

David made sure the proclamation of Solomon as successor was known.

  1. Solomon rode on David’s mule
  2. Zadok the priest and Nathan the prophet anoint him.
  3. Horn blew
  4. “Long live King Solomon!”
  5. Solomon sat on the throne.

The mule in the Old Testament

  • “Since Hebraic law forbade crossbreeding (Leviticus 19:19), mules had to be imported and were therefore very expensive. So while the common people rode donkeys, the mule was reserved for royalty.” (Dilday)
  • “As David offered Solomon to ride on his own mule, this was full evidence that he had appointed him his successor.” (Clarke)

“Gihon, the site of the anointing, was just outside the city in the Kidron Valley, on the east bank of Ophel. It was at this time Jerusalem’s major source of water and was therefore a natural gathering place of the populace” (Patterson and Austel).

Solomon’s mercy to Adonijah

According to almost universal custom in the ancient world, a religious altar was a place of sanctuary against justice or vengeance. An accused man might find safety if he could flee to an altar before he was apprehended.

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It is important to understand that this ancient custom was not used in Israel to protect a guilty man. But if a man acts with premeditation against his neighbor, to kill him by treachery, you shall take him from My altar, that he may die (Exodus 21:14).

  • Solomon gave Adonijah a limited reprieve. This went against all custom in the ancient world. It was common, even expected, that when a new king assumed the throne, he would execute every potential rival. Solomon not only let a potential rival live, but one who openly tried to subvert his reign. This was a large measure of grace and mercy on the part of Solomon, and a good start to his reign.
  • At the same time, Solomon wanted Adonijah to know that if he should show the slightest inclination towards rebellion, he would be killed instantly. Mercy would be withdrawn and justice would be delivered quickly.

Adonijah knew he received great mercy from Solomon, and he wanted to show his gratitude for it and his reliance upon Solomon’s mercy.

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